MD Spaced repition and studying

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7+ Year Member
Mar 25, 2016
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First of all, anki did not work for me ;p it was too time consuming
So i opted for only studying from text books as i used too

But i have this big problem , let's say this slide has :

- PR interval is from 0.12 to 0.2 seconds
- tachycardia is defined by heart frequency superiour than 100
- normal heart frequency is from 60 to 100
- the heart is innervrd by parasympathic and sympathic system

So when i study i do like this :
Read the first idea : "PR interval is from 0.12 to 0.2 seconds"

Than i look away and sometimes i repeated in my mind or write it with my own words
Exp : PR = [0.12-0.2]

Then i read the next idea and do the same

But by the end of my study session i forget a lot.

Is that the wrong way to study ?

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But by the end of my study session i forget a lot.

Is that the wrong way to study ?

Apparently. Trial and error is a good way to figure out how to study, and it appears you are on the 'error' part. Try applying it to a patient or making a connection somehow, like actually viewing an unremarkable EKG and noting a PR interval of 0.12-0.2. Or look at patients who don't have a PR interval of that rate and note why their PR rate is different, or why they are tachy or brady.

Where are you at in your education?
Apparently. Trial and error is a good way to figure out how to study, and it appears you are on the 'error' part. Try applying it to a patient or making a connection somehow, like actually viewing an unremarkable EKG and noting a PR interval of 0.12-0.2. Or look at patients who don't have a PR interval of that rate and note why their PR rate is different, or why they are tachy or brady.

Where are you at in your education?

I am in 3rd year med school
But if i try to apply everything i end up by studying maybe 5 %
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What have you been doing up until this point? If you are in your third year, I assume you have been doing something right. Talk to a professor about your studying, or get into a study group.
Since you're posting here, I would agree with byrdhouse that you may need to make some changes. You must not be happy with your results. If Anki didn't work, you need to find some way of quizzing yourself that WILL work. Perhaps you create questions, type them out, and run through them at the end of the week. ("What is the PR interval?") You could even do this in the margins of your modules or PDFs to save time. I would definitely find a way to quiz yourself from the material though (that's part of moving info to long-term memory), and if Anki or self-generated questions aren't working try to find tons of practice questions from books or an online qbank.
Can somebody explain how Anki wouldn't work for somebody trying to learn this material? I don't know how doing a Cloze deletion or a basic card of each of the four bullet points and using SRS would "not work".

OP is looking for a magic bullet that doesn't exist.
I put Anki / Osmosis in the dirt after my first block and my grades went way up. Much more bout handwritten notes as I can paint a more comprehensive picture. Do what works for you. If Anki didn't work for you, then don't bother
I usually forget a lot of stuff after my first pass too depending on how much time passes before my second pass. But after the second pass I'm pretty confident about the big picture and then after the third pass I know most of the stuff including the details. I know there are more efficient ways to study than what I do, and that there are ways to remember much more after the first pass, but what I do works for me and I'm comfortable with how I'm doing.
Can somebody explain how Anki wouldn't work for somebody trying to learn this material? I don't know how doing a Cloze deletion or a basic card of each of the four bullet points and using SRS would "not work".

OP is looking for a magic bullet that doesn't exist.

I am not looking for no magic bullet but let me tell you why anki won't work for me

I study medicine in tunisia and it is miserable right here , i actually envy you
You have great hospitals , great professos , practice question , electronic lessons ( pdf )

Anki won't work for me because i have to type everything , in hospital most of the doctors don't pay attention or explain to you , even residents when you ask them most of them won't explain to you or they say simply don't have time

I study in french and it is like impossibke to find questions online and even if i want to buy books i can't convert tunisian dinar to dollars or euro

Our college library have extremly little books and if you find one about cardiology for example you won't find questions in it
I usually forget a lot of stuff after my first pass too depending on how much time passes before my second pass. But after the second pass I'm pretty confident about the big picture and then after the third pass I know most of the stuff including the details. I know there are more efficient ways to study than what I do, and that there are ways to remember much more after the first pass, but what I do works for me and I'm comfortable with how I'm doing.

I actually found that engaging the information actively like self explaining and like play with it in my own words actually helps a lot but in the long term , studying becomes kinda fun even if i forget a lot i know like in my 4th 5th review i am able to recall 80℅ and even make associations with ease and really understand the topic