Medical Released from an Internship Program, can I still include it in activities?

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Jun 11, 2010
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I was released from COPE Health scholars after 4 months of work per their "phone use policy". Their policy was you weren't allowed to have your phone on you during work, but I didn't have my car one day so I kept it with me. I never used it during the shift but someone told the COPE leaders, and they immediately released me from the program. I did this program for 4 months my sophomore year, and it was my only clinical experience until October of my junior year. Should I still include it in my application? If I don't then I don't have my first activity until I joined my club and became president at the end of my sophomore year.
The problem is that you're going to have to give a reference or contact info for the internship, and if the school for some reason decides to contact these people, what will they say about you?

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Kinda sketchy cause if they call to contact your reference, are they going to talk bad about you? If you have a good amount of clinical hours, I would just leave this out just to save you the small chance that you could be outted.
They really screwed me there, every single nurse is on their phone but I take my phone out to put on the table while I go into radiology and I get booted out.
I have no clinical hours until Jr year(10 months at addiction psych), and then during gap year after grad where I intern full time as opthalmic tech(1 year so far).
Med schools aren't going anywhere.
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If you're worried you have no other clinical experience until your junior year, that's not going to be an issue as long as you have something your junior year. As was previously asked, by @TheBoneDoctah how many total clinical experience hours do you have?
opthalmic tech hours in gap year (1000done so far, project 2000 until aug22)

Did about 500 hrs jr year oct-june
It sounds like you don’t need to include this and it’s only potential downside if someone says something bad about yiu
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