Pearson Practice Exam

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Pharmacy Student
5+ Year Member
Apr 22, 2017
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Well I took the first Pearson Practice Exam:
(I have been training with Dr Collins for a few months)
Math I'm training in it now because I was focusing on Bio and Chem.

Bio 72 pct Correction 10/21/2017: actually 78 saw it on score report
Chem 70 pct (my computer changed two of my correct answers)
Reading 70 pct (I recognized some of the readings from the last time I took the Pearson Practice exams over a year ago, so I'm kind of dubious to this one)
Math 31 pct UGHHHH I was skipping almost every problem

This math thing is killing me. To be fair I was doing the test and my sister was cleaning and vacuuming (lots of noise on this one ) the apartment. (This might have been a factor, because I look at a few of the problems and I was like wait that was obvious)
If anyone took the test how did your Test Compare to your Pearson Practice Exams?

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How much have you been studying with Dr. Collins per day? I'm using it as well. Have you used any other resources?
How much have you been studying with Dr. Collins per day? I'm using it as well. Have you used any other resources?
The most Recorded time I've gotten up to is 3-4 hours per day.

It takes me about 2 hours to go through all the chem index cards. And I have an iPhone app that lets me practice ochenta problems which I don't count since it is not as boring.

My bio index cards takes me about 45 minutes then I watch some random video pertaining to biology that has to do with the pCat exam. (About 1-2 hours is the length of the video) Professor Fink (physiology and more) or professor Kevin Ahern for biochemistry.
I fall asleep during chemistry videos especially ochem ones.
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Well I took the first Pearson Practice Exam:
(I have been training with Dr Collins for a few months)
Math I'm training in it now because I was focusing on Bio and Chem.

Bio 72 pct
Chem 70 pct (my computer changed two of my correct answers)
Reading 70 pct (I recognized some of the readings from the last time I took the Pearson Practice exams over a year ago, so I'm kind of dubious to this one)
Math 31 pct UGHHHH I was skipping almost every problem

This math thing is killing me. To be fair I was doing the test and my sister was cleaning and vacuuming (lots of noise on this one ) the apartment. (This might have been a factor, because I look at a few of the problems and I was like wait that was obvious)
If anyone took the test how did your Test Compare to your Pearson Practice Exams?
My actual PCAT results turned out to be even higher than the ones predicted on the Pearson practice exams, most likely because I continued to improve after each practice exam I took.
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My actual PCAT results turned out to be even higher than the ones predicted on the Pearson practice exams, most likely because I continued to improve after each practice exam I took.
I see, I am working on understanding the math section problems that I missed,
they weren't that difficult, but I haven't seen questions like this on collins math(most of them not all)(had some concepts I forgot as well but remembering when I look at the problem carefully), and I have taken 6 out of 9 of the tests. I am working on doing better the next Practice Exam. (This time I will replicate the test conditions to see how I perform) I will study everything for two days to then do that second exam and repeat. Thanks for replying, any more replies are welcome.
Actual score and Pearson test scores were comparable!

For all the Pearson practice tests I took, I only got halfway through the math sections. Crunch time, few days before the exam, I was just doing math problems all day long while timing myself (think of reasonable time limit, then give yourself a little less than that). Algebra 2 and up including calc. That helped a lot with improving my speed. Just Google'd practice math problems.

It helps, of course, to go through all the problems and do the easy ones and immediately skip problems that look lengthy.
ALSO super important to decide which letter to pick if you're just straight-up guessing. "C" was my choice, but do it based off the Pearson practice tests (see what the most common answer choice is for the tough questions you miss).
For problems you decide to skip, select your chosen letter, flag it, and come back to it at the end if you have time.
In the final 5 minutes, go through all your skipped problems and select your chosen letter.

I went from approx. 70th percentile on practice tests to 94th percentile on actual PCAT math section.
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hey guys, I am using KAPLAN as a study guide for my PCAT which comes up 11 days from now, do you think, KAPLAN is enough or should I get pearson practice test to better equip myself?? I must confess I had a hard time with the critical reading aspect of KAPLAN test, the time wasn't enough, and KAPLAN recommended 8 minutes for each passage (3 mins to read and 5 mins to answer).... anybody with experience should please share idea and advise on how to tackle the aforementioned aspect and other aspects of the PCAT. Thanks in advance
hey guys, I am using KAPLAN as a study guide for my PCAT which comes up 11 days from now, do you think, KAPLAN is enough or should I get pearson practice test to better equip myself?? I must confess I had a hard time with the critical reading aspect of KAPLAN test, the time wasn't enough, and KAPLAN recommended 8 minutes for each passage (3 mins to read and 5 mins to answer).... anybody with experience should please share idea and advise on how to tackle the aforementioned aspect and other aspects of the PCAT. Thanks in advance
I used Kaplan, and it worked out great!! I was dedicated to my studying, though: I read the whole book; I took notes on the chapters; I rewrote all my notes like 3 times and reviewed them weekly.
The Kaplan practice exams are more difficult than the PCAT tbh... But the reading was easier in Kaplan than PCAT. For the Kaplan, you could answer the questions without thoroughly reading the passages. For the PCAT, you can't really do that (at least, I had trouble doing that).

You should invest in at least a couple Pearson practice tests since you still have time. Take them 2-3 days apart. They really help!

I did great on the reading sections in the Pearson tests, but not as hot on the actual PCAT.... my passages were way too long and boring, and I started freaking out 'cause I ran out of time.
I don't have much advice for the reading section, unfortunately. Try to skim as best you can for the passages, and don't answer how YOU want to answer. Select the answer THEY want.
Basically, pick the answer that is the most neutral and SUPPORTED IN THE TEXT.
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hey guys, I am using KAPLAN as a study guide for my PCAT which comes up 11 days from now, do you think, KAPLAN is enough or should I get pearson practice test to better equip myself?? I must confess I had a hard time with the critical reading aspect of KAPLAN test, the time wasn't enough, and KAPLAN recommended 8 minutes for each passage (3 mins to read and 5 mins to answer).... anybody with experience should please share idea and advise on how to tackle the aforementioned aspect and other aspects of the PCAT. Thanks in advance
Hey hecksflakes, a lot of people think you can't really "study" for the Critical Reading section but that's so not true. The best thing I've found that works is to do two types of practice: timed practice to work on pacing, and untimed practice to try to maximize your understanding of the passage and work on specific goals. As you read the passage, don't take any notes because that can take up a lot of time that you could be spending on answering questions, but instead take a second to pause after each paragraph to ask yourself, What was the point of this paragraph, in a few words? Also, try to do 2-3 passages a week because they'll really add up over time and assimilate into your regular routine so that your Critical Reading skills will stay sharp. You'll start to get the hang of pacing with lots of practice, which is more helpful that obsessively checking the clock every 3-5 minutes, disrupting your flow and stressing you out more than you need to be! If you check the time every 2-3 passages or so, you'll know whether your pacing is too fast, too slow, or just right without having panic set in towards the end of the timer.

You can do this!!
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Well here are the second round Practice results:
Biology: 90 % (I felt good seeing this one)
Chemistry 68 % (I felt more hurried this time but will keep learning)
Critical Reading: 70 %
Quantitative: 43 % (had to guess because my time was running out. Gotta keep improving)
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Well here are the second round Practice results:
Biology: 90 % (I felt good seeing this one)
Chemistry 68 % (I felt more hurried this time but will keep learning)
Critical Reading: 70 %
Quantitative: 43 % (had to guess because my time was running out. Gotta keep improving)

How did you study for the microbiology questions??
Have you tried taking practice exams and making note of exactly the kinds of questions that are asked about microbiology? That might help demystify what's actually on the PCAT. Do we have to know a million different bugs and a million and a half different drugs? No way! But there are some fundamental concepts that are tested frequently (Gram-negative v. positive bacteria, antibiotics, etc.) that you'll want to have a firm grounding in.

I also recommend taking a look at the "PCAT Test Blueprint and Sample Items" document from Pearson - it shows you exactly what's covered on the PCAT. For microbiology, for example, you might be asked not only about Microorganisms but also about Infectious Diseases and Prevention, Microbial Ecology, Medical Microbiology, and Immunity.
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Well I took the third round:
Bio 63 percent actually 66 pct (spotted an answer that was changed by computer)
Chemistry 85 percent
Reading 60 Percent
Quantitative 53 Percent

Bio hurt my feelings but I will scribe the index cards.
Chemistry this section I found MUCH easier than in the first two practice exams.
Reading : mehhhhhhh.
Quantitative: I improved because I keep reacquiring lost skills.

Practice Tests Recap:
Bio 72 pct Correction 10/21/2017: actually 78 saw it on score report
Chem 70 pct (my computer changed two of my correct answers)
Reading 70 pct (I recognized some of the readings from the last time I took the Pearson Practice exams over a year ago, so I'm kind of dubious to this one)
Math 31 pct UGHHHH I was skipping almost every problem

Biology: 90 % (I felt good seeing this one)
Chemistry 68 % (I felt more hurried this time but will keep learning)
Critical Reading: 70 %
Quantitative: 43 % (had to guess because my time was running out. Gotta keep improving)

Bio 63 % 66 pct (spotted an answer that was changed by computer)
Chemistry 85 %
Reading 60 %
Quantitative 53 % (Got some advice from rxsugoi, used some online math practice problems it helped)

Well now it's time for crunch time
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Well I took the third round:
Bio 63 percent
Chemistry 85 percent
Reading 60 Percent
Quantitative 53 Percent

Bio hurt my feelings but I will scribe the index cards.
Chemistry this section was much easier than the first two.
Reading : mehhhhhhh.
Quantitative: I improved because I keep reacquiring lost skills.

Bio 72 pct Correction 10/21/2017: actually 78 saw it on score report
Chem 70 pct (my computer changed two of my correct answers)
Reading 70 pct (I recognized some of the readings from the last time I took the Pearson Practice exams over a year ago, so I'm kind of dubious to this one)
Math 31 pct UGHHHH I was skipping almost every problem

Biology: 90 % (I felt good seeing this one)
Chemistry 68 % (I felt more hurried this time but will keep learning)
Critical Reading: 70 %
Quantitative: 43 % (had to guess because my time was running out. Gotta keep improving)

Bio 63 percent
Chemistry 85 percent
Reading 60 Percent
Quantitative 53 Percent
You are ready for the test i think....i haven't been revising, got a lot of assignments that's due in the morning and my pcat exam is Tuesday. ..I am screwed

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