My Experience Finding a (Good) Job

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Sep 17, 2009
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OK y’all. This post has been a long time comin’. Below are the “results” of my recent job search in a large geographic region (the entire northeast-east-northcentral part of one state + the westernmost part of adjacent state). Depressing... but I felt needed posted to show podiatry’s job market is atrocious (i’m not looking for sympathy). My first job search was similar to this. For obvious reasons, no podiatry groups are listed (ha!).
Goes to show you gotta be AGGRESSIVE. Cold-call / email like mad. You’ll find something if you’re determined.

My CV in a nutshell: 5 years out, ABPM BC, wound cert x 2, decent professional publications and involvement.


VAMC # 1 - contacted chief of staff. Been networking like a boss for 3 years to other docs in the system. 3 openings came and went. Gave up.

VAMC # 2 - contacted chief of staff. Intetest in expanding podiatry and would let me know sometime in the future. Still nothing.

Ortho Group # 1 - contacted physician recruiter. Ghosted.

FQHC # 1 - contacted physician recruiter. Ghosted.

FQHC # 2 - contacted practice manager and CEO seperately. Ghosted by both.

FQHC # 3 - contacted CEO, who responded quickly and told me he would get back to me after speaking with other staff members. Never heard back. I sent a follow-up email... Ghosted.

FQHC # 4 - contacted physician recruiter... my email was “Forwarded to CEO”. Never heard back. I sent a follow-up email... Ghosted.

FQHC # 5 - contacted physician recruiter. Heard back 2 months later (lol) with “no”.

FQHC # 6 - contacted physician recruiter x 2. Ghosted.

Hospital # 1 - contacted physician recruiter x 2. Ghosted.

Hospital # 2 - contacted physician recruiter. Ghosted.

Hospital # 3- contacted physician recruiter. Ghosted.

Hospital # 4 - contacted physician recruiter. Ghosted.

Hospital # 5 - contacted physician recruiter, who said she would get back with me. Eventually got a “no”.

Hospital # 6 - contacted physician recruiter. Got led on that they would want me. Eventually got ghosted. Finally got ahold of him and he said “our current DPM went to cover that location... sorry.” 🙄

Hospital # 7 - contacted physician recruiter. Ghosted.

Hospital # 8 - s*itshow. Led me on like crazy just to later screw me. Then when I met them in-person later they completely forgot everything we spoke about earlier (RVU info, current practice stuff, locations i’d work, etc.). CEO then gave me a tour and told me about an Ortho they interviewed and wined n’ dined. Later, he gives me some candy from his private stash.... Insulting yet hilarious (pic below to prove). Glad a DPM is worth a Kit Kat and Cow Tale.

Hospital # 9 - contacted physician recruiter. Ghosted.

Hospital # 10 - contacted physician recruiter. Ghosted.

Hospital # 11 - contacted physician recruiter. Ghosted.

Hospital # 12 - contacted physician recruiter. Ghosted.

Hospital # 13 - treated me like a physician from day one. Awesome communication and fantastic interview. Lord Willing, i’ll get an offer. 🤞


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Dude gave you expired candy they don’t make those no more
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Anyone remember the thread within the last 2 years where some guy called 15-20 PPs on the east coast and got salary offers from all of them? Highest offer was like $140K.
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Honestly man, that sounds pretty standard in terms of job search.
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Yes, pretty typical job search actually.

Be careful counting chickens before they hatch.
You have not even seen the official offer or terms.
Interview is just everyone showing best self... haven't truly met the majority (any?) of your daily co-workers yet (assuming hire).

There is a reason any job is available in the first place; they need services and want to make money off those services. Even after the onboarding and the honeymoon period, it is not too uncommon to find call is not as promised, malignant supervisor(s), difficult coworker(s) anywhere from clinic to OR to wound care to inpt, skeleton staffing, benefits were overstated, the area/city is miserable, difficulty with ortho or ER or whatever.... or any number of other issues that make you start a new job search again. Stay light on your feet, keep your options open, don't buy a house for awhile. :)

...I hope it works well, but you can't really call a job "good" until you've been there at least a year. Fwiw, I've had jobs that I cannot wait to move on from (hospital job rural IHS was actually the most potential of my employ jobs but quickly became my least favorite of the 6 jobs that I had before my own PP due to incompetent colleague + his favoritism from chief of surg). It might be a bit premature to be declaring victory and "finding a good job" after an interview is all I'm saying, Jmo.
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Yes, pretty typical job search actually.

Be careful counting chickens before they hatch.
You have not even seen the official offer or terms.
Interview is just everyone showing best self... haven't truly met the majority (any?) of your daily co-workers yet (assuming hire).

There is a reason any job is available in the first place; they need services and want to make money off those services. Even after the onboarding and the honeymoon period, it is not too uncommon to find call is not as promised, malignant supervisor(s), difficult coworker(s) anywhere from clinic to OR to wound care to inpt, skeleton staffing, benefits were overstated, the area/city is miserable, difficulty with ortho or ER or whatever.... or any number of other issues that make you start a new job search again. Stay light on your feet, keep your options open, don't buy a house for awhile. :)

...I hope it works well, but you can't really call a job "good" until you've been there at least a year. Fwiw, I've had jobs that I cannot wait to move on from (hospital job rural IHS was actually the most potential of my employ jobs but quickly became my least favorite of the 6 jobs that I had before my own PP due to incompetent colleague + his favoritism from chief of surg). It might be a bit premature to be declaring victory and "finding a good job" after an interview is all I'm saying, Jmo.
Always the Debbie Downer 😜

EDIT: Literally no other job options other than PP Hell in the area unfortunately. No thanks.

I've also done this job interview/search dance before, I know how it goes. But beggars can't be choosers. That's because.... you guessed it... podiatry.
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ABFAS cert (especially RRA) would (likely) be 50% more interest.

Thats my experience and some other's experience who regularly post on here.

Personally I dont really care non cert vs ABPM vs ABFAS. But hospital/MSG/ortho recruiters do.
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I doubt many people cold-call this many non-pod groups. But I could be wrong...
You have no idea.
I'd say it's very common for pgy3s who want an org job - or anyone dissatisfied with their associate job - to contact a couple dozen facilities/MSGs. They'll have varying degrees of success based on ABFAS status, network, flexibility on locations, and just plain luck.

CutsWith and airbud and others on SDN are pretty legendary for contacting 3x or more that many hospitalsl and also tapping deep into their network (even with RRA cert/qual)... sometimes 100+ hospitals over a year or two... and they're mainly known for grumbling about it all the way through :lol:
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You have no idea.
I'd say it's very common for pgy3s or anyone dissatisfied with their job to contact a couple dozen facilities/MSGs.

CutsWith and airbud and others on SDN are pretty legendary for contacting 3x or more that many hospitalsl and also tapping deep into their network (even with RRA cert/qual)... sometimes 100+ hospitals over a year or two... and they're mainly known for grumbling about it all the way through :lol:
Ugh how sad. If only prospective students knew. Back to munching on my Kit Kat.
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You have no idea.
I'd say it's very common for pgy3s who want an org job - or anyone dissatisfied with their associate job - to contact a couple dozen facilities/MSGs. They'll have varying degrees of success based on ABFAS status, network, flexibility on locations, and just plain luck.

CutsWith and airbud and others on SDN are pretty legendary for contacting 3x or more that many hospitalsl and also tapping deep into their network (even with RRA cert/qual)... sometimes 100+ hospitals over a year or two... and they're mainly known for grumbling about it all the way through :lol:
This is the way. Sorry you have to be texted now instead of SDN posting.
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I love cow tails, being from out west I had never had one till my Midwest residency, guess I’m in the minority.
The candy story though is freaking hilarious.
Hey thanks for sharing this search with us. Mine was pretty similar. Keep going and keep contacting potential employers-even though the last hospital sounds promising-as you never know if something will fall thru until you sign that contract (had a ‘sure thing signed contract at a hospital’ that reneged on me 5 weeks before graduating residency). Fun times

Also when you say ‘ghosted’, are you contacting them like 5x before you give up or is this just after the first contact and then they never got back to you.
I was in sales before this career and I didn’t hesitate to call them and email and call them again and again until I heard back from them.
-obviously there is some tact needed and maybe not for everyone. But what’s the worst that can happen? You tick someone off, who cares if they weren’t gonna give you a job anyways

Keep going tho man, you got this and you’ll get what you want just keep pushin
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There literally are no good jobs. Yes, there are some good jobs getting posted occasionally but they get 100+ apps within a few days, so for all intents and purposes there are no jobs. Back to the ocean floor you go lobster!
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Cow tails are an absolute delight. They used to have them at a sleepaway camp I went to in Michigan.
You've got this! I'm cheering for you to get your dream job. Also, I had no idea they made Churro Kit-Kats!
Hospital #13 - got great offer. It’s located approx. 40 min from major metro.

- 270k base + bonus after RVU threshold (approx. 5700)
- 6 weeks PTO
- 15k relocation
- 5k CME
- 50k sign on bonus
- 1/2 day every Friday
- Medical, dental, etc.

Taking it 😎
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Hospital #13 - got great offer. It’s located approx. 40 min from major metro.

- 270k base + bonus after RVU threshold (approx. 5700)
- 6 weeks PTO
- 15k relocation
- 5k CME
- 50k sign on bonus
- 1/2 day every Friday
- Medical, dental, etc.

Taking it 😎

Did you print an MD badge for that offer
I doubt many people cold-call this many non-pod groups. But I could be wrong...
This statement I would disagree with. Maybe not most applicants, but I can tell you I personally cold called at least 40 non pod groups. I still have the list on my phone with all contact info.

Congrats on the good interview though! Fingers crossed for you
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Hospital #13 - got great offer. It’s located approx. 40 min from major metro.

- 270k base + bonus after RVU threshold (approx. 5700)
- 6 weeks PTO
- 15k relocation
- 5k CME
- 50k sign on bonus
- 1/2 day every Friday
- Medical, dental, etc.

Taking it 😎
Congrats, looks like you found a unicorn

Star Wars Episode 6 GIF
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Congrats, Shiyuan! Your patience and persistence paid off. Now you can afford a bag of Kit Kats.
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Hospital #13 - got great offer. It’s located approx. 40 min from major metro.

- 270k base + bonus after RVU threshold (approx. 5700)
- 6 weeks PTO
- 15k relocation
- 5k CME
- 50k sign on bonus
- 1/2 day every Friday
- Medical, dental, etc.

Taking it 😎
What are your duties as a Hospital Pod?
What are your duties as a Hospital Pod?
If it's a foot you do it, unless it's a fracture and check with Ortho. If it's ankle with an infection you do it, anything else check with ortho.
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If it's a foot you do it, unless it's a fracture and check with Ortho. If it's ankle with an infection you do it, anything else check with ortho.
Yup. Ortho where i’m going gets pretty much any fracture, including foot. Get along with the current DPM well. Before I start I gotta get my ticket to ride the pus bus to Charcotown.
Yup. Ortho where i’m going gets pretty much any fracture, including foot. Get along with the current DPM well. Before I start I gotta get my ticket to ride the pus bus to Charcotown.
Honestly I wouldn’t mind that. I hate fractures
Yup. Ortho where i’m going gets pretty much any fracture, including foot. Get along with the current DPM well. Before I start I gotta get my ticket to ride the pus bus to Charcotown.
You're going to make more money on the pus bus.
With less stress. And nobody looking at your x-rays second guessing you
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