Medical Should I apply to Sinai early program with three red flags?

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Mar 12, 2013
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Hello. I am new to SDN but figured this is the best realistic consult. I am a sophomore applying to the flexmed program at Mt. Sinai. I'm pretty sure everyone knows about it but briefly it's just an early assurance program for students who want to do something non-medical for two years to improve their education. I have a few questions about whether I am a realistic applicant or should save myself the $150 because it's not really money I can afford to lose. I know I have a couple red flags in my app (bolded).

First, I am an ORM male (i think orm means overrepresented, racially?). Now, my entire life I have been told that unless gods own sweet light isn't shining on my app and everything isn't perfect i'll get rejected because theres a billion carbon copies of me applying too. I know this is a stereotype but I am still scared of it. also both parents have grad degrees, middle class family. no one in medicine.

Stats - 3.85-3.91 GPA, depending on this semester. They take HS into account too, 3.995 GPA 35 ACT
Research - 1200 hours through HS and a bit in college before covid introduced itself. from college, 3 abstracts as one of the like 11 authors, not that impressive. one paper as first author in a field I love, journal IF only 3.
Leadership - im confident here, serve on several university committees and other positions, student government representative for college
employment - work two jobs, these are stem related but nonclinical and nonresearch (stem education and data journalism)
extracurriculars - played a sport, quit due to le virus
clinical hours - here is where it gets fun! i have barely anything. 40 hours shadowing from 2019 and 100 hours clinical notes research that I consider clinical because i learned a lot abt doc-pt interactions, progression of disease etc, 400 hours as pharm tech in freshman year but quit a while ago because immunocompromised family. I know most places dont count pharm as clinical and I have 0 traditional clinical volunteering..
volunteering - 1200 hours at religious temple washing pots, making food for homeless. but this is a temple, not like hospice. is this even going to count? also 300 hours and counting as editorial member for a research journal, unpaid volunteer based but i dont think this is going to be counted either, probably will fall under leadership.
big flag - this is the main catch. 1 elected P/F in spring 2020 in a philosophy class, and a W withdrawal from computer science. neither was my major, took them both for fun and to learn the material a bit before covid came in. but... :/

this program is competitive and my application has major flaws. should I even bother applying? this was long but thank you, I love Sinai and this program would be gold but I can't just drop $150 if it's a, as Goro seems to put it, donation.
...$150. Don't let $150 sway you from your goals. If you don't apply, you have zero shot no matter how many flags you have.

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That's fair, thank you for replying. but you don't think its unrealistic given how stellar other applicants will be? I just want to know if I have any chance at all.
It could be. I don’t know anything about the program. My point was that it’s a very small price to pay for a chance.
About the P/F and W- I did, they just brushed it off and avoided the question. The exact reply was along the lines of "there is a section in the application to explain such issues."

It was because of family members getting COVID, I don't know if I still come off as weak and unmotivated. DO you think a 4.0 this semester will help it seem like I don't just withdraw when things get tough.
You just have to tell the truth. No one is going to make negative judgments if COVID-19 affected your performance. We have to get beyond the superman myth; COVID-19 can really mess you up.
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