Stories from the interview trail

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Apr 27, 2002
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Ok you guys...

Does anyone have any funny, scary, eye-opening or down-right strange incidents (or interview questions) to share about the interview trail? It might be too early in the season for this but I figure the early Match folks could also chip in. You can keep the names of the institutions anonymous. Let me know what you think! :clap:

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I will tell you a funny story about my very first interview. I went into see my first interviewer and he had some elaborate form the program had made with suggested questions, like what is your favorite book, etc.. then his pager went off and he told me to follow him to first the recovery room to see a pt he just finished who was having SOB, then we stopped by the ER to see a brewing appy, and finished by cruising by the trauma bays to make sure a pt with a broken femur didnt have any other injuries. No real pimping or anything, but it was definetly more fun than answering questions with canned answers!

BTW: I am going for surgery and have had several interviews and none of my interviewers really asked any type of questions like what is your favorite movie/book, etc.. just all business. A refreshing relief from what I expected!
Ok, yesterday I found out that a classmate of mine had to carve a bar of soap into the talus for his Cleveland Clinic Ortho interview. Has anyone else had to demonstrate manual dexterity for an interview??? :eek:
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a good friend of mine (who matched at hopkins for orthopaedics) said that their interview process was like an obstacle course. room after room each with an activity. and he had to sculpt various things out of clay in one of the rooms. this is why i know i could never do ortho, i am just not artistic like that.
Nothing on the general surgery theme, but one of my classmates just got back from a radiology interview and his interviewer handed him a "where's Waldo book," flipped to a page, and she said "find him." Took him about 40 seconds, but he said it felt like forever!

Somewhat appropriate for rads though:)
I walked into my interviewer's office today and they had a life-size cut-out of Mini-Me. I was cool with that until I saw the beenie babies lining their bookcase and computer monitor...hmm...
Originally posted by UI2003
Ok, yesterday I found out that a classmate of mine had to carve a bar of soap into the talus for his Cleveland Clinic Ortho interview. Has anyone else had to demonstrate manual dexterity for an interview??? :eek:

Quite common actually for the Integrated Plastic Surgery programs. :D