******* NYCOM Class of 2011 Part 2 ******

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When studying for Dixon's lectures (the DNA synthesis/salvage rxn stuff) in the first year, do you guys recommend re-streaming? Or would that be a waste of time since she gives out really detailed handouts in addition to the powerpoints?

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Waste of time. Her handouts are all you need to read because they are so comprehensive.
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Dixon's questions are mad easy.

Please elaborate! Also, I've compiled a list of lecturers that we have had/will have next week. If anyone could please give us a run down of what to expect on their exams/quizzes in terms of what they like to test or how they like to test it (broadly? very specific minutiae?). Also, who tests from their lectures/handouts and who likes to dig into the required readings more? I think all of 2012 would be very appreciative.

Kumar, Gilliar/Farahmandpour, Stepp, Dixon, Gotfried, Hill so far and week 2 (next week, the one before our exam on Sept 2nd) will also have Solounias, Yens, McWhinney, Kooyman and Terzella.

Thanks a lot guys!!
wow, people are really stressing out about this quiz...RELAX. Its our first quiz, worth 2.5% of of our grade (which is nothing!) Enjoy the weekend, go out, drink tonight, all that jazz :D
I was asking more from the perspective of when the test comes around. I'm actually not stressed about this quiz, but I think it can't hurt to have some background info, from those who already have had these lecturers, on how things are going to go down.
gotcha, yea i think its better to start getting a handle on that test next week than it is for the quiz we got on Monday. I am also looking at the material for next week so I don't have to study it all come next weekend. I took a look at last years quizzes and exams and the questions dont seem at all difficult. It seems as though if you pay attention in class and read the handouts, one should be more than peprated for the exams. Its the anatomy practicles that I am more worried about.
I think I am at wits end with this streaming policy. An email from student leaders begging people to go to class. First off, we pay 50,000 a year in tuition so if people don't want to go to class they do not have to. They are paying to be there so it is their prerogative. Secondly, I would like to see the streaming video removed permanently because I don't use, I think it is a waste of time, all you need to pass is already in a packet that NYCOM provides, and I am sick and tired of all the discussion about what to do if they remove it. Who really cares? Other medical schools including many allopathic schools do not have streaming videos and they seem to put out some bright, physicians. Moral of the story is it is not needed or many schools would do it. All that is needed is the notes for each lecture which we get! Also, if other people don't want to come to class, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HOLDING THEIR HAND TO MAKE SURE THEY COME TO NYCOM TO ATTEND LECTURE. THIS IS RIDICULOUS NOW TAKE AWAY STREAMING AND LETS BE DONE WITH IT BECAUSE I AM NOT A BABYSITTER. Next it will be if you are on call with someone from NYCOM make sure you check the call room every second so they wake up from their page because they cannot hear the pager themselves. WHAT A JOKE THIS IS TURNING INTO. PLEASE NYCOM REMOVE THE STREAMS...THANK YOU
I think I am at wits end with this streaming policy. An email from student leaders begging people to go to class. First off, we pay 50,000 a year in tuition so if people don't want to go to class they do not have to. They are paying to be there so it is their prerogative. Secondly, I would like to see the streaming video removed permanently because I don't use, I think it is a waste of time, all you need to pass is already in a packet that NYCOM provides, and I am sick and tired of all the discussion about what to do if they remove it. Who really cares? Other medical schools including many allopathic schools do not have streaming videos and they seem to put out some bright, physicians. Moral of the story is it is not needed or many schools would do it. All that is needed is the notes for each lecture which we get! Also, if other people don't want to come to class, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HOLDING THEIR HAND TO MAKE SURE THEY COME TO NYCOM TO ATTEND LECTURE. THIS IS RIDICULOUS NOW TAKE AWAY STREAMING AND LETS BE DONE WITH IT BECAUSE I AM NOT A BABYSITTER. Next it will be if you are on call with someone from NYCOM make sure you check the call room every second so they wake up from their page because they cannot hear the pager themselves. WHAT A JOKE THIS IS TURNING INTO. PLEASE NYCOM REMOVE THE STREAMS...THANK YOU

HAHAHAHAHA, ridiculous. Thanks for going to class, model citizens like you keep our streams alive. The very thing you hate, you are indirectly supporting. How do you feel about that?
I am not supporting streaming by going to class! I side with you guys for not going! You are not being paid to be AT NYCOM. Instead you are paying so you have the choice of not attending. I am mad with the streaming issue and the fact that it seems to be the only thing anyone at NYCOM talks about. Heres the thing, I want NYCOM to take it away because I am so sick of hearing about it. However, if 8 people went to class NYCOM WOULD STILL STREAM THE VIDEOS. You want to know why??? Because THAT IS ONE OF THEIR MAIN SELLING POINTS. NYCOM WILL BLUFF AND BLUFF TILL THEY ARE BLUE IN THE FACE BUT THEY WILL NEVER ACT.. THEY WILL NEVER TAKE THE STREAMS AWAY...SOON IT WILL BE IF ATTENDANCE FALLS UNDER .0000001% THEN VIDEO STREAM WILL BE STOPPED. This is how they sell their med school to the students. 66 or 80% is bull s***! They will never get rid of it because that is just the way it is. People who don't want to go to class are fine with the notes and the readings and that's that. :thumbup:
I am not supporting streaming by going to class! I side with you guys for not going! You are not being paid to be AT NYCOM. Instead you are paying so you have the choice of not attending. I am mad with the streaming issue and the fact that it seems to be the only thing anyone at NYCOM talks about. Heres the thing, I want NYCOM to take it away because I am so sick of hearing about it. However, if 8 people went to class NYCOM WOULD STILL STREAM THE VIDEOS. You want to know why??? Because THAT IS ONE OF THEIR MAIN SELLING POINTS. NYCOM WILL BLUFF AND BLUFF TILL THEY ARE BLUE IN THE FACE BUT THEY WILL NEVER ACT.. THEY WILL NEVER TAKE THE STREAMS AWAY...SOON IT WILL BE IF ATTENDANCE FALLS UNDER .0000001% THEN VIDEO STREAM WILL BE STOPPED. This is how they sell their med school to the students. 66 or 80% is bull s***! They will never get rid of it because that is just the way it is. People who don't want to go to class are fine with the notes and the readings and that's that. :thumbup:

I really think they want our lives to be a bit easier this year so we can be less stressed and focus on the boards.

The policies about attendance are two fold.

1) They are being reviewed, and it looks really bad to have so few students show up to class. They created a mandatory attendance policy, and now they need to make sure people keep to it.

2) They have two options in trying to better the school. One is to hire better Lecturers, but to do that they need students to show up to hear them. Otherwise why (unless they pay through the nose) would they want to teach here. Second is to force us to come and show the lectuers how awesome it is that we al show up.

I remember the Prof's that taught here for many years commenting on how many students showed up... They had no idea there was a policy in place, and guess what? The school wants it that way...
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hey do any of you have an iphone and know how to connect to the wireless server when at nycom?
and also how to add your nyit email? (i'm not sure if its an IMAP, POP or Exchange and how to fill in the options so that it actually works)

thanks in advance!
anyone who attended the exam review have any adive on what to focus on in some of the lectures?
Thumbs down to NYCOM blocking the stream of the OPTIONAL review.
strange that they would do this... our class does not know yet, but how do we know if a stream has been denied to us because of attendance reasons? do they just not post it and leave us to wonder or do they not post it and send an email saying we're bad boys or do they post it and not allow us to access it so as to tease us?
strange that they would do this... our class does not know yet, but how do we know if a stream has been denied to us because of attendance reasons? do they just not post it and leave us to wonder or do they not post it and send an email saying we're bad boys or do they post it and not allow us to access it so as to tease us?

Highlighted above.
The link is there but we can't click on it. It says (blocked).
Highlighted above.
The link is there but we can't click on it. It says (blocked).

lol, that's pretty "high-tech". I will give it a try next time. As long as it's not "physically" blocked from the server, there is always a way to access it. :D
lol, that's pretty "high-tech". I will give it a try next time. As long as it's not "physically" blocked from the server, there is always a way to access it. :D

there isn't even a link there, or anything to click on. they just put the name of the lecture and write blocked next to it but it's not a url or anything.
Hey guys, can you give some pointers on how to study for anatomy, I was told to know all the bold point in grants, should I focus on insertions, origins or more so on Innervations. When it comes to the practical, do they just ask us to identify this structure or do they ask us more about the stucture? HELP I feel lost, been studying but I don't know if what I'm studying will help me on the practical.
Hey guys, can you give some pointers on how to study for anatomy, I was told to know all the bold point in grants, should I focus on insertions, origins or more so on Innervations. When it comes to the practical, do they just ask us to identify this structure or do they ask us more about the stucture? HELP I feel lost, been studying but I don't know if what I'm studying will help me on the practical.

You should know insertions/origins and innervations but you will likely not be tested on it for the first practical. We weren't tested on that stuff until the musculoskeletal system. Of course they could have changed how they do things so be prepared :)
if you know the insertions, origins, innervation and supply you will be fine. it sounds like a lot but repetition is key. use your lab time wisely and go over the bold points in grants as many times as you can.
Hey guys, can you give some pointers on how to study for anatomy, I was told to know all the bold point in grants, should I focus on insertions, origins or more so on Innervations. When it comes to the practical, do they just ask us to identify this structure or do they ask us more about the stucture? HELP I feel lost, been studying but I don't know if what I'm studying will help me on the practical.

For anatomy, most of the questions are identifying questions. (secondary questions like origin, insertion and innervation come a little later in the year. Even then, they only make up a very small percentage on the test.)
With that said, however, it would be wise to know the origin and insertions because knowing them makes identifying structures so much easier on the test. Knowing the relationship of structures to each other is more important and helpful than being able to identify them blindly based on their shape.

Also, it is very helpful to take mock practicals which the anatomy department would set up for you guys a couple of days before the test.
there isn't even a link there, or anything to click on. they just put the name of the lecture and write blocked next to it but it's not a url or anything.

If you or anybody is worried about the streaming, don't worry NYCOM will bring it back because there is no chance they will permanently take it away or they will only have rotations to lure you to their school. Second, just buy a voice recorder for 40 dollars and it holds 6000 minutes and give it to your friend and they can record it for u! Not to complicated. :cool:
If you or anybody is worried about the streaming, don't worry NYCOM will bring it back because there is no chance they will permanently take it away or they will only have rotations to lure you to their school. Second, just buy a voice recorder for 40 dollars and it holds 6000 minutes and give it to your friend and they can record it for u! Not to complicated. :cool:

i hate streaming. i skip lectures that i have no intention of even streaming.
last time i checked Costanza teaches physio pretty damn well. plus it is a better read than a certain few respiratory soliloquies/narratives i found in my nycom mailbox. i'm sure you can infer my stance on attendance.
I love being part of the NYCOM kindergarten. I only wish they added snack time, nap time, and going to the corner when we misbehave.:corny::yawn: :poke::annoyed:
I'm interested in buying the Littman Master Cardio Stethoscope, but I've been reading on SDN about how some schools don't allow people to use it during practicals because it doesn't have a separate bell or something like that. Is this true for NYCOM as well? Will there be anytime where I won't be allowed to use a Littman Master Cardio?

If so, what other stethoscope out there should I be buying to meet the requirements?

I'm interested in buying the Littman Master Cardio Stethoscope, but I've been reading on SDN about how some schools don't allow people to use it during practicals because it doesn't have a separate bell or something like that. Is this true for NYCOM as well? Will there be anytime where I won't be allowed to use a Littman Master Cardio?

If so, what other stethoscope out there should I be buying to meet the requirements?



NYCOM recommends a stethoscope with a bell and diaphragm. The use of the bell is for the heart. With the bell, one may be able to hear slow, low-pitched murmurs, as well S3 and S4 heart sounds if they exist. For all other heart sounds, (and higher pitched murmurs) AND for the chest and belly, the diaphragm is used. That said, many cardiologists use the Master Cardio (which lacks a bell), they just place the diaphragm very lightly on the patient's chest to hear those slow-wave sounds. Just stick with the Master Cardio cause it is a godly stethoscope, and no one should give you any problems for it. Not a big deal. if someone does give you flack, give them attitude immediately, then go home and buy a Littman IISE or III online. In any event it won't affect your NYCOM grades.
Did anyone NOT go to the Convocation thing last year? Whats the worst thing that can happen if I don't show up?
I haven't bought the book for Dr. Elkowitz's class, and I was wondering whether I will be able to get by without it? He seems to emphasize reading the book more than any of the other professors we've had so far. Any insight would be great! Thanks!
I haven't bought the book for Dr. Elkowitz's class, and I was wondering whether I will be able to get by without it? He seems to emphasize reading the book more than any of the other professors we've had so far. Any insight would be great! Thanks!

Are you talking about Robbin's? If so, it'll come in handy to have at some point in your med school career. Alternatively, you could use rapid review path which is more condensed than robbins.

If you just need it for a few pages, you could always borrow it from the library :)
Also remember that you have access to Robbins, Harrison's, and many other books from the library's website (mdconsult and others). But yes, I would absolutely read Robbins.
Also remember that you have access to Robbins, Harrison's, and many other books from the library's website (mdconsult and others). But yes, I would absolutely read Robbins.

Thanks jp104 and testore!

I found the Harrison's book on the NYCOM library website, but was not able to find Robbins. Would be able to link me to it, or tell me step by step where on the website I would be able to find the Robbins textbook?

I couldn't find the online version of robbin's either. I'm not sure if it's there. At any rate, you can get a physical copy at the library ;)
http://iris.nyit.edu/library/resources/NYCOM.htm is the library databases site.

From there go to mdconsult, login if asked (only if you are not on campus) is your nyit email (without @nyit.edu) and your nyit email password.

At mdconsult go to textbooks and there are many books available, some for basic sciences, some for clininical. Also, from the Harrison's website make sure to also go to textbooks and you will have access to many McGraw Hill publications including both major pharm texts (Lange and Goodman & Gilman).

If you have any other questions let me know.
http://iris.nyit.edu/library/resources/NYCOM.htm is the library databases site.

From there go to mdconsult, login if asked (only if you are not on campus) is your nyit email (without @nyit.edu) and your nyit email password.

At mdconsult go to textbooks and there are many books available, some for basic sciences, some for clininical. Also, from the Harrison's website make sure to also go to textbooks and you will have access to many McGraw Hill publications including both major pharm texts (Lange and Goodman & Gilman).

If you have any other questions let me know.

Very cool thanks! All this time I thought we only had Harrison's online. This will make my backpack just a weeee bit lighter :)
Our thread hasn't been active in a while..... :)

So, who else thought it was cool to see our entire lecture hall filled today during the Kaplan lunch LOL!

Happy TurkeyDay!
Happy thanksgiving dude. See you in lecture..... sometime.
what's up, guys? Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Yeah, the thread was inactive for a while.

So what do you guys think of Kaplan? Are you guys taking it?
what's up, guys? Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Yeah, the thread was inactive for a while.

So what do you guys think of Kaplan? Are you guys taking it?

Probably not...going to do self study w/ goljan audio, first aid, and text books. I will probably end up getting USMLE world soon too.

Taus, a guy from PCOM who mods over at the Step 1 boards wrote a really good guide for comlex and step 1. You can mod it for your own study style :)


  • USMLE & COMLEX Guide.doc
    92 KB · Views: 265
JP, you are simply awesome!!
Thanks for sharing.
do any of the 2nd years have any insight on neuro part I
the test is coming up, any pointers would be extremely helpful and greatly appreciated

1. how to study for the lab portion? what pictures do they actually use on the exam (pictures taken in lab, or from the atlas)?
2. for the written portion, there aren't as many lectures as we have had on other exams, but the material is way more in depth (is studying lecture notes only still enough to pass?)
3. any supplemental materials that helped?

thank you!!!!!!
do any of the 2nd years have any insight on neuro part I
the test is coming up, any pointers would be extremely helpful and greatly appreciated

1. how to study for the lab portion? what pictures do they actually use on the exam (pictures taken in lab, or from the atlas)?
2. for the written portion, there aren't as many lectures as we have had on other exams, but the material is way more in depth (is studying lecture notes only still enough to pass?)
3. any supplemental materials that helped?

thank you!!!!!!

1) Pictures are mostly from the textbook. Can't remember the name offhand, but I think it's Haines. The atlas pics are pretty close to what you'll see on the test. The neuroanatomy part of the test is meant to be the grade booster for the exam (in my opinion). Study it well and you get an easy 20 or so pts.
2) The written part will all be from the ppts. Check out our old exams to get an idea for how the questions are written
3) Blumenfeld's neuroanatomy through clinical cases book is pretty good

Good luck! Hopefully they tweaked some things for your class to make the neuro system go a lot smoother :)
Gah! we got our NBOME #s :eek:

Time to schedule that beast soon :thumbup: