Pharmacy Flash cards for smartphones and other notes

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10+ Year Member
Dec 12, 2009
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I have been making flash cards to go into an iphone app I have called G Flash+. The app pulls spreadsheets from your google docs and turns them into flash cards.
After I started making the cards I noticed that Google docs lets me share the documents with friends easily and if either of us make changes we can all see the changes. For that reason I'm willing to share my notecards with anyone who would like to use them.
I think that the more of us that use the cards and help to improve the cards, the better they will be. I'm using the Kaplan and APhA books, but if you find any errors just fix it and everybody has better study materials to use.

My email is *email address removed* if you're interested. If you want to pass it on, just click share this folder and email your friends from class.

I know there is an Android version and Blackberry version of the G Flash apps, but there is an a flash card app for every phone that takes apps.
Even if you don't have a smartphone, you can use the spreadsheets and other information on various flash card websites like study stacks.

These flashcards and notes should be helpful throughout pharmacy school and practice. The sheets cam also be downloaded as PDFs and printed out quite nicely.

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I hadn't noticed that they removed my email address. My twitter and login are the same, or you can message me here.

That said, I am about to stop making cards. I won't delete the work that I have already done, but it leaves a good foundation for someone else to build on. There are cards on drugs and 5-6 on some of the disease states.