Prostate Cancer (Back Pain, Swollen Testicle, Lump on testicle)

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Dec 6, 2006
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I live in a small town and need am needing some advice. My side effects after treatment have not gone away and my doctor does not know whats wrong.

Please share your advice, answers or alternative treatments to stop my sever pain.

I am 74 years old and recently have been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Rated a 7 out of 10 for aggressiveness. I was told the prostate had 5% infected with cancer and was caught early. I immediately began radiation treatments. After the treatments I have been experiencing severe back pain, a Swollen Right Testicle (30%) and 2 very tender lumps on my right testicle. :mad:

The treatments lasted 28 day straight and then I took 1 month off to recover.
- I had Moderate swelling (20-30% increase) in my right testicle throughout the entire radiation treatments.
- Throughout the radiation treatments the doctor prescribed me oral antibiotics to fight infection and reduce pain and swelling. The oral antibiotics where NOT effective and I still experienced pain and swelling. (Note: Tried 3 different types of antibiotics):confused:

A month after my Radiation treatments, I began my 2 separate Needle Implant treatments. They insert 18 needles below scrotum and pump radiation through the needles. Each radiation treatment was done a week apart. Just after the last Needle Implant I began experiencing...
- More swelling in my right testicle. (Increased from 20% to 30%):mad:
- 3/8" lump on bottom of right testicle (Not attached). The Lump is very tender and Painful. :mad:
- Unbearable pain in my groin and scrotum and a slight back pain.:mad:

After the Needle Treatments I lifted a heavy object and then began experiencing.
-Constant lower back pain. The pain seems to come from my right testicle and then runs up to my lower back and continues down my right leg, just below my knee. :mad:
- Swollen right testicle. (30%):mad:
- 3/8" lump on bottom of right testicle (Not attached). The Lump is very tender and Painful. :mad:
- Unbearable pain in my groin and scrotum.:mad:

After seeing no Improvements in my pain and swelling the doctor placed me in the hospital and was given an IV. During my 7 day stay, the IV constantly feed me a single antibiotic. The doctor tried 2 different types of antibiotic, but neither antibiotic reduced my swelling or pain.

I then received a second opinion form another urologist. These urologists suggested isolating the pain. Both urologists decided to given me a "2 in 1 shot" consisting of Cortisone and Blocker to my right Epididymal tube in my right testicle. Everyone was hoping the shot would stop the pain. It has been 5 days since the shot and it is apparent that the pain and swelling has not been reduced. Just yesterday I have now discovered a 2nd lump (Unattached) that is the size of a marble on right side of my right testicle.

My urologist is thinking the back pain may have nothing to do with my swollen testicle and is scheduling me to see a back specialist next week.

The Urologist has mentioned that if the Back Specialist sees no problems that the next step would be to remove my Right Testicle. OUCH!!! I have no problem losing the right testicle if it solves my swelling, lumps, and Pain. My concerned is that they may misdiagnose me and I still have problems after the removal.


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I can understand that maybe no one wants to comment, maybe because of liability. If this maybe the case....Maybe some one would be kind enough to point me to another message board that they may know of that deals with my issues of Prostate Cancer and Urology?


perhaps you should try a different urologist

get a second opinion?
yes, I'm begining to think this may be the case. I was hoping I could find some information out there that I could take to my doctor? I really did not want to start all over again with a new doctor, but that may be what I end up doing.
