General Study advice for a starting M1?

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Oct 27, 2013
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I’m starting as an M1 in one month; what are your best study methods and resources? How do you organize your notes? Any equipment/software you think is a must? I’m looking for any tips related to study tactics (specific to med school) and organization suggestions!

Thanks in advance for sharing your wisdom!

Spaced repetition is very common. But what it ultimately comes down to is the amount of time you put into studying.

As for resources, this will depend on your personal preference and how you learn - whether or not you prefer reading, lecture style videos or class lectures, or using things that are visual.

The most common resources that I see people using across the board are: Robbins textbook, Pathoma, Sketchymedical (namely micro and pharm, but they also have path and IM now), First Aid, and boards and beyond. Other great ones that I've heard about lately that are newer are physeo and osmosis. Keep in mind that this is meant for classwork for years 1-2, which these can also double as board study later, but there are additional things to use when you start for boards - you don't need to worry about boards study yet.

One thing of note. DO NOT RESOURCE OVERLOAD.

Nearly everyone gets first aid whether they really use it or not - I had it but didnt really use it all that much, but anyway, in the back - there are a few pages of resources that people over the years have surveyed about and they've been "graded" to give an idea of how people felt about given resources.

For convenience, I'd recommend an iPad or Surfacepro - something that you can handwrite notes on a tablet of sorts. This is because the apps that you can use can often be access on multiple devices, and you can search your handwriting for particular words to find something more quickly. You can also download textbooks if you use those onto those devices and write directly on them, and again be able to search handwriting in addition to the text.

This was a mix of my experience and observation throughout medical school and boards.

Hope this helps in some way!

Congrats and Good luck!

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This was very helpful! Thank you so much! You’re the second person who has recommended an iPad for note taking. Any particular apps you liked the most?

Some people will recommend OneNote, but I felt it was too slow and it took forever to open up things you did on another device.

What I felt was extremely easy to use was GoodNotes, which linked up seamless with my phone for looking up something on the good when I was rotating for instance. The downfall is that this is no desktop app/webpage that I'm aware of, so it's a little restrictive to ipad/phone use (but the features, ease, etc made up for it for me - especially because I usually only had my computer open for practice questions or lecture notes/lecture recording/whatever video I was watching to study/review.
There are other apps as well - that was just for note taking. UWorld app is very convenient for when you start board review. Others too depending on the resources you choose to use. The other apps though that I used are more for while on rotations/residency (i.e. UpToDate, Medscape, Lexicomp, MDCalc, LactMed etc).
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