nervous anyone??

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so as i sat here today...put up our christmas tree...laid on the couch and watched the west wing and snuggled with my bf and the kitties... i realized that my current cushy life is soon going to end... i make good money...despite how incredibly emotionally and physically draining my 12-14 hour shifts are at work... once i leave i can completely not think about it, no tests....and i made my own schedule so i don't work more than two days in a row with two-three days off in between each set!!!...and did i mention my salary??...not bragging i promise:)..but i grew up incredibly poor...went to college... remained incredibly poor...and now...not so much!...but starting next fall...back to being poor:)

i think its finally starting to hit me that i am going to be a doctor and that means having to go to med school and residency and fellowship and whille i am not having second thoughts at all and i am incredibly happy, excited, grateful and blessed to have this chance at my dream... i am also simultaneously nervous... and i was wondering if anyone else felt that way...


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Contrary to popular belief, you are not going off to a torture chamber. Medical school is interesting and very doable with disciplined study and time-management. People start and finish without sacrificing their souls or becoming hermits or monsters with having some perspective on the whole process. I enjoyed every one of my four years and have enjoyed residency and fellowship because medicine is what I wanted to do. It was and IS great fun.

Rather than nerves, how about anticipation of an interesting journey with loads of new things to learn? If your "cushy lifestyle" was that important, why go thought the process of changing it? You can always go back if you don't like your new life.
Yes. I am so nervous. I feel like i've been BSing being intelligent all these years, and now i might get caught. I am so scared some days of just not being good enough or not making it, and then other days i realize that's ridiculous, but i always go full circle. I think really being in has made the fluctuation more frequent. Next semester, since i won't be taking classes, i'm afraid that the down time i've been craving will turn into freakout time. "Just" working full time, instead of working, taking classes, interviewing, moving, etc seems like such a light schedule. I'm the opposite, i don't make much money at all and never have, so i'm getitng used to living poor, but at least i have income. I know there's nothing else i'd ever want to do and that it'll be worth it, but i am starting to get reeeeally nervous.
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njbmd....hahaha i know med school isn't some torture chamber...and i have a wonderful idea of what internship and residency and being an attending is like because i am a nurse...and i don't mind leaving my cushy lifestyle because this is my dream...but i can't imagine that anyone with a well paying job isn't a little worried about finances and what that means when they go back to school and it does make me worried... i lived my whole life worrying about i don't...and then i will again... but my worrying doesn't make me not want to do it...i was just worrying if anyone else i couldn't imagine doing anything else with my life... i am very excited and blessed to have a chance at following my heart and my dream...but i am also simultaneously nervous... but you are right i could always go back to my current lifestyle ...but i won't because that's not what i want to do...

aaj117...thanks hun!!! that is completely what i am feeling... i do keep going back forth between yaaay i am sooo excited to oh no...(insert neurotic thought here)....i can't wait to start school though...and yes now my work schedule isn't that bad at all, so that could be adding to my freak out thought process as you so well put it:)...during the summer and fall my days consisted of applications...and physics homework...and interviewing i was sooo busy but i loved that feeling...but now i am just working...and i guess i haven't had soo much downtime in a while..because i was studying for the mcats since jan...then immediately went into my summer schedule...

you can't ever think you aren't smart enough....because you are!!! you are very smart and ambitious and you will do very well in med school...all of your previous experience will def help you...ooh i hope we are colleagues one day...

thanks for your sharing your feeling with i feel better because i know i am not the only one..
Yeah I'm very nervous for two reasons mainly.

1. I feel like its time to put up or shut up. All the years of HS and undergrad, all the studying, service etc. And here I am, just a few months before the big game with butterflies in my stomach. I just hope I can perform well.

2. I'm about to make a MAJOR committment. And that always makes me nervous.
I totally understand how you guys feel! In addition to starting med. school next year, I'm also getting married right before I start! There are days where I come home from work sooo tired that I wonder, imagine coming home after a long day of classes AND having to study? And effectively, too lol. How am I going to cope with school next year? And still be a good wife? And still have time for me? aaaah...but I believe God has a plan for each of us, and he wouldn't give us something we can't handle, right? It'll only make us stronger.

PS. Do what I do now: just take in every single moment of lazyness and worry-freeness and soak it all up :)
Add me to the list of nervous class of 2012ers. By the summer, I will have been out of school for 2 years and I feel as though I've lost 1/2 of my brain cells, lol. For me, my current wory isn't so much about balancing the workload but with the transition into material that I haven't studied, particulary biochem. I didn't take it in undergrad and I know everyone says that even if you have, it'll only give you an advantage for the first week or so, but still, it's freaking me out slightly.

Ugh, we'll all be fine....woo sah!

And congrat Smiley on the wedding/marriage, etc! That's exciting!
Wow... so great to know that I'm the only one whose worried. I hustled and graduated a semester early thinking I would give myself a little break before medical school starts. But there are so many things that I've put off til January so now its looking like the next few months are going to be just as busy as the last few.

However, I don't really know how to just sit and relax. I'm so used to being involved and staying busy so over-committing myself has become a habit that I can't seem to break. I really don't want to start medical school tired and burnt out but it seems like thats what I'm moving towards...
Add me to the list of nervous class of 2012ers. By the summer, I will have been out of school for 2 years and I feel as though I've lost 1/2 of my brain cells, lol. For me, my current wory isn't so much about balancing the workload but with the transition into material that I haven't studied, particulary biochem. I didn't take it in undergrad and I know everyone says that even if you have, it'll only give you an advantage for the first week or so, but still, it's freaking me out slightly.

Ugh, we'll all be fine....woo sah!

And congrat Smiley on the wedding/marriage, etc! That's exciting!

thank you!! and good luck to you:)
Yea, I'm pretty freaked that I have to go back to school in 8ish months.

More freaked that in 2 years they're gonna unleash me to unsuspecting patients! :scared:

But I'm just gonna worry about getting into one of my top 3 schools for now. I can only worry about one thing at a time..

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