Rejection letters

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Junior Member
15+ Year Member
Oct 15, 2003
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Does anyone know if programs routinely send rejection letters if they are not going to interview you? Waiting to add programs to an interview trip is a little costly, not knowing when to book flights. Please inform me if anybody knows. Good luck.

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and some don't, i think......just from what i have read in other posts. I have had one rejection letter from the Univ. of Iowa. Still waiting to hear from about 3 programs out of 19. The rest have invited me for interviews. How many are you still waiting on, and do you mind me asking where?
I think if you have one or two interviews already scheduled in a particualr area or city, it would be perfectly fine for you to call the program and let them know about how you will be in the area and that you would like to coordinate your interviews. When I interviewed last year, almost all the programs were willing to help scheudule interviews in clusters.