PA programs where you can complete pre-reqs if accepted?

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10+ Year Member
Feb 28, 2010
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I'm not sure if this is the appropriate (if not, I apologize and a mod can feel free to move it).

Anyway, I have a Bachelor's in Business Management with a 3.64 GPA and I have a few sciences courses completed already. I was wondering if there are any PA programs that I can apply to without having completed all of the pre-reqs, and if I am accepted, I can complete the courses and will be guaranteed a seat as long as I do well in the pre-reqs? Kind of similar to how some pharmacy programs are 0-6 where you are guaranteed a seat in the professional phase of the program as long as you complete pre-reqs?

Preferably looking for something in the NY/Long Island area.

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Look at each individual program you are interested in and scour their website for information, usually under the FAQs tabs, to see what they accept. I’ve seen a few programs that allow for one or two courses to be outstanding. I doubt you’ll find any that allow for many more than that, though. The reason why is that there are thousands of business majors that would love to go to PA school, but a PA schools prerequisites are probably going to be the hardest courses a business major is likely to have taken, so they will want to weed out the 99% of business majors with good grades in their business coursework that would fall flat the moment they took courses in the hard sciences. Not saying that would include you, but that’s why they want folks to demonstrate some academic acumen before they grant a student a seat in their program. There are at least 6 students applying for every PA school seat, and probably 3 or more of those 6 students are folks with really good GPA in difficult majors like biology.

The one thing that PA schools often do, which is generous of them, is that for someone like you, they will look hard at your prerequisites. If you ace them, then you often have as good a chance as the biology major that took really hard classes along with those prerequisites during their undergrad. I saw folks who took their prerequisites at the same time as courses like organic chemistry and get rejected in favor of folks with business degrees that took their easy business classes while they took a prerequisite. One student was juggling a ton, and another wasn’t, and the one that wasn’t was better positioned.
D'Youville in Buffalo, NY. You join the 5 yrs bachelor's-master program in the under grad portion of the program.
If I recall correctly, Kettering College in Ohio has a direct-entry BS+PA program.