Regional Match Statistics

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Feb 16, 2003
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Anyone find the regional match statistics promised by the NRMP to be released today?

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Celebrating a successful couples match here in Dublin Ireland on St. Patty's day.

Yeah I know these stats are a bit of a mess... but you can figure it out. The numbers go (offered/unfilled) Western/Central/South/NE. The last 2 numbers are totals.
For example Anesthesiology had 431 PGY-1 spots offered and 16 unmatched. It had 228 offered in the south with 8 unfilled there (Hopefully one of those 220 are mine!!!!)

Western Region Central Region Southern Region Northeastern Region Total
PGY-1 Positions Offered Unfilled Offered Unfilled Offered Unfilled Offered Unfilled Offered Unfilled
Anesthesiology 17 0 131 5 228 8 55 3 431 16
Dermatology 0 0 17 0 6 0 10 2 33 2
Emergency Medicine 136 3 321 15 264 14 393 9 1114 41
Family Practice 618 101 855 235 950 262 497 95 2920 693
Internal Medicine 1124 49 1613 129 1568 137 2988 190 7293 505
Medical Genetics 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
Neurological Surgery 15 0 9 0 15 1 0 0 39 1
Neurology 10 2 21 5 17 3 8 1 56 11
Obstetrics and Gynecology 162 12 268 31 322 24 399 34 1151 101
Ophthalmology 0 0 0 0 11 7 0 0 11 7
Orthopaedic Surgery 76 0 156 3 149 2 194 2 575 7
Otolaryngology 13 0 5 0 15 1 3 1 36 2
Pathology-Anatomic and Clinical 69 1 101 14 133 17 140 12 443 44
Pediatrics 407 8 518 39 653 47 771 48 2349 142
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 8 0 20 3 31 2 19 2 78 7
Plastic Surgery 11 0 26 1 13 0 27 0 77 1
Preventive Medicine 2 1 0 0 3 3 4 2 9 6
Psychiatry 180 8 195 27 265 26 362 17 1002 78
Radiation Oncology 0 0 7 0 3 0 0 0 10 0
Radiology-Diagnostic 17 2 61 0 51 1 7 0 136 3
Surgery-General 313 57 438 77 539 102 765 133 2055 369
Transitional Year 177 0 344 29 184 2 328 32 1033 63
Urology 15 2 18 0 19 0 4 1 56 3

_ Western Region Central Region Southern Region Northeastern Region Total
PGY-2 Positions Offered Unfilled Offered Unfilled Offered Unfilled Offered Unfilled Offered Unfilled
Anesthesiology 171 0 164 8 112 13 386 16 833 37
Dermatology 39 0 58 0 62 0 80 0 239 0
Emergency Medicine 40 0 15 0 12 3 70 4 137 7
Nuclear Medicine 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 3 0
Orthopaedic Surgery 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 33 0 68 11 52 4 122 8 275 23
Preventive Medicine 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 3 3
Psychiatry 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 1 16 1
Radiation Oncology 18 0 26 0 25 0 38 0 107 0
Radiology-Diagnostic 114 1 181 0 208 1 340 0 843 2
Whoa, that's table's a bit hard to decipher. It's best read off the NRMP site. You can get last year's tables off for comparison.
KFC, where on the NRMP webite did you find those statistics?
Go to the NRMP website, and click on "My Reports". It will have something about a couples match (congrats kfc), and right below it will be the regional stats.

63 open TY slots
a. barney,
Sorry about the jumbled table. I just cut&pasted the text... I'm sure scutwork will have the fancy version up soon.

Congrats to all who matched!! and good luck to those endearing the scramble. Just remember that all that we've gone through pales in comparison to what our Marines (and other forces)are dealing with right now. I just hope my Marine friends are safe in the coming days. If you're the praying type, say one for my buddy Bryan who will have twins waiting for him when he returns.

Sorry about the reality statement. Just need to vent some emotions....

Let's not go off on a tangent, but I think your marines buddies are the ones who have oddly placed themselves in the path of danger, and have endangered many many others while being there. They are also planning to bomb and invade a sovereign nation against almost unanimous international opposition, without historical pretext while carrying out the orders of this ridiculous policy of "pre-emptism". They will be participating in what has been touted as a massive 400 missle strike in the first 24 hours, to ensure maximum psychological impact, not withstanding the very real physical impact the bombs will have while little children burn on the ground. It's the civilians of Iraq that I worry about. As doctors I'm sure we all believe that loss of civilian life is deeply tragic, wherever it may occur.

But this has nothing to do with regional match stats so I will stop here.
Hey Abu Barney, I think it is interesting how you say "I think your marine buddies" , when kfc was simply referring to marines in general. You had better call the marines your buddies also, as they protect the freedoms of all americans. If you aren't an american citizen as I suspect, then the easiest way to demonstrate your disapproval of our country's foreign policy is to not reap the benefits of an American residency program.
As an American citizen, I support Abu Barney's sentiments one hundred percent. (Just curious, why do you "suspect" that Abu Barney is not an American citizen?)

KFC was in fact referring to his own Marine buddies, and not just to Marines in general. I believe his exact words were "my Marine friends". Did I miscontrue the meaning of the possessive pronoun "my" and the common noun "friends"?

Pulseless writes:
"The easiest way to demonstrate your disapproval of our country's foreign policy is to not reap the benefits of an American residency program."

This is ridiculous. Are we to opt out of America simply because we disagree with our country's foreign policy? This is a baldly militant nationalist "Agree with me or get out!" tactic employed by every major fascist regime of the 20th century (Mussolini, Hitler, Milosevic, to name a few).

Lastly, and most importantly, I am sick and tired of this crap about Marines "protecting the freedoms of all Americans". What about their protecting the interests of big business? These have nothing to do with freedom and democracy.

Let us not forget that Germans were told to support the Nazi war machine because it "protected their freedoms". The precedent is instructional.

By your reasoning, Pulseless, any action the Marines (who take their orders from our government) perform is to protect freedom and democracy. This is ludicrous. By overthrowing the democratically elected prime minister of Iran and installing a dictator in his place, did our government protect our freedom, or democracy in general? In overthrowing the democratically elected president of Chile and installing a military dictator, was our government interested in preserving democracy? In "liberating" Kuwait by putting back into power the dictatorial Sabah, did we prove that the Gulf War was about "protecting America's freedom's"?

How many examples from recent history does it take to prove that our government is not at all interested in freedom or democracy? Let's not forget that Ashcroft has worked tirelessly to overturn the Bill of Rights, and has in large part succeeded.

It is perspicuously apparent that in the instances cited above, as in Iraq today, our government is interested in preserving American economic and material interests, no matter what the human cost to non-Americans (let's face it, brown people aren't worth as much as white people, no matter how you dance around the issue), and irrespective of how contrary to democracy and human rights the attainment of these economic goals proves.

I cannot make out, Pulseless, if you are breathtakingly ignorant of history and politics, in which case I am sorry, or if you know the facts but choose wilfully to support fascist adventurism, in which case I fear you.

Cheers and best of luck in the match!

Sorry, I couldn't just let this stuff pass.

Abu Barney: "They are also planning to bomb and invade a sovereign nation against almost unanimous international opposition, without historical pretext"

Almost Unanimous? Are you working from the same dictionary were unilateral means the US, UK, Australia, Jordan, Kuwait, Turkey, etc?

Abu Barney: "while little children burn on the ground. It's the civilians of Iraq that I worry about"

Hmm, are these the little children who are orphans because Saddam killed their parents, or are they the ones starving or sick or dying due to the "containment" policy that some on the anti-war side now advocate?

Hornet: "Let's not forget that Ashcroft has worked tirelessly to overturn the Bill of Rights, and has in large part succeeded."

Wow, when did the Bill of Right get overturned? It must have been suppressed on the news. You better hide, because I'm sure the jackbooted-thugs will be coming for you soon now that you have expressed dissent.

Hornet: "By overthrowing the democratically elected prime minister of Iran and installing a dictator in his place, did our government protect our freedom, or democracy in general? In overthrowing the democratically elected president of Chile and installing a military dictator, was our government interested in preserving democracy? In "liberating" Kuwait by putting back into power the dictatorial Sabah, did we prove that the Gulf War was about "protecting America's freedom's"?"

We did this all by ourselves? I guess we are pretty powerful. Last time I looked though, Chile is a stable democracy that avoided all the idiocies of communism, and the "dictator" of Iran seems all the more nicer than the oppresive totalitarian ayatollahs currently in place. The burgeoning youth of Iran don't seem to mind America so much anymore. I think they even like us, from what I manage to hear.

Hornet: "our government is interested in preserving American economic and material interests"

Isn't that what our government is supposed to do? I sure hope they are, otherwise ALL of my taxes are going to waste instead of just part of them.

Hornet: "let's face it, brown people aren't worth as much as white people, no matter how you dance around the issue"

I guess you're being facetious here, but I don't really get the connection. Are you talking about the brown people in Iraq? (Are they brown? What does that mean anyway?) Are they going to be better or worse off after we get rid of Saddam? Seems to me that if we take Afghanistan as a recent example of our "fascist adventurism", that the average person in Iraq will be better off. If you're so all fired concerned about "democracy and human rights", I'm just wondering why you're willing to let the citizens Iraq rot under Saddam and take the chance he'll violate the human rights of citizens in other nations by spreading around bio/chem weapons to be used by terrorists.

Anyhoo, I'm sure I won't change your mind about how terrible America is, so I encourage you vote for someone who embodies all the wonderful contradictions you profess.

Originally posted by temujim
Sorry, I couldn't just let this stuff pass.

Abu Barney: "They are also planning to bomb and invade a sovereign nation against almost unanimous international opposition, without historical pretext"

Almost Unanimous? Are you working from the same dictionary were unilateral means the US, UK, Australia, Jordan, Kuwait, Turkey, etc?

It really depends what you define as 'international opposition'. I'm sure you're aware that there is HUGE opposition to the current whims of America, among the peoples in the countries you have described. The british may not even participate in the war formally as their parliament is so divided on the issue. Blair's labour party has all but collapsed over the fiasco.

To say the majority of Australians support the Australian governments decision, is... foolish. To me it is really quite obvious that the only reason any countries are behind the US at all is because they believe they can reap economic benefits from bowing like dogs.

Turkey is in a similar position. The people are absolutely fuming over their governments 'back and forth' decision over the iraqi crisis. Essentially their government has decided the Billions of extra dollars that the US has promised in aid and loan cancellations is worth more than (1) the desire of the people and (2) a possible next election defeat.

You've forgotten Spain and Portugal in the 'coallition of the willing'! You know, those _really_ important southern european states which I believe have several thousand troops in the Gulf to help. Oh wait. They don't.

It would be interesting to see if any Americans are charged with war crimes in the international court after this affair. Oh wait - American citizens are the only people on earth who are not allowed to be tried under its jurisdiction. But that makes sense, given how.. no american marine could possibly ever do anything wrong.

I don't really want to even start debating the rights/wrongs of 'pre emptive warfare' which to me is quite synomous with police executing an African American in the streets of New York because he looked scary - he could have robbed someone!

I just wish if America is going to start dishing out international justice at its whim, if they could get around to removing Kim Jong II in North Korea, or Mugabe in Zimbabwe. Oh wait. No oil.

Seriously though I'm not implying the US is attacking iraq merely for oil ;)

But I really don't see America attacking ''''president'''' Musharraf in Pakistan for instance. I really think GWB has confused the issue and made a complete 'balls up' by pretending this war was all about moral authority, the removal of WMD and dictators employing torture to rule. Because it seems half of America's allies fit the bill.

I'm not referring to any single American in this diatribe and realise that the attitudes of people are far different than the governments that control them. Please don't turn this into a flame war against people when I am only discussing states.
kfc - i hope your marine friends/buddies are well and will continue to be so. it is a difficult job that they have.

people, we can agree or disagree on the policies of our leaders and our country. it is wonderful that we are able to publicly criticize and disagree with our leaders.

however, lets try to support the men and women who are risking their lives. they have volunteered to do a job that many of us are not willing to do. although, it is a dirty job, it is one that is essential to our way of life. we would not have the luxuries that we do without young men and women who believe dying for your country is honorable.

having a strong military is important and these men and women do not have the luxury to pick and choose what conflict is just or unjust, they must follow orders.

i may disagree with the policy but i support the military men and women 100% and wish their safe return.
Thank You Blackcat!! The only intention I had with that statement was to think about our fellow citizens who are risking their lives. Whether you agree with the war or not, I do wish you pray for the safety of all (soldiers and innocent Iraqi civilians)

Just one quick note....I have lived in Europe for 4.5 years (US Citizen). The general concensus here is that Saddam is a threat, is not disarming and never will. There is simply a disagreement in how to achieve the same goal of reducing his threat (however this threat is more threatening to the US, not them) BUT I can't help but state that deep-seeded dislike for the US and its citizens now has a forum...I feel its more anti-american over here and not anti-policy. They just finally have a way to vent their beliefs. This is their right. But I just can't wait to leave and be back in the good ol' USA!

And since I matched - see you all in July!!


p.s. the "F" stans for f'ing tired of hearing anti-american rhetoric
Where is the moderator on these posts? This needs to be moved to the thread that has nothing to do with the match.

While it is important to discuss these issues, do it on another thread or on another site.

Do not pervert these threads for your own political tyrades.
100 FBI agents arrest Saudi student in night raid
(By Essam Al-Ghalib, The Muslim News, 3-10-03) [same story finally carried on NPR this weekend]

Over 100 FBI agents raided the graduate student housing unit of the University of Idaho early Friday morning and arrested Sami Omar Al-Hussayen, a 34-year-old Saudi graduate student.

Al-Hussayen, a computer science student at the university since 1999, is facing an 11-count federal indictment for alleged visa fraud and making false statements to the government.

Al-Hussayen has pleaded not guilty.

While Al-Hussayen faces no direct terror-related counts, federal prosecutors allege that he failed to disclose his role in the Islamic Assembly of North America, a Muslim charity based in Michigan whose offices were raided at the time of his arrest.

Charging papers contend that Al-Hussayen maintained websites for the organization that featured ?radical Islamic ideology? in order to bring about terrorist acts.

Without elaborating, they further allege that Al-Hussayen kept six US bank accounts through which hundreds of thousands of dollars flowed to the Islamic Assembly of North America and to individuals from Cairo to Islamabad.

?The raid happened in a SWAT-team kind of setup,? said Cynthia Miller, an Idaho lawyer who represented Al-Hussayen in initial court appearances. ?We?re talking about a family man with three small children who gets up and prays at dawn every morning.?

Professor Elizabeth Brandt of the University of Idaho College of Law said in a letter sent to Arab News: ?The FBI flew in 120 agents, fully armed in riot gear, on two C-17 military aircraft to Moscow, Idaho to arrest one Saudi graduate student for visa fraud. The raid went down at 4.30 a.m., terrorizing not only the student?s wife and three elementary school-aged children but also the families of neighboring students who were awakened by the shouting and lights and were required to remain in their homes until after 8:30 a.m.?

Brandt said the indictment of Al-Hussayen itself ?does not comport with the university?s understanding of him.? She and others recall Al-Hussayen as a vocal critic of the Sept. 11 attacks, a man who coordinated a blood drive for victims and walked in a town vigil dedicated to their memory. ?I don?t know what evidence they have,? said Michael Whiteman, who directs the University of Idaho ?s international programs.

?An indictment,? he said, ?is an accusation.?

Al-Hussayen?s arrest has jarred Moscow, a college town of about 25,000 that is a close neighbor of Washington State University across the state line in Pullman. And the manner and implications of the episode have proved very worrisome among the university?s 830 foreign students, many of whom are Middle Eastern.

Brandt said students told her that agents confiscated some of their hard drives and told them, erroneously, that they had no right to legal counsel. Officials have defended the timing and nature of their actions as necessary to coincide with related moves in Michigan and New York.

?The INS and FBI are working together using Gestapo tactics to question the students, threatening their immigration status and hence their education if they don?t answer questions which are really aimed at the criminal investigation. They have also threatened their partners and spouses with perjury charges if they don?t talk,? Brandt said. ?Students are terrified,? he added. ?Many of them are thinking about leaving.?

?Students are terrified,? he added. ?Many of them are thinking about leaving.?

A member of the town?s Muslim community, who asked not to be named, said that in the wake of the arrest, ?families were taking (their) kids, wrapping them in blankets and sticking them in cars? to avoid their detection should their own homes be raided.

As the day unfolded, Idaho Gov. Dirk Kempthorne credited Al-Hussayen?s arrest in part to post-Sept. 11 security measures, while agents ?questioned all the Saudi students ... and a number of other Muslim students, some of whom had possible immigration irregularities,? said Brandt.
I apologize for starting the above debate. If you read my 2nd post on the thread, you will see it was not my intent. Having a few med students get hot under the collar was the last thing I wanted to happen.

How 'bout them REGIONAL MATCH STATS?!?!


Well, I'm leaving this thread to check the filled unfilled program data.
Like a said earlier, that's all I have to say in this forum. I didn't mean to offend anyone, but then again, stating the obvious fact the many innocent people will die shouldn't offend. If it makes your conscience shrink, then maybe there's still hope for you.
