some advice on status of application!! Please!!

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Hi guys...hopefully you can give me some insight to this...

I'm definitely not a top applicant for dental school, but I'm still waiting to hear from 12 schools (rejected from 3 so far)...

Anyway, UOP Dental school allows you the check the status of your application I checked it after weeks of being "in review", it says, "reviewed, no
decision"...this means it has to re-reviewed...anyway, this is MY #1 school, should I write a letter saying that and that if granted an interview/acceptance, I will definitely go? Is it okay to write a letter of that sort? If I do, what is okay and not okay to put into it? Any amount of advice would be greatly appreciated...

(Sorry if I sound like a neurotic-pre med/dental person, but I'm sure most of you have been in the "waiting game" before...IT SUCKS!!!) In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy my last year in college...


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You sound like your gpa is really bad -- if i were you i would take some science classes and boost it up

QUOTE]Originally posted by simseema17:
Hi guys...hopefully you can give me some insight to this...

I'm definitely not a top applicant for dental school, but I'm still waiting to hear from 12 schools (rejected from 3 so far)...

Anyway, UOP Dental school allows you the check the status of your application I checked it after weeks of being "in review", it says, "reviewed, no
decision"...this means it has to re-reviewed...anyway, this is MY #1 school, should I write a letter saying that and that if granted an interview/acceptance, I will definitely go? Is it okay to write a letter of that sort? If I do, what is okay and not okay to put into it? Any amount of advice would be greatly appreciated...

(Sorry if I sound like a neurotic-pre med/dental person, but I'm sure most of you have been in the "waiting game" before...IT SUCKS!!!) In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy my last year in college...


Thanks Molar for your useless info. I know what I will have to do if I don't get accepted...if you didn't have any advice to my QUESTION, why are you replying to it...

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i'm only replying cuz i am trying to figure out how bad your stats are - since you wanna be a bi^tch about it i guess i won't waste my time with your whining self-centered ass! If you're gonna ask questions and whine
about your rejection letters don't ask for advice or anything else for that matter....with your ignorant attitude I hope you don't get into dental - you honestly need some time to mature and wisen up so that way you can become more "adult-like" ----obviously your a below the average applicant and you want to get to dental school without little work....if i were you i would choose something where you don't have too much contact with people above the age of 15 - your rudeness would surely run off many of your patients if you were to deal with adults and being the immature, ignorant, individual that you are well - just stick to children --- maybe a career in teaching would suit you well.....actually i wouldn't want my child nor anyone else's children to be taught by you ---either way change your attitude or just shutup!!

Originally posted by simseema17:
Thanks Molar for your useless info. I know what I will have to do if I don't get accepted...if you didn't have any advice to my QUESTION, why are you replying to it...

[This message has been edited by molar2375 (edited 11-11-2000).]
"and you wants to get to dental school without little work...."

Do adults write like this?

Maybe I should work with parents are pediatricians and if I take some more classes, boost my GPA, get into med school, I'll take over their practice. Oh, by the way, I was asking for useful advice Molar...not things like, "if you get better grades, your GPA will go up, and you'll have a better chance"...oh really Molar? Is that how things work? Thank you oh wise one. I don't know, maybe because I'm 21 and you're some 40yr old guy who just got into dental school, now you think you're mature. No offense, but I enjoy my youth while at the same time can handle a high level of maturity...probably more than you

you're clearly an ignorant bitch who needs to be a bit more appreciative of others offering advice of any sort!! and for your info - i'm only 23 and female -- maybe you need to stop wearing your undies too damn tight - it's totally squeezing the blood out of your 2 pint brain - for having two parents who are doctors - how the heck did you turn out to be so damn stupid that you are having such a hard time getting in??? were you adopted?? obviously someone has to tell your dumb ass that by taking more classes and raising your gpa it might increase your chances....if you had already known that you wouldn't be whining about your not so perfect gpa nor would you be looking at foreign many indians do ....let me guess if you don't get in you will be applying to a foreign school or of to india?? with your bitchiness you're sure to get in somewhere where ANYONE can get in ....

Originally posted by simseema17:
"and you wants to get to dental school without little work...."

Do adults write like this?

Maybe I should work with parents are pediatricians and if I take some more classes, boost my GPA, get into med school, I'll take over their practice. Oh, by the way, I was asking for useful advice Molar...not things like, "if you get better grades, your GPA will go up, and you'll have a better chance"...oh really Molar? Is that how things work? Thank you oh wise one. I don't know, maybe because I'm 21 and you're some 40yr old guy who just got into dental school, now you think you're mature. No offense, but I enjoy my youth while at the same time can handle a high level of maturity...probably more than you

Gee this sounds a bit too familiar

"P.S. I have been studying like mad for my finals, am I allowed to make a
little mistake and type there instead of "their"?...I hope I don't have
colleagues like you..."

Now didn't you belittle me for a spelling mistake I made in this same set of posts????
Aww is poor Seema not liking the predental forum either???

I'm sorry...

Didn't we already agree not to argue anymore...I remember replying to your post in the international section (about SABA for your friend?)...

Oh, and you're right...I'm not a big fan of the predental website (I like studentdoctor much better), but it kills time in between classes. Yes, I corrected you before, and I would only expect that someone else would do the same to me too...but I don't have to like them for it.

"Where ever you go, there you are"