Medical Should I keep clinical job vs. taking well paying job?

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Mar 12, 2013
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Hi all! I will be applying summer 2022 to start in fall 2023, so I still have some time.

I am currently employed as a mental health therapist at an inpatient setting. I’ve been doing this work for the past 4 years and thus have sufficient clinical experience (imo) for my app.

A former colleague of mine recently reached out with a job offer that pays more, has less stressful work, and more flexible hours. It is 100% non-clinical; essentially, I would be a career counselor at a 4-year state university. I’ve worked in this role before (as in, this exact university and supervisor; I would essentially be rejoining an old team from 4 years ago), so I would be eligible for an increased pay bump (e.g. “Career Counselor II”). Ironically, they’re hiring for the pre-health advisor position haha.

If I take this position, I would be in a better place to save up money for the app cycle, have more flexibility to volunteer and travel for interviews (it’s easy to request time off: just say you’re not available for consults for a week and it’s no big deal... whereas requesting coverage for a week as a therapist is A Whole Ordeal).

However, I’m scared that this seems like a dumb move for my app. “So, you were working in a clinical inpatient setting, which is the closest you’ll get to medicine, and then you chose to leave that to do something totally unrelated? Are you even really interested in patient care?”

Thoughts? :/
If you have enough clinical hours, I would take the pay increase. You can even get a small clinical volunteering position someone to keep your clinical hours going.

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If asked, should I just respond that I wanted the security of a pay increase to save up for med school (both the apps and actually putting myself through it)? Or should I find a more socially appropriate answer (“I felt like with my skills, I could do a lot of good helping students explore their potential in different healthcare careers blah blah”)
You won't be asked. You have plenty of experience showing your interest in medicine.
You wanted a more diverse set of skills is a diplomatic and true enough answer if pressed. And on the record, asking about pay increases and such are supposed to be inappropriate answers between two jobs. There is an ask if between volunteering and a job, but not between particulars of a job with another.
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