Quoted: applications and inaccurate history of marijuana use


Escape artist
Moderator Emeritus
15+ Year Member
Apr 4, 2007
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I am a pre-med applying to medical schools. Last year, I was sick for some food poisoning and I guess when I was filling out a form, I checked some box I shouldn't have and apparently it said I had occassionaly done some pot.

I didn't know I put it until two months ago when my insurance application mentioned that it was in my history. Obviously it revealed a big WTF moment. I am not a pot smoker, and I am happy to be drug tested any time.

I am trying to get it sorted out with my insurance company that it was a mistake (since they denied me insurance because of that), etc, but I am not sure how that's going to go. I'm more worried about my future in medicine than insurance.

I have never obviously tested positive for marijuana nor have I ever been arrested/charged, etc with possession (because I've never possessed it).

When applying to med school, or matriculating, or for residency and licensing, will it be an issue?

It is hard for me to see how a med school or anyone else will find out about this. Well, it's hard to understand this whole story. Regardless, unless you make this your essay, I don't think it will be an issue for anyone.

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