Problem sets or Memorizing?

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Mar 6, 2003
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Okay now, it's coming down to doing a ton of problems or memorizing/re-reading.

Which is more important and why?

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Do as many problems as you can. Then, examine those that you missed and ask yourself if you know ANYTHING about the subtopic the question is referring to. Then go and memorize that subject. By doing this you eliminate the chance that you spend too much time (and mostly energy/brain power) on the things that you already know. You will start to see a pattern in the things you are studying and all of a sudden it will all come together like a puzzle and there won't be any topic that you can't atleast talk about. Good luck man. Only a month left!

That's a tough one. I wouldn't blindly memorize the text but rather do the problems and find out what you don't know from the problems and study what you don't know. The only subject i can see you memorizing is certain aspects of biology, like clasification. You must also be cautious how you do the practice problems as well. A laid back , and "pratice" will not do much. But rather do them in the most ralistic possible way and then when you do a problem try to understand/ account what you have learned from it and go on to the next. This way you don't repeat the same mistakes. And of course time, the more problems you do the more comfortable you'll be with time.

Good luck
I am trying to do both. I am working problems and going back to the KAPLAN book when I am a little hazy on the topic. Now mind you, I have already read the KAPLAN book once (twice for the OCHEM AND BIO sections) I think you should work as many problems as possible for the OCHEM and GCHEM, but memorize, memorize, memorize for the BIO. But, I'm prob telling you something you already know ;) . Good Luck mcataz
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Memorizing is a waste of time. Reading the Kaplan book 5 times will get you nowhere. practice practice practice. Do as many problem sets as you can.
Originally posted by zazzookode
Memorizing is a waste of time. Reading the Kaplan book 5 times will get you nowhere. practice practice practice. Do as many problem sets as you can.

I disagree. Reading the Kaplan book and memorizing the small details that you missed the first four times is going to get you an extra point here and there.

Doing problems will also help. I think the only way to go is to do a couple problems, find an area of weakness, and study up on it. Then do more problems, etc.

I wouldn't really break from normal study habits.
I agree with Gavin, memorize. The test is all about facts and stuff. Especially for biology, however for math and chemistry you should do lots of problems. I would get a SAT II chem/ochem book and work out of that. The kaplan book is way too hard for that stuff.

