Should I re-take the GRE?

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5+ Year Member
Jul 28, 2017
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Hey Guys,

I'm an athletic trainer planning to apply to schools this fall. I'll most likely have a weak GPA (3.4 overall/3.2 pre-req) once I finish my summer classes. I took the GRE a couple of weeks ago and got a 157 VR, 149 QR and 4.0 Analytic. I worked in a couple of PT clinics for a little over a year and have a mix of paid/volunteer hours for around 2,500. That being said, both of those clinics were outpatient, with one focused on pelvic floor, so I am planning to get into at least one other setting before application.

Any advice about re-taking the GRE? I'm wondering if it's worth the $200 to try and up my QR?

Thanks for any help!

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Based on your GPA, if you can afford the time and money, I feel like it won't hurt to increase your overall GRE score. A lot of it also depends on how the schools you apply to take a look at the GRE. Which schools are you planning to apply to? Also, you should definitely try to gain inpatient observation hours and try to diversify your settings. 2500 hours sounds nice, but if you can experience inpatient even for a few hours, that will be a plus on your application.
Based on your GPA, if you can afford the time and money, I feel like it won't hurt to increase your overall GRE score. A lot of it also depends on how the schools you apply to take a look at the GRE. Which schools are you planning to apply to? Also, you should definitely try to gain inpatient observation hours and try to diversify your settings. 2500 hours sounds nice, but if you can experience inpatient even for a few hours, that will be a plus on your application.

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! I'm still trying to narrow down my list of schools, but the ones at the top of the list are; Wisconsin Madison, VCU, Duke, Marymount, George Washington, Indiana State, Armstrong, and St. Augustine in Austin. I know a lot of those are super competitive, so I'm working on getting some fall back schools in there too. Any advice on fall back schools? I know that's not as much of a type of school to find for a dpt program, as most are difficult to get in to.