psych specialties and salary

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Sep 2, 2000
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Hey guys,
I was just wondering what all the psych speicalties were paying nowadays. I know we've talked a lot about neuropsych doing well and forensics as well, but I wanted to know what else was doing well or not doing well for that matter. Thanks.

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Could you expand on your reasons for disliking neuropsych testing. I would like to hear an opposing opinion, as I have heard many for it.
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Midwest!!!!! I've got a whole list of Midwest schools I am applying to for clinical PhD programs (and a few developmental programs as backup). Can't wait to get out of California and head for the cold :)
Hammer said:
In Los Angeles, if you are on several hospitals and do legal work the pay is -+ 200K per year. I do not like Neuropsych testing for interesting reasons. It does not pay to have a narrow focus. Your Ph.D should include a broad range of talents. Or else you will get bored.

Hammer Ph.D.

What kind of work were you doing that you made $200K per year? What percentage was forensic?
Hey Hammer,

I am applying to a wide range of schools in Midwest..but have narrowed down to schools that allow a child clinical focus as I want to work with young children and adolescents. Due to the high competition of clinical programs I did not want to put all my eggs in one basket and am also choosing around 5 developmental (non clinical) programs.
My ultimate goal if I went clinical would be teaching/research. If I went developmental it would be the same. The whole reason I didn't go an MD route was because of the darn red tape involved with HMOs (plus I hated chem) so private practice (yes even a fee for service practice) doesn't appeal to me.
My top choices of schools in Midwest are Minnesota, Wisconsin-Madison. I also have Michigan, N. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Notre Dame, Penn State, Rutgers (I branched into east coast for a few) and many others.
GPA is OK for all of those schools, and GREs will be taken next month which may eliminate a few more. Am also beginning contacting faculty this month which could eliminate a few more due to no spaces for next year.
I'll keep ya updated :)
Reason I'm leaving CA is because it's too expensive to live out closer to parents in Canada. Just sold my tiny 1200 sq. ft. house for 300K last month...almost fainted when someone made offer. Too rich for my blood out here...and I miss basements.
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Comment away Hammer....I am always open for advice/criticisms. I am originally from Manitoba..Winnipeg to be exact...been here in Cali for only 5 years. I'm old..I can't afford to take a year off...being married, etc. doesn't really allow much time for taking a year off. I took my time off between 18-23 now I've got to crack down, be serious, and get finished.
Hammer said:

2 points. Develop a 2 tier system for your schools. All you post would be in Tier 1. I looked at the U of Minnesota. My friend has retired. The Gpa and Gre 's are posted. And it's bad news. Take a look. They are telling us they have a male and female group of white students who come from Harvard.
Read where they say they are one of the best in the world. That is grandiose

. Hell the U of m. is not even one of the best in the USA. Pure BS.

In the 2nd group, place in a couple of schools who are not APA approved but where you would like to stay for 4 years. APA is not the end all.

When I was there, applying was expensive. Very expensive. I don't know now.

Have you checked out a school psychology program. A MS degree is needed. If you want to see a lot of children, this may be the answer.

You will ned the APA book of Graduate study in the USA. I read mine in the library. Nothing is worth 24 bucks. Cu H.

I love reading your posts. What are your thoughts about schools on the east coast? Which ones are good?

Are you familiar with the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute? Did you work there?
Hammer said:
Public Health

Thank you. This is the truth--as I see it.

East Coast. Hell, I don't know . Never been. Don't like the Yankees.

As they all say and this is true. "No one asked me what schools I went to."

Don't buy into all that APA stuff. Look where Dr Phil went. That took me about 30 minutes. He went to University of North Texas in Denton, Texas, I think. His web page will drive you nuts.

Kind of Manic depressive statements. Another one of the greatest schools in the world.

Yes I know NPI. Enuff said. Take care, Public Health


Thanks for your reply. What are your thoughts about psychologists getting RxP?
Thanks for advice Hammer. I am only interested in PhD programs mainly due to fact that I want to teach at a university level, and a masters doesn't give me that option.
As for non APA approved schools.........I'm not sure if I'd want to risk that especially since I want to be teaching..maybe schools would look down upon non APA education??
U of M was ranked by US News as top 3, but I know I know..don't take those seriously. Their GREs/GPAs are lower than UMich, but acceptance rate is about the same. I've been finding that alot of schools fall between 1-5% acceptance for upper tier schools, whereas the "lower" schools are around 10%. Masters programs are even higher.
Being in Midwest is important to me...its where I want to live eventually..West Coast and Southern US is totally out for me.
As for expensive.....most schools are around 30-45$..some (like Boston U) are as high as $ other incidental expenses like GRE scores and transcripts.
out if curiousity, how would going to a non-APA approved program affect your ability to get a post-doc fellowship?
I'm not really sure....just an assumption I made...IMHO getting something (not just a PhD) that is approved by an organization is usually better than something that is not. Usually has higher standards that are better looked upon by others, and I also want a program with high pass rates for the exams.
Being from an APA-Approved program would probably look better on a CV than a non-approved school.
Maybe I'm totally off doing my research for schools all of the faculty I have seen were from well-known easily recognized schools....and since the area of country that I'm applying to is the one I want to live in for the rest of my life, it would appear that going APA-approved would be a good thing.
Thanks Hammer for advice.....the only I know right now is that it won't be CA lol. Whole future depends on which school accepts me :) What a good plan eh?
LOL I'm not liking the GREs very much either..they're remidning me of my 4th grade teacher who used to throw newspapers and shoes across the room (loved that teacher lol).
Ya 1400 is a little high.....but when I look at those stats the schools produce I try not to freak out and remember that they are just averages...therefore approx. 50% were below and 50% above those scores.
If I had all the time in the world I'd love to email some of the students and ask them "Hey how in the world did you get in?"
For now though this forum works :)
Hammer said:
Why make them miserable. They are having a hard time now.


Would you mind elaborating on why psychiatrists are miserable and having a hard time?

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