General Severity of Institutional Action

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Jun 11, 2010
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I have been written up for a (non-academic) violation at the end of my junior year for using an excusal to attend a background brief for a summer internship that was earlier in the morning to miss a mandatory (without excusal) event at my school that was later in the morning. When asked about my whereabouts during the mandatory event, I said that I was at my summer internship brief, which was a lie. After verification, it was found that indeed my meeting was at 8 in the morning, not at 11. I was informed that I would be given an offense for a breach of honor, for lying.

Other than that, my academic record and MCAT scores seem competitive to attend medical school. And more importantly, I believe I learned my lesson from this and see this as a very beneficial lesson, although it will hurt if it does end up ending or delaying my medical career.

Any thoughts on where to go from here and if I am still eligible to apply to medical schools?
I can't sugar coat this, your medical career is in a state of stasis. The fact that you would lie over something so trivial as this especially someone close to 20, is very concerning to me.

The problem you have is that you were competing with people who do not have such transgressions on the record, and admissions committee members will be thinking why should we let someone like this into our class?

Take a few years off and engage in activities that involve positions of responsibility

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