RIP Paul Farmer

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15+ Year Member
Jan 14, 2006
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I have to admit I had never heard of him until my SJW anthropology major daughter told me about him a few years ago.

Paul Farmer, Pioneer of Global Health, Dies at 62

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I listened to him speak a few years ago. Seemed like a good, humble guy. Was a student at harvard medical while spending a ton of time in haiti helping the people there. He did it his whole life, bringing them meds and supplies.
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Big time loss for the medical community and the world. I am very sure many people went into medicine wanting to be someone like Paul Farmer or being inspired by him. He has a documentary called Bending the Arc about how the foundation Partners in Health started, really great. He will be missed.
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i had never heard of him but apparently some of my former and current colleagues had worked with him on various projects overseas and spoke highly of him. Seems like he was a great guy.
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I read Mountains Beyond Mountains and it helped me get through medical training. That is, he showed that there’s light at the end of the (medical training) tunnel where someone could fight for what’s right and make a difference.
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i also highly recommend reading Mountains Beyond Mountains. it inspired me (though maybe i was very idealistic then) to continue to push through med school as well. I think anesthesiologists have a unique skill set that can quickly make differences in other countries, be it war-torn area or impoverished areas.
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While at the University of Washington for my undergraduate years, we always had a "Book of the Year" where the entire student body was encouraged to read a single book - Mountains Beyond Mountains was a BOTY while I was there. I still remember its significance a good 15 years later!
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