StardeWW 2: Ginger Island - GAME THREAD

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Jan 14, 2013
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(music for ambiance)

Has it really been over a year since you hoed your first row? Stepping off the train that fateful day with only a handful of money and a couple packets of seeds that the mayor gave you out of pity, and look at where you are now.

Once you understood how to live off the land and be the best farmer you could be, you began to enjoy the pastoral side of life. The townspeople were mostly friendly - all friendly to your face, but you knew some were whispering and conspiring in the shadows. A small town always has those. A small town doesn't always have sentient animals who farm too, but that was a nice touch.

You spent a lot of time at the general store over the last year, purchasing more seeds of course, but oftentimes purchasing some of the items that were available to help you farm. You glance through the storefront as you're walking through the town and see Pierre setting up some new shelves. He must have gotten some new inventory in. You're glad to see that he was able to reopen eventually. Watching the store fall to Jojamart's corporate crony capitalism was heartbreaking. It's good to see the local economy beginning to make a comeback.

A warm breeze lifts the hair on your head as you look around Ginger Island. It's the perfect place to farm: warm with regular rainfall, good healthy soil. Today, you're breaking ground on your second farm, and you've never been more ready. The locals tell you there's something different about this place, but you've got a good feeling about your next adventure here.

Welcome to StardeWW 2: Ginger Island

The thread will be opened at 10am CDT.​

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Rules and Participation Requirements

1. Most importantly: this is a game and is meant to be fun. Personal attacks will not be tolerated. Players resorting to personal attacks will be removed from gameplay without warning. NO EXCEPTIONS, AND NO SUBS FOR MODKILLED PLAYERS.
Examples of behavior we do not tolerate: name calling (e.g. “shorty is being a b****”), calling other players’ play poor/bad/subpar, or personal attacks ("shorty is an insufferable toddler"). Please note that calling someone a wolf or wolfy is not a personal attack.

2. Voting will close at 10 PM CDT (12 AM Mermaidland/11 PM EDT/8 PM PDT). Night will close at 10 AM CDT or earlier if all submissions are received. If we find that night closes are taking so long to process that we're opening the thread late, we may impose a cutoff time for action submissions 1-3 hours prior to official close.

3. Do not discuss the game outside of the thread or your role PM. Do not open PMs with other players. There may be mechanics for PMs in this game, but PMing willy-nilly is not allowed.

4. Players must make 10 content posts per 36 hour day cycle. Naked votes do not count as content posts. Players not meeting this requirement will receive a single warning; multiple infractions will result in death. This game is the result of many, many hours of collaboration. We have put a lot of work into it. Please actually play it.

5. Dead players: please keep your on-thread posts to a minimum, and if you do post, please do so in ******stars******. Please do not react to strategy posts in the game once you are dead. Same goes for sidecars, tots and subs - please do not react to strategy posts at all.

6. Ties will be resolved through mass execution.

7. Please do not quote, screenshot, or copy/paste from your mod PM. Please don’t fake quotes, screenshots, or copy/pastes from a mod PM either.

8. Editing posts is permitted, but do not delete them. Remember to unvote if you are changing your vote.

9. Votes must be formatted in bold or #########surrounded by octothorpes#########. Please make the mods’ lives easier by not hiding your vote in a wall of text. Please use the terms “vote” or “yeet” when placing your vote. In mayoral elections, please use the terms "vote" or "elect."

10. Do not discuss or share night results before the night write-up is posted. Strategizing between vote closing and write up is permitted, including for the person voted out. Discussing night results prior to write-up posting will get you whipped, and not in the good way.

11. If you require a sub due to unavoidable circumstances, please contact the mods in your role PM, and do not discuss it on the thread.

12. We frown upon the use of village code and angleshooting. It will not help you in this game. All it will do is annoy the mods, and we have twitchy trigger fingers.
Examples of what we consider village code or angleshooting:
"My role PM contains the phrase "vanilla beans are the best beans," does anyone else have that phrase?"
"All the wolves that flipped were creatures you find in the mines, so let's all role reveal and solve by role names".

This game, like other shorty games, is specifically designed so it cannot be solved that way. So don't do it. You won't be mod smited for it, but there are probably assumptions built into the game to punish it.

Also, there may be some differences in how your currency is noted in your role PMs depending on which mod sent it. $g and g are the same currency.

13. This game has the opportunity to buy and sell things. Please communicate your financial decisions in your role PM in the same manner you would submit night actions, e.g.:
N1: shorty dumps out the contents of her piggy bank and uses them to buy 3 real piggies. This game also has the opportunity to send people things in the mail; please submit these decisions similarly, e.g. N1: shorty sends a smol crocheted Sylveon to Dina.​
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Game-Specific Mechanics

This game has some unusual mechanics in it. Some you'll discover along the way, but there are some rules around others that you should read. You really should read all the rules posts, but especially read this one, even if you are a self-proclaimed mechanics hater.


This is a game based on a game based on a game about farming. As such, you will have the opportunity to grow and sell crops and other products. Seeds and animals will be available for purchase after voting closes. There is an unlimited amount of each seed type and animal at the store. Animals cannot be purchased until you have purchased and built appropriate housing for them. A coop or barn can be purchased at the store; a coop will be ready to house birds the following night cycle. Barns are larger and take more time to build, and will be available for use 2 cycles after purchase. Seeds can be planted immediately after purchasing; e.g. you can submit a night action of N1: shorty purchases and plants 10 parsnips. Please submit your farming actions in your role PM during nights in the same format as you submit other night actions.

Unlike in Stardew Valley, Ginger Island is tropical and does not have seasons. You can plant any of the available seeds at any time and they will grow. Crops have different growing times, much like the real game; this will be listed alongside the description of the seed packet in the store. Crops will automatically harvest when they complete their growing time. NEW THIS YEAR: sometimes crops just fail to germinate effectively. The relative risk of failure for each crop will be included in its description in the store. You will have to decide what level of risk you are comfortable with.

When you sell crops, they are sold to the bank. You cannot sell crops to other players. You do not need to sell all of your harvest at a time if you want to hang onto some of it. However, you must specify prior to the harvest time for that crop if you are going to keep any of it and how many units you will be keeping.

FESTIVALS!! As in the game, there will be festivals at specific intervals (in this case, D2, D5, D8, (D11 if we get there). Festivals will come with a task, which may consist of solving a puzzle or something crops-based, like contributing a crop to a soup or creating a grange display of some of your best crops. Winning a festival will get you some reward(s) that will help you in the game.

Friendship Hearts

Once again, building friendships with other townspeople is an option in this game. NEW THIS YEAR: we very much learned from last year's mistakes in how we executed this :laugh:. To increase your friendship hearts with players, you can send them mail with your night actions. Please note that the postal service will not permit spamming: while you may send multiple things in the mail in any given night, you can only send a given individual ONE PIECE OF MAIL PER NIGHT. Please submit these actions in your role PM as you do all the other actions.

Friendships will slowly decay over time if they're not maintained, just like the real world. You'll find that as you raise the friendship hearts level through sending postcards, items, or a harvested crop, you will unlock different ways to build an alliance with that person.

The Store

There will be opportunities to purchase a limited number of items from the store each night, other than seeds and animals. Items are first-come, first-serve, and submissions must be made in your role PM to purchase them, e.g. "shorty buys the axe." You may only purchase ONE ITEM at a time in addition to things you need for farming (seeds, animals, fertilizer) and things for friendship (postcards), and you will not be able to purchase another item until you have used or otherwise gotten rid of the one you had. NEW THIS YEAR: if you successfully purchase an item, it will be given to you at the end of that night cycle, rather than the following cycle. Prices in the store are not fixed and are subject to change with the strength of the economy.

Day 0 and Night 0

This game is starting in Day 0 to give everyone a night to get your farms started. Day 0 will be a mayoral election. NO NON-FARMING ACTIONS WILL OCCUR DURING N0, INCLUDING FACTIONAL ABILITIES. This cycle is purely for electing your mayor and getting your crops started so that you're ready for the festivals. There may be benefits for taking on a public service role.


This is a lot of information thrown at you all at once. Please do not hesitate to ask the mods for clarification in your role PMs if some of these mechanics are confusing.​
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Just like in the real Stardew Valley game, there are festivals you can participate in. Festival participation is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended. Festivals in this game do not occur in the chronological order of the game for some logistics reasons. We will not reveal what the prize(s) are ahead of time, but an idea of what the festivals entail is given below so you can prepare adequately. The schedule of festivals is as follows:

Day 2: Spirit's Eve Festival. In this celebration of Spooktober, you will need to be the fastest to solve a challenging logic teaser, with your answer submitted in your role PM.

Day 5: Luau. In this celebration of summer, which can happen at any time because it's a tropical island, the town comes together for a big potluck soup. You'll be contributing a harvested crop or animal product of your choice to the soup.

Day 8: Stardew Valley Fair. The fair brings together everyone to show off their best harvested crops from the year. Fair contestants must create a grange display of 5 of the crops they're proudest of. Your display can have repeats of the same crop or can be 5 unique things. Animal products are permitted in grange displays.

Day 11: Flower Dance.
The Flower Dance festival is most renowned for its tricky Easter egg hunt. Or is it an Easter egg hunt? One of those.

Festival winners will be announced on thread with lots of glory and fanfare. Prizes will not be publicly revealed by the mods, though winners may use their discretion in whether they want to share what their prize spoils were.​
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Lastly, we ask for your patience for night action processing. This game has a LOT of moving parts and nonstandard mechanics, as you've gathered from the above posts, and closes may take us a significant amount of time to ensure accuracy. As mentioned in the rules post, if we find that processing time is getting excessive, we will set a cutoff time for action submission prior to technical night close so that we can get everything taken care of and thread opened on time.

Thanks for playing!! We are excited for all of you to join us on another agricultural adventure. :biglove::biglove::biglove:

The mod squad​
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19 players remain.

1. @potentialsheltervet
2. @Animal Midwife
3. @alleycat03
4. @Viscernable
5. @Clem J
6. @Zenge142
7. @WildZoo
7.7 @Stagg737
8. @SARdoghandler
9. @bluestoat
10. @mightyrunner7
11. @lucy.
12. @JaggedJimmyJay
13. @Barkley13
14. @miranda920
16. @samac
17. @Coopah
>. @NateTheLesser
21. @Santygrass

Arriving on the Friday evening train:
18. @genny

1. @PlumPoppy
2. @futuredogtor614
3. @motheatenlysis
4. @matthirten13

1. @chicandtoughness
2. @Lawpy
3. @SportPonies

1. @justafluff

It is now Day 0. Participate in the democratic process and elect your mayor! Vote closes tomorrow, 3/15, at 10pm CDT.
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brb contacting my attorney to interpret mechanics
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Oooo I’m not late!

Elect shelty
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Anyone that played the previous Stardew Valley game (or otherwise) have the scoop on what the mayor does?
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I just realized when I campaigned for mayo -> wolf
Zenge -> wolf
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Such are the treasures of a quiet life - D0 Mayoral Tally


AM (1) - Barky
Coop ()
Barky (1) - samac
PSV (1) - Vis

No one is in the lead, but a lot of people are not!
3/19 voting
Missing: everyone who isn't that lot up there ^

Vote closes tomorrow, 3/15, at 10pm CDT (~35.5 hours).
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I believe this game features three of the four candidates for SDN’s champs representative. Let’s consider this game the grounds for your dramatic training montage. I am willing to serve in the capacity of Mr. Miyagi.
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I believe this game features three of the four candidates for SDN’s champs representative. Let’s consider this game the grounds for your dramatic training montage. I am willing to serve in the capacity of Mr. Miyagi.
This is, in fact, the champs setup for this year.
They called it Adapt 6 because they thought Farmaganza 2023 might scare off some of the Discord mafia communities.
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I believe this game features three of the four candidates for SDN’s champs representative. Let’s consider this game the grounds for your dramatic training montage. I am willing to serve in the capacity of Mr. Miyagi.
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*2010 facebook notification informs me that my friend has invited me to play Farmville*
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Day 2: Spirit's Eve Festival. In this celebration of Spooktober, you will need to be the fastest to solve a challenging logic teaser, with your answer submitted in your role PM.
*stares at zenge*
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I’m off this week.
*sets up tent on thread*
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