General Should I take an extra science class to boost by sGPA by 0.02?

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Jun 11, 2010
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Due to some major mistakes made during my freshman and sophomore years (including one F) that arose from a bullying situation, my sGPA right now is a 3.31 and my cumulative is 3.60. (Both GPAs would be higher if I counted A+s, but I just converted them all to As for these numbers.) I learned from my mistakes, and since then I have a huge upward trend, with all As throughout my junior, senior, and postbac year. I know I have some repair work left to do, so I'm entering the BU MAMS SMP next year. I haven't taken the MCAT yet, but I'm actively studying and shooting for 518+ - I test really well and think I can get there.

I have the opportunity to take a class this summer that would ultimately boost my cumulative to 3.61 and my sGPA to 3.33. That is a 0.02 sGPA delta. I will also be finishing a lab project (ideally with a publication), so I would like to conserve the rest of my time to study intensely for the MCAT. Do you think I should take that class to boost my sGPA to the highest I can get before my SMP / will that 3.33 vs 3.31 be significant to admissions officers? Or is it not worth it?

Thank you in advance for any guidance :)
Answer is no for a GPA raise. A 3.33 = 3.3

But showing the you of now is not the you of then IS the point.

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Thank you so much, @Goro ! However, one quick follow-up: the class will be a 1000s level astronomy class (I've exhausted all other summer courses available at my university that could count for BCPM). Would that change your opinion that I should take it?

I was also offered the chance to TA the lecture class that I originally got an F in over the summer (Organic Chemistry I). (I have since retaken that class and taken other more advanced chem/biochem classes and gotten As and A+s.) I have TA'd for the last 2 semesters in two other classes (Orgo Lab and a psych course), so this will not be a new experience, however this will be a much larger role/responsibility. I love teaching and would love to TA this lecture class, but it may conflict with the astronomy class I was considering taking. Which option (taking the astronomy class, even though it won't change my BCPM gpa, or TA'ing the lecture class I got an F in originally, although I've TA'd other classes before) would hold more weight and be more reflective of how I've changed/the current me?
Right now your priority is reinventing your GPA. TA'ing will not hold more need to prove that you can handle med school, not teach.
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