MCO Class of 2009

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AmyBEMT said:
Sort of. I grew up and spent most of my adult life an hour west of Toledo (and yes, that's still in Ohio). Toledo is our closest "big city", so I've spent a lot of time in and around Toledo. Before I moved to central Ohio, I subscribed to The Toledo Blade and still read it online daily.

MCO's paramedic program provided a lot of our EMS inservice and, at one point, I seriously considered enrolling at their paramedic program. MCO was actually the first place I went when I got this crazy idea of going back to school and trying to get into medical school. They had an open house for all of their programs and then broke the group into areas of interest. Dr. Burns and a couple of medical students gave me hope that it was possible and pointed me in the right direction to get started.

Personally, I wouldn't want to live in the UT student area, but I'm a few years beyond wanting to live in a college atmosphere. With all of the students and residents at MUO, there are plenty of 20 and 30 somethings living in the area.

MCO just sounds like it had such a great environment. That's awesome that you ended up there. We're trying to figure where to live. We're considering buying a house after six months or so (have to get to know the market, see if it's really feasible, etc) but we need somewhere to stay until then. Are there any houses for rent, or is it mainly apartments?

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While I don't have the match list for this year, according to (click on the story about the match March 17) MCO had 43% primary care and 57% specialized.

Sorry to hear about them recommending you only for the five year program. Have you considered talking with Dr. Myers or someone else with authority about them considering you for the regular 4 year program? Maybe if you told them you had acceptances at other institutions they would be willing to reconsider.

I actually looked into buying a house and searched for a while, but I decided it would be cheaper for me to rent for four years and be less of a hastle. If you do look for houses I would recommend staying south of MCO if you are going to be in the vicinity of the school. The area to the north isn't the greatest, but the neighborhoods to the south are all really nice even though the homes may not be large. FYI, the taxes on a $100,000 are in the $1800-2000/year vicinity the best I can remember.
Thanks for your advice.

Did anyone on this thread have to choose between Wayne State University SOM and MCO? If so what was your decision process. Do you know the personal experiences of anyone at Wayne State compared with MCO. Everyone at MCO seems so cool and I can see I would have a wonderful time getting to know everyone. also with the excellent residency matches and caring faculty, it's an opportunity that I should not overlook.
However, Wayne State offers a pass/fail system. Does the grading system at MCO foster collaboration? I am not a cut-throat person and I want to be able to collaborate with classmates. Thanks for taking the time to ans. my q's.
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Just to clarify - I have been accepted to MUO for the class of 2009, I'm not currently a student. I will most likely end up at MUO, depending on what happens with OSU's "deferred decision" list.

As for renting a house . . . I'm sure its possible, but renting a house is typically more difficult than renting an apartment. If you are looking to buy after six months, you may want to consider an apartment complex that offers leases of less than a year.

Another tidbit of info. Dr. Myers left MUO in January. Word was just starting to filter out to students that she was not coming back after her "vacation" when I interviewed there in mid-January. She was having a difficult time with leaving and chose to leave quietly. The new Dean of Admissions is Dr. James Kleshinski. Seems to be a great guy, very excited about his new post.

I would say it can't hurt to contact MUO and talk to them about your 5 year admission. If you explain to them that you really like MUO, but due to the extra year you are leaning toward another school, maybe they would be willing to grant you regular admission (Although - since the May 15th deadline is now upon us, do you have time to do this? I'm assuming that you are currently holding multiple acceptances).

I don't think MUO is competitive at all. I think they told us at our interview that the first two years are pass/fail. Clinicals are honors/high pass/pass etc. The students who were there on my interview day said they didn't even know their rank and didn't care to. For the purposes of AOA, the class is ranked, but I think the students are only allowed to find their class rank at the end of each year. I have a friend who is a M-3 at MUO - I will ask her. Actually, maybe I will try and get her to follow this thread and weigh in as appropriate.

Thanks Amy!!! I really appreciate your input.
I had no idea Dr. Myers left, but it should have added up since I saw they hired a new Dean of Admissions. That's really sad. Do you know why she left or where she went?
Alright, Amy, I'm here :) I'm a 3rd (VERY soon to be 4th!!!!) year student at MUO (that'll take a while to get used to).

As for competition between students, it's just the opposite. There were times 1st and 2nd year that the week before the test, people would be trading charts & things they made. As a matter of fact, I got an email from a 2nd year last week asking me about my drug chart that I made. I told the head of the academic enrichment center (tutoring & such) to give it out. Not everyone is that cooperative, but the vast majority are. We're all in this together and want everyone to do well. The funny thing is that because of the grading system, if everyone gets 90%, everyone gets honors. Guess what happens in real life - we fall pretty much in line with a bell curve. Go figure ;)

nyc25, as far as 4 vs 5 year, try to get into MCO/MUO's 4 year. If not, be very careful about your decision. I know it's a year, but you can think of it 2 ways. You can have 4 miserable ones or 5 hard ones in a place where you feel comfortable. There was a guy who graduated a year ago who repeated year one at MCO b/c he hated his med school so much that he transferred in. MCO was the only school who would even look at him, even though he was willing to repeat year one.

Ask me more questions & you'll probably get more opinion than you bargained for, lol, but I'm more than happy to answer!
Hallm_7 said:
I had no idea Dr. Myers left, but it should have added up since I saw they hired a new Dean of Admissions. That's really sad. Do you know why she left or where she went?

She was a tremendous asset to the school and her influence will be felt for years to come. She moved to south/central Ohio where she grew up. Her parents and in-laws are there, so they wanted to be closer to them. She's still practicing PM&R though :)

I was wondering if you had this years MCO matchlist? I have 2004 and 2003 but the website hasn't been updated for this years.
Vomitonme said:

I was wondering if you had this years MCO matchlist? I have 2004 and 2003 but the website hasn't been updated for this years.

Would you be willing to post this information or send a link out to the rest of us? I would greatly appreciate it!

Thanks -
Vomitonme said:
Here's the general information for the 2004 match at MCO/MUO

I have the papers for the 2003 and 2004 with more detailed information, but not on me at the moment. I'll scan them in on Friday.

hey thanks I'd appreciate that. any other information you have about MCO's curriculum would be great (aside from that provided online by their website, of course). i'm a perspective student there, so to speak, and i'd like any help you could lend me.
What specifically do you want to know about the curriculum? Feel free to PM me or ask here - either way's fine :)
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Hallm_7 said:
While I don't have the match list for this year, according to (click on the story about the match March 17) MCO had 43% primary care and 57% specialized.

Sorry to hear about them recommending you only for the five year program. Have you considered talking with Dr. Myers or someone else with authority about them considering you for the regular 4 year program? Maybe if you told them you had acceptances at other institutions they would be willing to reconsider.

I actually looked into buying a house and searched for a while, but I decided it would be cheaper for me to rent for four years and be less of a hastle. If you do look for houses I would recommend staying south of MCO if you are going to be in the vicinity of the school. The area to the north isn't the greatest, but the neighborhoods to the south are all really nice even though the homes may not be large. FYI, the taxes on a $100,000 are in the $1800-2000/year vicinity the best I can remember.

Talk to Tal Frank at about options. We worked with him before school. If you've worked before, or have any down payment (or not, just CHECK), it may be possible to buy a home. Remember, even though the payment is the same, you have equity in your home. Rent goes down the toilet.
ATC2MD said:
What specifically do you want to know about the curriculum? Feel free to PM me or ask here - either way's fine :)

I already have a firm grasp of MCO's curriculum, but I'm always looking for additional resources! Are you a student at MCO, and if so, are you familiar with the MEDStart program, because I am a MEDStart student for the class of 2010! Get back to me if you can.
Hey everyone, I'll be joining you next year at MCO. I got my acceptance on Monday. I couldn't believe it since I was one of the last people they interviewed and I'm out of state. Feels great.
Where are you coming from?
Congrats on the acceptance!
Could anyone let me know the apartments that are within walking distance of MCO Thanks.
Here's some I found on

Oak Hill Court: 1BR $315-$370/month
Arlington South: 1BR $389/month

There may be more, but this was all that was listed on apartmentguide.
Thanks Hallm_7: Are these places walking distance from campus because I don't have a car.

Hallm_7 said:
Here's some I found on

Oak Hill Court: 1BR $315-$370/month
Arlington South: 1BR $389/month

There may be more, but this was all that was listed on apartmentguide.
How are you guys looking for apartments? Big online site mostly? Toledo Blade? I feel like I'm only coming across the really major complexes. Has anyone tried contacting the school to see if they have any relocation advice?

NYC - you can always use mapquest to see what's walking distance.
sfbear said:
Where are you coming from?
Congrats on the acceptance!

Hi!! I'm originally from California (graduated Berkeley) but right now I'm in DC at the NIH. I'm thrilled to go to mco. I loved the tour students there, they were awesome. I hope I'm like that too!!

I was wondering where people are planning to live. I called and they said that they have free and plentiful parking for students and that you can easily live nearby and drive a little to school. That's what I want to do but I want to live in a complex with lots of other med students. Are there any nice and popular complexes that anyone knows of??

Also, is anyone familiar with how to get started on the residency applications and such since I'm sure we have to start applying now for next year, right?

Maybe I'm being overzealous but I'm super stoked about this whole thing. I've never been so far from home and I'm looking forward to it!!

Can't wait to meet you all . . . .
oops, I didn't read all of the other posts . . .I guess we are all apartment hunting. . .

the lady on the phone was very nice and said that they will send all apartment and moving guides in the middle of June. But that's when i want to go sign my lease so i don't know.

The apartments on (link given by mco website) looked super cute . . especially coming from Berkeley and DC. . .yuck.
neuronerd said:
the lady on the phone was very nice and said that they will send all apartment and moving guides in the middle of June. But that's when i want to go sign my lease so i don't know.

Last I looked, apartments were not really anywhere close to being in short supply in Toledo. There are a LOT of apartment complexes in the MUO area. I think you will be safe waiting until they send the guide out and making some decisions from there. I know there was a complex that looked pretty nice that my TA was looking at when she got accepted in July and they had openings in all of their available floor plans. A lot of med students were renting at that complex.

Remember that the area around MUO is not like a traditional college campus area. There are probably more people employed at MUO than there are students, so there is all kinds of housing.
oh, sounds good. I guess I will wait then . .thanks for the tip. I just want to make sure that I get a place with at least some students that I can pair up to study with.

Thanks though. I better not jump the gun.
neuronerd said:
oh, sounds good. I guess I will wait then . .thanks for the tip. I just want to make sure that I get a place with at least some students that I can pair up to study with.QUOTE]

My friend there says that the students are spread out all over the place, so if you want to make sure there are other students to hang out with, you might want to wait and see what MUO sends you in June.
Congrats on your acceptance! That's awesome that you're at NIH. I almost worked there last summer but decided to work in a lab somewhere else (in large part b/c housing was rediculous). I'm going to be in Toledo Monday-Wednesday of next week looking for apartments. I have a list of complexes that I'm interested in, and I'm just gonna make the rounds at all of em. I'll be sure and relay what I learn on this thread for all of you. Do you know when you are going to be in Toledo looking for apartments? There are tons of apartments in the Southern half of Toledo because of UT and MUO, so I don't think you'll have problems finding an apartment. I also wouldn't worry about the residency app until you get there. They aren't strict at all, so I think as long as you live there for a year they're cool with it. Just make sure you register your car, register to vote, and set up residency before school starts so that by the time second year starts you will have the needed one year of Ohio residency.

Yeah, both of those complexes are adjacent to campus and within easy walking distance.
Hi all! Unless I hear from another school that I'm waitlisted at, I'll be @ MCO in August...

I heard from some current students that the apartments within walking distance were sketchy (no violent crimes, just noise and drug stuff), so I've been looking about a 10-minute drive from campus. SaltySqueegee had a thread going from last year... you can probably find it by searching for "MCO Apartment Living" or something like that.

I'm from CA, but have spent the last few years in Ann Arbor (an hour north of Toledo). Actually, I've gone down to Toledo a few times to look for housing; I can post more if any of y'all are interested!
alanlee said:
Hi all! Unless I hear from another school that I'm waitlisted at, I'll be @ MCO in August...

I heard from some current students that the apartments within walking distance were sketchy (no violent crimes, just noise and drug stuff), so I've been looking about a 10-minute drive from campus. SaltySqueegee had a thread going from last year... you can probably find it by searching for "MCO Apartment Living" or something like that.

I'm from CA, but have spent the last few years in Ann Arbor (an hour north of Toledo). Actually, I've gone down to Toledo a few times to look for housing; I can post more if any of y'all are interested!
def. please post. also any info. on the least "sketchiest" apts within walking distance of the campus would be helpful. thanks.

Thanks! Congrats to you! Thanks for posting all this neat information. It makes you feel better when there's other people sharing with you. I will be in Toledo for a few days in June (not sure when, maybe towards middle to end after the information gets sent out?) so I'll try to add my take on it. I'm happy to hear that they are not so strict on residency. I was going to change residency to Maryland this year if I didn't get in anywhere so I wouldn't be "another Californian" but now I don't have to. yay.
I'm actually reeeeally glad to be moving to a place not as fast pace as DC and most of my apartment jitters is more of a excitement thing. Can't wait. ahhh.
Since I'm stuck in lab @ 11 PM at night, I'll post some more info re: what little info I've gathered on apts in Toledo:

- the 3 students I talked to on my interview day said to avoid the apartments that I saw driving into campus... all I can remember is that one of the tour guides lived @ Southbridge Square, and moved out his 2nd year. He said it's not dangerous persay, but just not a good environment. LOL... and looking at apartmentguide, they changed their name to Deerfield Run.

Sorry I can't be more helpful w/ apartments within walking distance, I unfortunately have a LOT of personal belongings (i.e. a piano), so I've been looking at places farther away from campus (still a 10 minute drive) with central a/c, a carport, and a dishwasher (the 3 amenities I decided I must have).

I initially was looking at the area around Southwyck Mall (SW of campus), because the rent is dirt cheap for a huge pad. But some SDN'ers and the Toledo Police recommended against it... again, not for personal safety issues, but for drug dealing and break-ins that occur with more frequency down there.

The area to the south of campus, especially in Maumee (the "rich" suburb) is quite nice; I saw an apartment complex off of Key St south of Heatherdowns that was quite nice, unfortunately I can't remember what the name was.

Other complexes that I do remember looking at (within a 10 minute drive of campus, in a decent neighborhood) are: Heathergate Club, Country Club, Cloisters-Kensington, and Orchard Lakes. If I end up in Toledo, I plan on signing a lease @ either Country Club or Orchard Lakes (and already have an application in at both places).

Here's the link to SaltySqueegee's thread last year: .

I'm going to be living at Heather Hills on Heatherdowns. It's a really nice location- lots of green! A pool, washer and dryer in the apartment, lots of parking included in the rent, and an extra storage room. I fell in love with the place as soon as I saw it, although I went on to see about 8 other places before coming back and putting down a security deposit! Let me know if anyone else is planning on living there :).
Here's a an attachment of apartments I made tonight. It's got 25 apartments or so listed with address, phone #, rent, etc. This is by no means a complete list, and I'm not sure what the condition of these places are. Hopefully it helps out some though.


  • Apartments.doc
    56.5 KB · Views: 166
wow Hallm_7, Thanks so much!!!!!
neuronerd said:

Thanks! Congrats to you! Thanks for posting all this neat information. It makes you feel better when there's other people sharing with you. I will be in Toledo for a few days in June (not sure when, maybe towards middle to end after the information gets sent out?) so I'll try to add my take on it. I'm happy to hear that they are not so strict on residency. I was going to change residency to Maryland this year if I didn't get in anywhere so I wouldn't be "another Californian" but now I don't have to. yay.
I'm actually reeeeally glad to be moving to a place not as fast pace as DC and most of my apartment jitters is more of a excitement thing. Can't wait. ahhh.

Another Berkeley grad! What year did you graduate? I finished in Dec. 2001 (extra semester for a minor that I will never use) and I'm living in San Francisco now. I definitely share your apartment jitters - I just keep reminding myself that it's actually easy to find places to live out there that won't take half your paycheck, but it sometimes is hard to actually believe. :)
I didn't realize that there's a medical student orientation page on MUO's website under the student affairs section (I think I'd looked at every other page but that one) until this morning, and it looks like it's got some good info.
We're planning on going to Toledo for a couple days in June (probably sometime during the third week) because we want to start a lease in July. My husband needs to find a job and he's having some luck from here, but I think it'll be easier out there.

And THANK YOU to everyone who's posted info on apartments. Hallm_7, that's great info. I never thought I'd be excited to move to Toledo!
Hey sfbear,
I was suspecting that you had something to do with Cal but I wasn't sure . . .I also did an extra semester for a minor(English) and I ended up graduating in 2003. Maybe we can meet up something in the third week of June if we are both in Toledo. That would be nice.

I was looking into the Heather Hills complex as well for moving in. I liked the floor plan, if it's the same one that I'm thinking of.

The most important thing that you guys have posted is this safety information . . .I was completely naive to think that I can rent anywhere in Toledo and be completely safe. Thanks again.
Hey all...

Don't get me wrong, Toledo isn't NEARLY as bad crime-wise as the hood of a major city (i.e. Compton, south Chicago, etc.)... some places are just better than others. I'm an ex-football player, so I shouldn't be worried, but I guess I'm just paranoid. ;) Something 'bout living in a bubble for the past 7 years (Ann Arbor is a hella safe town).

I'll second Heather Hills as a very nice apartment complex... only negatives I can remember are a few very large speed bumps (I think), and no carports; which gets kinda sucky in the Midwest winters.

If anybody's gonna be in Toledo and wants to meet up, let me know! It's only an hour drive south from a2, and it'll be good to meet my future classmates!
Does anyone have any info. on the arlington south apartments? Is it nice? Is it in a safe neighborhood? Are there any current students who live there?
It looks like I'll be heading out to Toledo either late June 11th or early the 12th. If anyone wants to meet up for dinner or something (maybe that Monday?) let me know. Also, I'll be looking at a bunch of apartments (don't have my list compiled just yet, though) and I'd be happy to check out places for people because, hey, i might end up living there too. so nyc, if no one gets back to you before then i'll check it out and see what people say.
sfbear said:
It looks like I'll be heading out to Toledo either late June 11th or early the 12th. If anyone wants to meet up for dinner or something (maybe that Monday?) let me know. Also, I'll be looking at a bunch of apartments (don't have my list compiled just yet, though) and I'd be happy to check out places for people because, hey, i might end up living there too. so nyc, if no one gets back to you before then i'll check it out and see what people say.
Thanks sfbear, I would really appreaciate it.
I would definitely, appreciate if you could look up some apartments for me. are you going to stay in the hotel on campus to visit the apartments? Also how are you getting around when you get there?
nyc25 said:
Thanks sfbear, I would really appreaciate it.
I would definitely, appreciate if you could look up some apartments for me. are you going to stay in the hotel on campus to visit the apartments? Also how are you getting around when you get there?

Not a problem. Arlington South's on my list. Any others? I'm not sure where we're going to stay yet because my husband will probably need to stay for at least a week to job hunt. We stayed at the Hilton on campus for my interview, though, and it was nice to be so close. The hotel was just getting renovated so there weren't too many rooms open, but they should be done by now. Our room was just redone, so that was nice. We rented a car (flew into detroit - it's cheaper) and we'll probably do that again. I don't know if the Hilton has an airport shuttle from the toledo airport, but i would guess they probably do. It seems like there's a lot of public transport in toledo as well, but i don't have any info on that.
Hey all! Thought I'd post a couple of articles of interest to you from today's online edition of the Toledo Blade.

The first article: link here

Article published Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Campus housing is being studied
Majority of students indicate an interest

The Medical University of Ohio is exploring whether to build on-campus housing for some of its medical, nursing, and allied health students.

The project would likely be jointly financed and owned by the Medical University of Ohio Foundation and Columbus-based Edwards Communities Inc., which is building a luxury apartment complex near the University of Toledo.

Larry Burns, foundation president, said the project is "still in the early stages" but he hopes to get final approval from the MUO board by the end of the summer with construction completed in about two years.

"We'd probably start small with 150 to 200 beds and then see how it would go," Mr. Burns said. "We need to make sure what we build not only appeals in location and amenities but also [to] a wide range of students price-wise."

Dr. Lloyd Jacobs, MUO president, likes the idea of his institution having on-campus housing, adding that "I really hope we can do this."

Many students agree. The foundation surveyed about 200 MUO students last month to see if they'd be interested in on-campus housing and 67 percent said yes.

MUO has 586 medical students, 284 graduate students, and 231 health science students. It also trains about 1,000 nursing students through a cooperative agreement with the University of Toledo and Bowling Green State University, and those students would also be eligible to use on-campus MUO housing. Mr. Burns said the leading site now is a location somewhere on the south side of the MUO campus. Whatever area is picked, it has to be within easy walking distance for students, he said.
Next article of interest: link to article

Article published Tuesday, May 24, 2005

MUO board approves boosts in tuition, fees

Medical University of Ohio students will pay more in tuition and fees starting this coming school year.

The MUO board of trustees yesterday approved 8 percent tuition increases for in-state and out-of-state medical students. That means in-state students will now pay $9,615 per semester, starting in the fall, and $1,030 in fees, which went up 5 percent.

Out-of-state students will pay $23,655 per semester, starting in the fall. Tuition has steadily increased at MUO.

Tuition increased 6 percent last year, 10 percent the year before, and 11 percent the year before that.

MUO doctorate students will see tuition increases of about 3 percent, while graduate student and certificate students will see 10 percent increases.

Not counting undergraduate nursing students, MUO has about 580 medical students and 441 students in other areas of study.
Thanks Amy, for the articles! I can't believe tuition has been jacked so much over the past few years... I guess this is a trend...

Has anyone received their financial aid package yet from MCO? I called today, and the person I spoke with mentioned LATE JUNE! That seems really really late...
that really sucks!!!!
nyc25 said:
that really sucks!!!!

All tuition hikes suck, but keep in mind that MUO's tuition is not out of line when compared to the other state schools in Ohio. The 10 and 11% hikes occurred at a time when MUO was struggling financially and still didn't increase their tuition above the other state schools. Prior to those increases, MUO's tuition was an incredible bargain.
Help!!! I'm beggining to have second thoughts about my decision. Is this normal? Please someone let me know why MCO Rocks!!! I know it does but I just need further validation to stay firm in my decision.
Wow! This thread has exploded since I last checked it. I'm glad to see others as excited about starting at MUO as I am. I guess I should also mention that I am a Toledo native, so maybe I can help answer some questions about the area. I won't promise to know everything, but feel free to ask. I'm looking foward to meeting everyone this summer.
nyc25 said:
Help!!! I'm beggining to have second thoughts about my decision. Is this normal?

Yep, its definitely normal. Despite saying all along that OSU was my #1 choice due to husband locations, I still had a hard time withdrawing from MCO when I got accepted off of OSU's waitlist last week.