>>>>>>Official DMU Class of 2009<<<<<<

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I think I am smarter now that biochem is done. Even though i am exhausted from studying for the final, as soon as i handed that test in the head & neck anatomy starting flowing. Maybe because the biochem fell right out of my ears. Now, which foramen did it go through......

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oh, and just in case anyone else pushed anatomy aside to study for the last two biochem tests, i think this could help.


or, if you are like mad cow and appreciate the good stuff

rjfreed said:
oh, and just in case anyone else pushed anatomy aside to study for the last two biochem tests, i think this could help.


or, if you are like mad cow and appreciate the good stuff


You damned 09'ers know how to party! :smuggrin:

Here's a irrational fear: I'm doing a Peds rotation in the same town I dated a girl in while I was freshly out of H.S. I'm thinking she's got kids now (with someone else), and she might show up for an appointment.

How's that for scary?!?
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Portier said:
You damned 09'ers know how to party! :smuggrin:

Here's a irrational fear: I'm doing a Peds rotation in the same town I dated a girl in while I was freshly out of H.S. I'm thinking she's got kids now (with someone else), and she might show up for an appointment.

How's that for scary?!?

yeah...good luck with that one. i think i'd rather do anatomy! ;)
Portier said:
You damned 09'ers know how to party! :smuggrin:

Here's a irrational fear: I'm doing a Peds rotation in the same town I dated a girl in while I was freshly out of H.S. I'm thinking she's got kids now (with someone else), and she might show up for an appointment.

How's that for scary?!?

...not nearly as scary as the possibility of doing a psych rotation near a town where you dated a girl when you were old enough and wise enough to know better and having her show up for an appointment.

Besides, look at the bright side: they could be your kids, you could be doing a residency there, and paying her to bring the rugrats to see you. :laugh:

Actually, I should probably shut up. They're facing a pretty good pitcher tonight in Oswalt and if they lose I'm going to be hearing it for a very long time...
ol' mil-
how soon does 'for a long time start?' just wanted to sneak in before ms. munch steps in an hollas you a new one.
g'luck cowboy, don chew fuggedit- mess with the bull, you get the horns!
:mad: :horns:
I'm gonna play nice since it's 3:15pm and I'm still hungover from last night.

But we are going to the World Series...MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA
Old_Mil said:
...not nearly as scary as the possibility of doing a psych rotation near a town where you dated a girl when you were old enough and wise enough to know better and having her show up for an appointment.

Besides, look at the bright side: they could be your kids, you could be doing a residency there, and paying her to bring the rugrats to see you. :laugh:

I sometimes wonder if I do have rugrats out there. In my younger hell raising days I was no where near as careful with my genetic material as I should have been. :eek:
Just wanted to say that we, the DMU Dragons, really stuck it to the Drake Ambulance Chasers....i mean law students in the malpractice bowl. They gave it their all, but in the end they were no match to the extremely bright and athletic future of medicine.

I will give them credit, though, for coming up with uniforms that had a little jab at the medical profession. Ours on the other hand was very nicely put together with no mention of ill regard. But it does have a scary dragon on the back...
rjfreed said:
Just wanted to say that we, the DMU Dragons, really stuck it to the Drake Ambulance Chasers....i mean law students in the malpractice bowl. They gave it their all, but in the end they were no match to the extremely bright and athletic future of medicine.

I will give them credit, though, for coming up with uniforms that had a little jab at the medical profession. Ours on the other hand was very nicely put together with no mention of ill regard. But it does have a scary dragon on the back...

I too have to share my pride in our win over the law-ettes over at Drake. It was cold out, but we stuck it to 'em!

However, I think we need a uniform update next year. Drake's shirts read "Fixing the medical profession, one doctor at a time." I'm not sure "fixing" was the first word there, but you get the picture. I thought it was pretty clever of them, and I think we need to put our heads together and get something going for next year!!!!!!!

Hmmm...I will be thinking! (ouch...i forgot how much thinking hurts!) ;)


Wow, I can't believe it... we're no longer the newest DMU class thread... there's a Class of 2010 now...

Oh well, I'm over it now. Redirecting attention to *embryology* now...

Oh JOY!!
Considering the amount of mind altering beverages consumed last night, I figured I'd share the following information I found on the internet this morning...Why I was looking this up instead of studying the thorax, however, remains a mystery even to myself.

The True Meaning of Des Moines

Linguistic research has shed new light on the meaning of 'Des Moines.' Turns out it might derive from a 330-year-old practical joke. In 1673 Father Jacques Marquette met some representatives of the Peoria indian tribe near the mouth of the modern-day Des Moines River. He asked them the name of the rival tribe that lived further along the banks of the river. The Peoria told him that tribe was called the Moingoana, which became the root for the word 'Moines'. But researcher Michael McCafferty of Indiana University, while studying the now extinct Miami-Illinois language, discovered that Moingoana, translated literally, meant '**** faces.' Evidently the Peoria were having a little fun at their rival's expense. The city of Des Moines has not yet acknowledged the true meaning of its name.
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Old_Mil said:
Considering the amount of mind altering beverages consumed last night, I figured I'd share the following information I found on the internet this morning...Why I was looking this up instead of studying the thorax, however, remains a mystery even to myself.

The True Meaning of Des Moines

Linguistic research has shed new light on the meaning of 'Des Moines.' Turns out it might derive from a 330-year-old practical joke. In 1673 Father Jacques Marquette met some representatives of the Peoria indian tribe near the mouth of the modern-day Des Moines River. He asked them the name of the rival tribe that lived further along the banks of the river. The Peoria told him that tribe was called the Moingoana, which became the root for the word 'Moines'. But researcher Michael McCafferty of Indiana University, while studying the now extinct Miami-Illinois language, discovered that Moingoana, translated literally, meant '**** faces.' Evidently the Peoria were having a little fun at their rival's expense. The city of Des Moines has not yet acknowledged the true meaning of its name.

That's hilarious! Another reason why not to allow myself to be called a "Demoinker"... the other one being that it sounds too much like "oinker".


wow. last dmu '09 post was 10/29. i think we're slacking. or we like the 2010 thread better.

well, nothing important to add. carry on.
rjfreed said:

wow. last dmu '09 post was 10/29. i think we're slacking. or we like the 2010 thread better.

well, nothing important to add. carry on.

We're metastasizing.

In other news, I will forever be distrustful of any publication that uses the words "in", "the",<a number>, and "week" in the same sentence.
Old_Mil said:
We're metastasizing.

In other news, I will forever be distrustful of any publication that uses the words "in", "the",<a number>, and "week" in the same sentence.

huh? me no get. please splain
Mad Cow said:
huh? me no get. please splain

I didn't get it either...but I just figured that's becuase I'm stupid, and I didn't want to make that known by asking...so thanks B...I knew you'd pull through for me!



he's talking about embryology....ex. in the 3rd week the cardiovascular system develops....yada yada

I too find embryology as the evil threat.

Is it bad that I overslept again today? I think I'm sick or something b/c I can never get up in time for class anymore.
sik huh? me no get whut peeple spek of no more. mus be too much natome. feeling dummer evry minit. if you have trouble waking up, try more sleep. gud luk.
:mad:, dum :horns:
Our first tornado warning... on an anatomy test weekend, no less!

I wonder if these warnings are frequent... or do they really only put them out when you're in serious or imminent danger? It's like in Washington, we get all these snow storm warnings, and we rarely actually get the snow.

Happy Studying, everyone! Back to (psycho theme song playing) EMBRYO...

Not sure which I fear more... tornado... embryo...
MsEvolution said:
Our first tornado warning... on an anatomy test weekend, no less!

I wonder if these warnings are frequent... or do they really only put them out when you're in serious or imminent danger?

It's a little late in the year for them. They're pretty frequent in the spring and early summer (May-June). The air around here can get pretty stirred up around that time of year. Hail, extremely low clouds at the edges of thunderstorms (wall clouds), and green skies are all bad times of the day to be, say, walking your dog.




(Three picture of wall/shelf clouds...the third one shows a green sky on the other side of the shelf...if a cloud looks like a big foot that's getting ready to stomp on the ground, that may not be far from the truth)

This is the sort of weather that can cause this:


(used to be a house - in Okalhoma, not Iraq)

and this...


(used to be Delta Flight 401 before it tried to fly under something like that 30 years ago in Dallas).

http://www.nssl.noaa.gov/NWSTornado/ for more information.

As for the embryo/tornado thing, I think it's a toss up.
Is it just me, or is picking out your diagnostic tools stressful? I'm trying to figure out which combination would make me the smartest. On one hand, i want to save some money and go with the minimum, but then during a physical diagnosis shoot-out, i don't want to be the only guy with a pea shooter. On the other hand, the pan-optic and halogen penlight are cool, but i don't want them to collect dust in the corner with my leather doctor's bag, omm table, embryology textbook, pda.....

but on the third hand, i bet batman didn't go cheap when he was putting together his belt.
rjfreed said:
Is it just me, or is picking out your diagnostic tools stressful? I'm trying to figure out which combination would make me the smartest. On one hand, i want to save some money and go with the minimum, but then during a physical diagnosis shoot-out, i don't want to be the only guy with a pea shooter. On the other hand, the pan-optic and halogen penlight are cool, but i don't want them to collect dust in the corner with my leather doctor's bag, omm table, embryology textbook, pda.....

but on the third hand, i bet batman didn't go cheap when he was putting together his belt.

I think I'm gonna go cheap...and use the extra money for other, more important things.....ummm....beeeer! ;)

Nah...I'm going cheap because I feel that's the general reccomendation. They don't let us use the Pan Optic in PD, and unless you're going to lug that thing aroudn with you to every clinic you go to, I don't see it being useful in the future! The only thing we need to keep without us through our clinical years and beyond is our stethescope, so I say get a good, quality one of those! The other stuff will most likely be supplied by whichever clinic/hospital you're at...you know...those cool things the doctors used to pull off the walls when you were younger! ;) You know, the things that would look into your brain, one through the front, and one on the side...ok...so...that's what I always thought!

But yet, I agree...the decision has been somewhat stressful! Damn it! ;) Oh well...the check's getting written today, and it's over!

G' luck!


have we got something better to be doing than keeping up with SDN? w@nkers, all of ya. except ms. e and munchkin, whose nic i've forgotten. what's up with that? good luck this next couple of weeks. i'm right behind you if you decide to have a panic attack :scared:
:mad: :horns:
Mad Cow said:
have we got something better to be doing than keeping up with SDN? w@nkers, all of ya. except ms. e and munchkin, whose nic i've forgotten. what's up with that? good luck this next couple of weeks. i'm right behind you if you decide to have a panic attack :scared:
:mad: :horns:

Well, right at the moment, I'm avoiding studying OMM...
What the hell's wrong with us???? Not posting since december?!?!?! It's not like we're busy or anything....c'mon....let's pick up the pace!
Ms. Munch's reasons for not posting Dec-Apr:

1. PD I
2. Physiology
3. Pathology
4. Micro
5. Neuro
6. Micro
7. Physiology
8. Micro
9. Micro
10. Bugs
11. Micro

Can ya see a pattern? hehe

What did the Aspergillus fumigatus tell the bartender when he was told they don't serve "his kind"?

Hey! I'm a fun guy. :laugh:

"Ya can't fix stupid"
Munchkin6245 said:
Ms. Munch's reasons for not posting Dec-Apr:

1. PD I
2. Physiology
3. Pathology
4. Micro
5. Neuro
6. Micro
7. Physiology
8. Micro
9. Micro
10. Bugs
11. Micro

Can ya see a pattern? hehe

What did the Aspergillus fumigatus tell the bartender when he was told they don't serve "his kind"?

Hey! I'm a fun guy. :laugh:

"Ya can't fix stupid"

You're crazy....right...but crazy! ;)
Yeah, it is interesting how our posting here just faded away...I guess we were a little busy, maybe?

It feels good to have One year down! Overall, I'd have to say that my interest in medicine has been reinforced, and you know, in retrospect, this year wasn't so bad, in fact, I'd say it was enjoyable, I further can't believe how much we really did learn and how it is starting to integrate together. I gotta say, I'm already excited for the next year systems, pharm, and more Harvey...aka Mad Cow's Twin.

P.S. Are any of my classmates planning to commit First Aid to memory this summer too, or am I just crazy to plan this?

Enjoy the Summer!!!!
bigdreamer#1 said:
Yeah, it is interesting how our posting here just faded away...I guess we were a little busy, maybe?

It feels good to have One year down! Overall, I'd have to say that my interest in medicine has been reinforced, and you know, in retrospect, this year wasn't so bad, in fact, I'd say it was enjoyable, I further can't believe how much we really did learn and how it is starting to integrate together. I gotta say, I'm already excited for the next year systems, pharm, and more Harvey...aka Mad Cow's Twin.

P.S. Are any of my classmates planning to commit First Aid to memory this summer too, or am I just crazy to plan this?

Enjoy the Summer!!!!

Fantasy: Commit the following to memory... First Aid, High Yields, BRS's, Lippincott's.

Reality: Hmmm... I guess I'll have to report on July 25th. :)

Have a great summer, all! We're MSII's now!! Wooo hooo!
Bump...what's up guys...we're pathetic! ;)
speak for yourself, i'm old and slow. i just read this site for the first time since the last time i read it.

first one to respond to this gets a beer!
Give the beer to this guy...I totally didn't know we even had a thread around still.

How bout the gayness of having 7 slides from Dr. K on the GI Exam?? Boy am I happy to hear about that. Now I will have to get away from Notepool which was going to be my savior. Oh well...
Madcow...oops...I meant you're pathetic...not we're pathetic! :)
Wow! I do check this every now and then...I was just waiting for someone to say something...cause I had nothing eh?

Here's some conversation though... I finally had the surgery lab today and I was very impressed with the fact that our school is training us now for this stuff in our second year. I didn't realize that other medical school didn't do this? Man, we truely will have an advantage on rotations. Unfortunately, however, I did give my friend DOitright a nice hematoma the size of a golf ball during IV practice.....guess I better work on that some more.
Haha...it isn't really is as bad as we thought it would be (the hematoma that is). It is a little swollen still...but not black and blue! ;) It's ok, the xylocaine took away any pain! I didn't feel a darn thing! I too agree that surgery lab is a great asset to DMU and was a lot of fun today...at least much more so than GI is right now! ;)
Wow! I do check this every now and then...I was just waiting for someone to say something...cause I had nothing eh?

Here's some conversation though... I finally had the surgery lab today and I was very impressed with the fact that our school is training us now for this stuff in our second year. I didn't realize that other medical school didn't do this? Man, we truely will have an advantage on rotations. Unfortunately, however, I did give my friend DOitright a nice hematoma the size of a golf ball during IV practice.....guess I better work on that some more.

DMU's surgery labs are awesome! Take full advantage of them and try to learn as much as you possibly can from them.

I scrubbed in for my first surgery today and my attending was so impressed that I knew how to scrub in and what to do around the sterile field he let me put in a pacemaker almost entirely by myself!
Wow! I do check this every now and then...I was just waiting for someone to say something...cause I had nothing eh?

Here's some conversation though... I finally had the surgery lab today and I was very impressed with the fact that our school is training us now for this stuff in our second year. I didn't realize that other medical school didn't do this? Man, we truely will have an advantage on rotations. Unfortunately, however, I did give my friend DOitright a nice hematoma the size of a golf ball during IV practice.....guess I better work on that some more.

DMU's surgery labs are awesome! Take full advantage of them and try to learn as much as you possibly can from them.

I scrubbed in for my first surgery today and my attending was so impressed that I knew how to scrub in and what to do around the sterile field he let me put in a pacemaker almost entirely by myself!
alright, so who do i owe the beer to? you have to come find me and i'll give ya one. until then, will someone else write posts so we can change this page? yeargh, it's drivin me nuts!
...So, i'm sitting in a hotel room right now in Kansas City (Wifey had a conference and I came along). Anyone out there?

I'm aware that this thread is pointless, I'm just extremely bored. Whose got a good topic?
...So, i'm sitting in a hotel room right now in Kansas City (Wifey had a conference and I came along). Anyone out there?

I'm aware that this thread is pointless, I'm just extremely bored. Whose got a good topic?


How bout, what are you going to do the minute you're after boards?

I'm planning on de-evolving at the royal mile. i wouldn't mind breaking the record for the earliest time of day that someone gets 86'd from there. i'll be the one huddled in the corner making baby coos and soaked with guinness that can't get in my belly fast enough. :love:

How bout, what are you going to do the minute you're after boards?

I'm planning on de-evolving at the royal mile. i wouldn't mind breaking the record for the earliest time of day that someone gets 86'd from there. i'll be the one huddled in the corner making baby coos and soaked with guinness that can't get in my belly fast enough. :love:

Ha ha! Well, I'll join you then in that plan Mad Cow...provide our test dates coincide, mine is the 21st, but still haven't decided if I'd ever need USMLE? Anywho, it's now time for marathon edocrine, I reckon. So Mad Cow and DOitRight you guys can start sending out the study guides!!!! I won't complain.


P.S. in the interest of getting the guiness into your belly fast...can you say "guiness bong?"
Ha ha! Well, I'll join you then in that plan Mad Cow...provide our test dates coincide, mine is the 21st, but still haven't decided if I'd ever need USMLE? Anywho, it's now time for marathon edocrine, I reckon. So Mad Cow and DO Right you guys can start sending out the study guides!!!! I won't complain.


Hey...I'm taking COMLEX on the 21st also! Right on...I know a few people taking it on that day! It'll be a "good" night, I'm sure! :D
Ha ha! Well, I'll join you then in that plan Mad Cow...provide our test dates coincide, mine is the 21st, but still haven't decided if I'd ever need USMLE? Anywho, it's now time for marathon edocrine, I reckon. So Mad Cow and DOitRight you guys can start sending out the study guides!!!! I won't complain.


P.S. in the interest of getting the guiness into your belly fast...can you say "guiness bong?"

well, two parties are always better than one. mine is a week before you, so, i'll just have to drink alone.
Don't know if I spelled his name right? But, one of you guys want to give me the skinny on how we got him? Nice guy, but I've heard some weird hear say.
don't look a gift horse in the mouth