Should I go to Medical School in Ireland?

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5+ Year Member
Dec 18, 2017
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Hello All,

Just looking for some advice. I interviewed twice (this year and last year) at the University of Alberta. I am waiting to hear back from U of A, which will probably will be around May 5th. I recently got accepted to University of Limerick and I'm feeling very conflicted as to what to do. UL requires a 4000 euro non-refundable deposit by April 26th, before I'd hear back from U of A. My dream is to pursue surgery. My hesitation comes in with Ireland for this reason. It seems nearly impossible to secure a surgical residency both in NA or in Ireland. If anyone has any opinions or advice it would be greatly appreciated right about now.

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Congratulations on your acceptance--
Going to Ireland is very rewarding but also very difficult and can feel convoluted. I cannot speak on behalf of the University of Limerick as I go to a different Irish school, but I can confirm that surgery will be difficult to match into, albeit not impossible. If Irish medical school is your only shot, then it's of course is worth taking but if you're willing to hedge your bets and wait for U of A, that could be a good move too. At the end of the day 4000 euros will be a drop in the bucket compared to the earnings you'll make contingent on where you are working, however if you pass up this year you can always apply the following cycle too.