osteopathic oath

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10+ Year Member
20+ Year Member
Dec 4, 1998
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I just read the oath and was curious about the line:
"...I will give no drugs for deadly purposes to any person, though it may be asked of me"
Reference to euthanasia or end-of-life options? It don't think it's concrete b/c I was asked about this quality-of-life issue and was accepted even though I wasn't dead-set against 'certain end-of-life option'.
Just curious of people's takes on the matter.

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My PERSONAL opinion is: I will never want to engage in the decision of live or death. In general, I don't agree to the idea of assistance suicied. I just can't do it myself.

I hope I will learn more about this issue during my third and fourth year rotation.

[This message has been edited by Henry (edited April 09, 1999).]
I hope Henry (see previous post)lerans to spell before he finishes medical school too.
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Thanks for your comments, wallawalla. I guess wallawalla is an individual who seeks for prefections in all aspects, and can not accept any error or failure.

In that sense, wallawalla, what is your opinion regarding to the issue that Danny has stated.

[This message has been edited by Henry (edited April 09, 1999).]
Definately a controversial issue with no easy answer. Some arguments from both sides.
ANTI=Anti-Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide
PRO=Pro-Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide

ANTI: Physcian's oath prevents us from taking part. Our duty is to heal the injured and sick, not to end their lives.
PRO: It is wrong to allow someone to suffer. After all, we kill animals all the time to end their suffering if they suffer some crippling injury. If this is considered humane, then humans should be deserving of the same sense of humanity.

ANTI: Slippery slope. If we make this legal, then it will result in surge of suicides in the nation.
PRO: With proper protocols/guidelines, only those who "need" it will receive it.

PRO: Our technology allows us in many cases to prolong people's lives. Often, this results in them suffering some painful disease or injury. If they had been allowed to die in the first place, they would not be suffering now. Therefore, since we caused their pain, we should end it if so asked.
ANTI: Our goal is to always try to treat the sick and injured in whatever way possible. We of course don't want anyone to suffer and we will do everything in our power to ensure that they don't.

PRO: Life is not just physical existence. It is also includes psychological and social existence. Patients should determine whether their criteria for quality of life is being met. If it is not and there is no psychological illness present, then they should have the option.
ANTI: We can treat all aspects of a person's health, not just the physical aspect.

Any thoughts or other arguments that you can think of? This is about all I can come up with right now.
To wallawalla,
Correct yourself before you try to correct others. This is in response to your mispelled statement about Henry.

"I hope Henry LERANS to spell before he finishes medical school too."
Furthermore Wallawalla, english is Henry's second language...give him a break!

You know, it's sad that so many people [see autocrine v paracrine, what is holistic med and now here] focus on diction spelling, grammar and typing prowess in lieu of paying attention to the message the author is trying to convey. Even worse, those of you who are engaging in this behavior are people who I have personally seen give really great information &/or perspectives in other places. Why do you insist in going both ways?

I have NEVER professed, or even kidded myself, about my abilities to type, spell or my grammatical expertise; but I can guarantee you I have been VERY successful as an allied health professional and WILL also be VERY successful as a physician.

I'll give all of you 'devil's advocates' the benefit of the doubt and say that your intentions were for humor or a little playful banter. Just a word to the wise, it is NOT translating as such.

You know, how can you expect to have a 'little fun' at someone's expense; and then expect people to take you seriously when you try to tell them how sensitive to their plight you are? In case it hasn't dawned on you guys...not only are your future colleagues perusing this site; so are your future patients. Not that I contend these people will specifically re-call you. But, your childish attacks and commentary will be genralized the medical community at large...that could prove costly to ALL.

So, before you bitch at someone, be it for amusement or just generally being a pain in the @$$, please bear in mind, THIS IS A PUBLIC FORUM. Show your best sides, not your butts!!


'Old Man Dave'
Senior, Neurosciences
Univ of Texas at Dallas
Class of 1999

[This message has been edited by OldManDave (edited April 10, 1999).]