Medical Should I work as an EMT or continue working in lab?

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Oct 14, 2011
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Hello, so I will be applying to medical school next year. I currently work in a lab as a part time research assistant while I’m in school. I will be graduating in June and continuing in the lab until mid-summer, at which point I was planning to work as an EMT. I now have an opportunity to work full time with benefits in my lab for the next two years. I’m not sure which route I should take—EMT or full-time lab.

My current stats:
Research hours - 620
Clinical hours - 50
Clinical volunteer hours - 50
Non Clinical volunteer hours - 120 hours (peer tutoring for my school, not sure if that counts)
Where are your shadowing hours? I would bump your clinical hours, and the EMT should help that.

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Are you already an EMT?

If so, take EMT to get the hours while getting paid.

If not, I might suggest keeping the lab job with full time pay and benefits because otherwise you'll spend time becoming an EMT and paying to do so. But absolutely find the time to shadow and do more volunteering to get exposure.
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