NYU vs. Maryland?

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May 12, 2009
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Hey guys,
I'm a long time lurker. I'm here cause I have a question that I just cannot figure out.
I was accepted off the waitlist at NYU today, but was already getting pretty pumped about going to UMD in the fall.
Pros to UMD: Instate (ie 20,000/yr)
My family lives there
I have lots of friends there
My dad is a pretty prominent physician so I'll have lots of contacts
cost of living is reasonable.

Pros to NYU:
I've lived in NYC for college and am in love with it
I have a ton of friends here that I will really miss if I move back to MD
Bellevue seems awesome.

In terms of prestige, do you guys think there is any kind of difference? For current students at either school: is there a sense of community? are you happy there?

Any help is super appreciated!

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Cost alone is a huge factor in staying at Maryland. NYU is awesome, but there's not a huge difference in prestige IMO. You will be just as successful going to either place, so do the smart move and go for Maryland.
FutureDoc1987, do you like appletini's? I think I know who you are...
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haha, actually I think they're pretty gross (although sometimes I pretend to like them for comedic value). I'm more of a fancy beer lady, myself.
I'm a Barnard student named Alex. Do you know me?
haha, actually I think they're pretty gross (although sometimes I pretend to like them for comedic value). I'm more of a fancy beer lady, myself.
I'm a Barnard student named Alex. Do you know me?

I think you posted on the UMD class list regarding roommates...
This is true, but does anyone have any advice regarding the question at hand?
haha, actually I think they're pretty gross (although sometimes I pretend to like them for comedic value). I'm more of a fancy beer lady, myself.
I'm a Barnard student named Alex. Do you know me?

Nope. I have a friend who lurks these forums, going to UMD, and is waitlisted at NYU. I thought it might be him. Congrats though!
Go to NYU, open up a spot at Maryland!!

For real, though, i have no great insight.

As someone from Baltimore who also loves NY and has friends there, I would take the money and go to Maryland, but thats also partly cause I like being close to DC. I'm sure, carear-wise, there's not a big difference, both are well respected schools with plenty of clinical and research opportunities. Maryland does have that nice afternoon-off format. Other then that, i think it comes down to how you personaly feel about $80,000 vs 4 years of school in NYC instead of Baltimore.
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in the same boat here......

off the waitlist today with a state school acceptance in hand......gah

Just how hard is it to pay back 250k in loans? ha
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