General Oops, I sent out a typo-ridden post-acceptance thank you email

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Dec 31, 1999
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Hello wise one of the SDN.

Here is my conundrum:

I was fortunately accepted to my dream dental school this morning! And I can't overstate how excited I am about the prospect of attending dental school and becoming a dentist in the near future.

However, in my thank you email to the school post-acceptance, I've made several very noticeable and simply amateuristic grammatical and spelling mistakes that looking back, I am ashamed of myself for not double-checking (the errors are pretty noticeable to be completely honest , these mistakes maybe negligible if ones skims through the email, but if the person chooses to read it slowly then the email looks like something a younger me would've written for a B in middle school). I wrote the email during the spur of the moment post acceptance, and I sent it to the admission office without re-reading what I wrote. I really hope this won't raise any concerns for my ability to write intelligible English at a professional level (in fact, I thought my PS was one of my selling points). I've already sent out a revised email that basically restated my intention to accept the offer, pay the deposits and rephrased some of the question I had for the school, I hope this will make up for it. Both emails were sent sometime at night, so I really hope the adcoms will read the revised, newer email instead of the old, crappy one.

Do you think this mistake will be a major red flag that will cause a potential reconsideration of the acceptance offer that was made to me today? I really hope for my own sake that this is just me being neurotic. I am thinking about calling the school tomorrow to apologize, if necessary!
Stay positive. :D I work with many doctors that can't spell to save their lives. They'll understand that you probably shot out the message in haste due to your excitement. Just take it slower in the future. :)

It would be extremely unlikely that an admissions office would withdraw an acceptance for spelling errors. They will only do that for major issue such as ethical or criminal issues which come to light following acceptance.

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