Need advice- Should I apply this cycle?

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7+ Year Member
Dec 26, 2013
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Heya, so now that I've taken the July PCAT I'm more informed on how my application stands. Problem is I don't know if I want to apply this cycle or wait until next years.

Here are my stats:

-PCAT 95% composite (prelim, but I don't think the official grade will change much) Bio 98% Chem 96%

-GPA 3.14
I need to retake Orgo 2 due to a D. Still missing 4-5 prereqs
Current Pre-req GPA: 3.05 (this is not including the missing prereqs and retaking orgo 2)

Bio tutoring at my school's tutoring center for 3 semesters
800 hours of volunteering at my local pharmacy
Technology workshops for the elderly at my religious institution twice a month since 2013.
Did Developmental Biology research and presented it at my college's research fair
Elected treasurer of my Schools Bio-Medical society (couldn't serve due to transferring though)

Bio Professor
Waiting on a letter from the Pharmacist that I'm working with.

How does my app look? My PCAT has increased my confidence but I'm still very worried GPA wise. Should I wait until I can retake Orgo 2 and the other classes to hopefully raise my GPA?
Applying is pretty darn expensive and I don't wanna apply unless I have a decent chance.
The main schools I'm looking at are LIU brooklyn, Touro NY(needs a degree though), Albany, and MCPHS.
Thanks a ton :)

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Mcphs and Touro will likely take you.
Why are you volunteering in a pharmacy? You should be working as a tech.
I'm guessing Albany is out the window then? :(
It was the only thing I could get in my area. Very saturated with techs already. But as long as I have the experience and LOR I'm good right?
Do you have any idea how my chanced would be with LIU? It's basically my "main" school
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You have good stats. Go ahead and apply and don't hesitate.
I've never heard anything good about MCPHS; it's all negative. You might wanna be a little weary about that place
You have good stats. Go ahead and apply and don't hesitate.
Are you sure; even with my abysmal GPA? I'm not really looking for a hugbox or anything lol. Just like if I have a realistic shot at LIU or Albany.

I've never heard anything good about MCPHS; it's all negative. You might wanna be a little weary about that place
I've heard bad things about their accelerated program, nothing bad (or good really) about the boston campus. What other North East schools should I be looking at? I'm NYC based.

Also another thing. Should I apply for early admission for LIU? Would that give me an advantage at all?
I'm guessing Albany is out the window then? :(
It was the only thing I could get in my area. Very saturated with techs already. But as long as I have the experience and LOR I'm good right?
Do you have any idea how my chanced would be with LIU? It's basically my "main" school
I dont know about Albany. From second hand info, I would say LIU is a long shot. But getting back to your original question "should I apply to pharmacy school?" The application fees are nominal compared to the advantage of graduating a year sooner. So definitely apply this cycle. At worst you will gain interview skills for next cycle.
Why is LIU a long shot? GPA too low?
Bump... Really need help here
Thanks in advance btw
So many views but no replies....
Guys I really need opinions here!
I never applied to LIU, but look around and see if there's some thread on here and check your stats there. Also look at the school website. It won't hurt to apply; most they can do is say no. If you're insecure, then apply broadly, but apply to schools that have a high NAPLAX rate and low cost.
Doesn't it look bad if I'm a reapplicant? And I would really hate to waste 500 (or more) bucks on uselessly applying.
I do feel woefully underqualified for NY schools though.
Touro is the only school that I would have any confidence about getting accepted to but they want a bachelors and I won't have that by next fall...
Also, If I have to apply next cycle rather than this one, Would my PCAT be too old. I took it this July.
I have a 2.8 GPA which I calculated the way Pharmcas would. I haven't taken the PCAT yet but my goal is 70th percentile. I just want to know if I have a chance at Shanedoah University or at and other pharmacy school. I have 1years tech experience and I graduate with my bachelors in the fall 2017.

I'll really appreciate it