?s about letters of recommendation to post-bacc programs

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15+ Year Member
Nov 27, 2003
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Most post-bacc programs require that their applicants submit at least two letters of recommendations from professors. I earned an undergraduate degree in Accounting but initially started off with a pre-med study (The bad science grades forced me to switch major). Since graduation, I?ve lost touch with all my professors?so now if I want to apply to a post-bacc program?what do I do?

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IIRC some programs (and med schools BTW), regardless how long you've been out of school or what your major was, will rigidly require at least one from an undergrad premed science professor. You really haven't mentioned how long it's been since you graduated, but a general rule of thumb is if you've been out for 4 years or more you can get appropriate letters from other than undergrad professors. I'd been out of school for 7 years, and used letters from my immediate supervisor, my former boss (hospital administrator) and a head QA nurse with whom I'd worked . Make sure your LOR writers are people who can adequately comment on your potential as a physician and your desire/commitment to medicine.

My recommendation: call the programs you're interested in, explain your background, and ask who they'd like to hear from. Consider carefully those programs with LOR policies inflexible enough to accommodate someone who?s been out of school for a while; they may not be appropriate programs for you to matriculate at.

Good luck!
Do you have enough time to take a science class before your applications are due? I was in the same boat as you. It's been like 5 years since I graduated college and I majored in psychology. Not exactly the professors they want to hear from.

So during the summer I took a science class and asked that professor for a letter. It was hard to try to get my face known within 5 weeks!

Maybe you can take a class?

Hope this helps~
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Sorry, I forgot to mention that I graduated in 1995. I think the best route for now is like you suggested...contact the school regarding their LORs policies. Thank you.


Most programs have deadlines in March or April...I suppose I could take two courses now and get to know the professors really well a few weeks before the deadlines (of course I have to do well in the classes too). But I'd rather avoid the last minute rush if I can. Thank you for your suggestion though.