PGY-1 Pathology resident considering change to FM

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Apr 29, 2012
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Any thoughts or recommendations for me? Anything I should be considering?

Before med school and during most of it I thought I'd end up being a FM doc. Then some time during 3rd year I became really interested in some research going on with transfusion medicine and molecular genetics. I learned that both of those specialties fell under the pathology umbrella and I ended up going that route. I thought I'd go into path, start doing research, and end up with a career in academia or industry. After being in it for a year, I realize that I don't actually want to do that. I miss the patient contact and I feel too limited by the work settings available in clinical pathology. Jobs are also pretty limited and require you to be pretty open to moving anywhere in the country.

So now I'm looking into making a switch to FM. I have 3 years of funding left. My wife and kids want very much to stay in the area we are in. There are 3 programs in the city and 2 more within 90 mins. I'm assuming I will have to reapply in the match. In the meantime I think I'm going to take the year off, volunteer where I can to improve my skills (I will have a license, but path doesn't do a true intern year), and make a plan for what else I can do if I don't match in the coming cycle.

My scores were as follows:
Step 1 - 237
Step 2 CK - 250
Step 2 CS - Pass
Step 3 - 235

I'm in good standing with my program and have performed well. I also have a few minor publications from this year and a couple more from med school.

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I strongly recommend you find a way to reach out to 1 or 2 of the programs in your area and find a way to regularly interact. Like above, if the PD or APD of a program is doing outreach work in the community, e.g. with a free clinic or doing research that interests you, I would try to network with them. If there are any state or regional FM organizations or conferences I'd use then to network with faculty in your city. Honestly of you can even get a job at a clinic or at the hospital with those programs and see them, it'll help.

If you apply broadly, you will of course match somewhere as is, but you have a very strong reason to match at 1 one of those 5 programs, which will require some effort to network and potentially get face time or a letter from someone on faculty that could go to bat for you when they're filtering through applications.
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Current FM resident involved in recruiting at my program. Your stats of course are great for FM, the trick will be convincing programs that you have a genuine interest in FM. Finding opportunities to volunteer or get clinical experience in the primary care realm is a great idea. Make sure you have at least one FM LOR, maybe see if you can get in to shadow/work with some attendings at your local FM programs. Some volunteer/paid work experience with underserved populations would not go amiss (are there opportunities at a local free clinic or FQHC?). Work on crafting a good personal statement that demonstrates your interest. The other thing to do is to get your face out there. I'd recommend the AAFP Residents & Students conference at the end of July (will be virtual this year) as an opportunity to meet the programs in your area and get your foot in the door. There might also be a similar state or local conference geared towards residency recruiting. Good luck!!

Thanks for the advice! I was involved with the family medicine group at school and will be able to get at least one LOR from a family doc there so hopefully that helps show my interest. I'll definitely reach out to the local programs as well and will attend any conferences possible.
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How concerned should I be regarding funding? I'll have 3 years remaining after this year. Will I keep all three if I don't continue with my current program? Or does the clock run nonstop after graduating med school?

Should I take the year off to conserve the funding?