Online MBA programs for docs...

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Dec 13, 2003
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ok soo i'm new to this part of SDN, nevertheless always been an avid business minded individual.

My question is this. I am in med school currently and if I could start doing some of the classes for my MBA i would (granted i'm in my 3rd yr right now so it's tough as it is, but even if i could just do a little, it would be nice)...

so i've been looking into these online eMBA programs, I think univ of south FL, univ of tennessee, and univ of auburn in particular have these. in addition, i just saw this website called ellis college of NYIT, which requires NO GMAT (They mentioned this approx 10000 you get the point).

So my question is this. Is this online mba degree credible? Do ppl look down on you? I mean i'm sure that a person that got their mba degree from harvard woudl look down on anyone who had a degree from a non-ivy, but are online MBAs taboo so to speak?

My other q is this. Seeing as though business seems to always be about who you know, essentially networking, are there enough of these online MBAers out there that will get you to where you want to be?

Thanks guys for your advice!

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i would think that you would learn the bookstuff about as well, but it seems like the real value of an MBA would come from everything but the books, you know?
online MBA programs are not very credible. This can have a huge impact when your shopping for jobs, especially competing against MBAs from official degree granting institutions. Furthermore, real MBA programs prepare you very well by giving you hands on projects to work with.

Since your already in medical school, you can earn a masters in healthcare management offered by the American College of Physician Executives. Every year, 2000 physicians dissatisfied by thier inability to manage services earn the degree. This further shows that there is a dire need for doctors who have can effectively know the business know-how
They often tell us that 50% of the benefit of business school is derived from activities outside of class. The point is you learn a lot from your peers, networking etc. Yes, you can learn the book component well (even then you might not) but the value of the MBA comes in so many other intangible ways.