Pcat Aftermath

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Sep 9, 2004
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Hey everybody who just took the PCAT, howd you guys think you did?

This was my second time taking it and compared to the March PCAT, the questions now were a helluva lot easier. It also seemed like we had more time for the questions. There were also a couple of the same questions from last time. Hope we all did good! :thumbup:

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Not sure why there are 3 threads on this, but I will post here. Just got done.

* Did fine on verbal ability and reading comprehension
* not sure how to rate how I did on the essay
* did ok on math (rusty on calculus so we will have to see), and I bet 20%
of the questions were on logarithms.
* chemistry had quite a bit of Organic, but nothing I haven't seen
in my 2 months of Organic.
* Biology I bottomed out. Totally bombed it. I guess it was a lot of
Biology II which I haven't taken yet, or A&P II. But many of the
questions I straight up guessed. No clue at all on many.

I'm retaking in November. So I have 4 weeks to learn Biology. Any advice? I have the Barron's and Peterson's PCAT books, but I guess I need something else.

Those of you who took the new PCAT:

Was the essay related to pharmacy?
Mine wasn't. Mine was about extraterrestial life and a classmate's was on ethnic diversity.
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Yea, mine was on whether or not I believe in extraterrestial life.