Miami vs. Cincinnati

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2+ Year Member
Apr 11, 2022
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I received a full-tuition scholarship from both of these schools, so I'm only considering these 2 at this point. I would be graduating without debt from either school, so the higher cost of living in Miami is not a big factor. I am interested in pursuing neurosurgery.

  • Stronger (?) match results
  • Partner's parents live in Miami
  • Will be using Spanish constantly, which I want to do in my career
  • Great clinical opportunities at Jackson Memorial
  • Great research funding, very strong neurosurgery residency program
  • 14 month preclinical
  • Very hot in the summers
  • Traffic
  • Lower "ranking" than expected. I don't really care about this, but I'm not sure if I'm missing some aspect of the school that lowers its ranking.
  • Weaker in anatomy, but they seem to be making changes to try and fix this

  • My parents live in Cincinnati
  • I'm a big fan of Cincinnati culture in general
  • Still has a very strong Medical Spanish program, even though Miami is clearly better for Spanish
  • Amazing pediatrics program, although I'm not very interested in pediatrics
  • Seemingly weaker match list
  • 2 year preclinical
  • Slightly weaker neurosurgery program/research

I'm leaning towards Miami, but I was wondering if anyone had insight on either school that would help me better form my decision. Thanks!

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Go Miami, it's nice that you get a support system from your partner's fam while reaping the benefits of weather, city, resources, match, and Spanish!
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Miami's NSG program (doximity T10) is actually significantly better than Cincy's (T60), not slightly. In NSG, you need every advantage that you can get, so I would go with Miami. Even if you end up changing your mind, Miami is a great program that will set you up well for many surgical subspecialties (top programs in ophtho, ortho, ENT, etc).
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