Locums etiquette

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Queen of Neon Socks
10+ Year Member
Jun 6, 2011
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So let's say you're talking to a recruiter about a locums spot, to the point of giving them your CV, having them say that the facility/group is interested, and figuring out times for a phone interview. But then they ghost you, and you can't get in touch with them at all. A few days later, you find an ad for the same position, but this time with contact info straight to the facility itself. Is it inappropriate to contact the facility directly now?

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If it's only a few days, I'd probably wait. If they have "ghosted" you for weeks then email them:

"I haven't heard from you and would no longer like you to represent me for Hospital X."

Most locums agencies try to follow NALTO code of ethics. It's hardly law. However, the hospital may say you were presented to them by a locums agency already and not want to discuss further. You could let them know you've terminated the relationship and see what they say.
It is completely appropriate to contact the facility directly at this point (in my opinion as a doc, not a lawyer).

Contact the facility and express your interest. As you work your way through an offer, mention this to the hiring folks after your 2nd or 3rd conversation so they aren't totally blindsided if the locums company turns back up wanting their pound of flesh. To ward off the evil spirits, keep all documentation of the locums company deserting you (ie unanswered emails you sent them etc)--the hospital can use it to justify bypassing them as they were an obstacle, rather than a facilitator, of you working there and helping to meet their needs. Worst comes to worst the hospital won't hire you but it's unlikely if the locums company is truly no longer carrying out their duties.
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So let's say you're talking to a recruiter about a locums spot, to the point of giving them your CV, having them say that the facility/group is interested, and figuring out times for a phone interview. But then they ghost you, and you can't get in touch with them at all. A few days later, you find an ad for the same position, but this time with contact info straight to the facility itself. Is it inappropriate to contact the facility directly now?

What does that mean?
What does that mean?
They murdered him and now his spirit wonders the earth, endlessly searching for locums assignments he can never obtain...

...because there's too many mid-level ghosts and they'll do it for cheaper.
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Wait so if you contact the hospital wouldn’t you be making more per hour since the locums wouldn’t get a cut?
Don't you have to send the CV before being represented? Just call them directly, how can this hurt? Not like the Locums will Sue you.

Send them a letter that they have ghosted you and you are moving on.
Sometimes the hospital won’t talk to you for 90 days if the locums company already presented you to them.
Just send an email simply saying: "If I don't receive a response from you within 24 hours by e-mail, then you have agreed to effectively terminate any representation on my behalf"
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Now that I know what ghosting means
I agree with the above.

Ghosting is the passive, millennial way of dealing with relationships. You will be talking over text, and then suddenly won't hear from them via text, or any other method. It's as if they disappeared and became a ghost.
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Ghosting is the passive, millennial way of dealing with relationships. You will be talking over text, and then suddenly won't hear from them via text, or any other method. It's as if they disappeared and became a ghost.

F’ing millennials. Back in my day, I was the generation just prior to millennials (whatever that is called), we’d just hang up the phone. Or not respond to a hand written letter with another hand written letter.
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In all fairness, ghosting can be a useful tool when applied to the right situation.
I don't get ghosting. Seems immature when you can't just tell someone that you have no interest anymore.

Meet a girl and date gone bad. Just tell her you are not interested. Seems like alot more work ignoring all the post all the while she is talking bad about you.
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I don't get ghosting. Seems immature when you can't just tell someone that you have no interest anymore.

Meet a girl and date gone bad. Just tell her you are not interested. Seems like alot more work ignoring all the post all the while she is talking bad about you.

Her not talking to “you” already means they are not interested.
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These people literally text and call us at 3 am sometimes. They have no etiquette. Call.
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Her not talking to “you” already means they are not interested.

Unless she is and she just lost your text or is inundated by every other guy on Tinder or whatever. In which case sometimes you can start a great relationship just by persisting.

But yeah, she probably isn't.

Wish it hadn't taken me 10 years to learn all that crap. What a waste of time. Hope I can teach my son(s) better than I was taught.
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Thanks for the replies, everyone. Sent an email. Never heard back. Planning on reaching out to the facility directly.
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Her not talking to “you” already means they are not interested.

Now a days it seem so much easier to text back that you are not interested rather than ignore multiple called/texts. Seems immature to just ignore people without a response leaving a lingering doubt if the person is intersted.
Now a days it seem so much easier to text back that you are not interested rather than ignore multiple called/texts. Seems immature to just ignore people without a response leaving a lingering doubt if the person is intersted.

A lot of human interaction remains nonverbal or unsaid.

If you’ve just been on one date, there is technically not much invested to warrant a formal “not interested” convo.
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Now a days it seem so much easier to text back that you are not interested rather than ignore multiple called/texts. Seems immature to just ignore people without a response leaving a lingering doubt if the person is intersted.

Yeah, that's what I thought when I was 22. And it's true. And but then I realized if she isn't into me, she doesn't care if I think she's immature or not. Also, a lot of people like getting some amount of continued attention even from people they aren't interested in. Makes them feel important and gives them something to talk about with their friends and gives them your favor if you're ignorant enough to let them friendzone you.

How the world has changed. If I am not interested in love, business, or life in general then I tell them upfront and move on.

I will never understand wanting unwanted attention, stringing people on, and wasting everyone's time. But I guess its the who social medial world we live in.

Go to restaurant, post a facebook pick
Get pissed, go to twitter

Maybe some people really care, but I can care less what even my closest friends are eating for dinner.
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How the world has changed. If I am not interested in love, business, or life in general then I tell them upfront and move on.

I will never understand wanting unwanted attention, stringing people on, and wasting everyone's time. But I guess its the who social medial world we live in.

Go to restaurant, post a facebook pick
Get pissed, go to twitter

Maybe some people really care, but I can care less what even my closest friends are eating for dinner.
Well, remember when we were young, and no one had a phone? I mean, maybe one guy, but, if we were going out, the landline was the last step, and standing there waiting was what happened? If something irritated you, you let it simmer for a while, and it mostly just went away. Now, all these dopes that immediately post their first thought on Twitter, well, they could use a "rest period".
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Now a days it seem so much easier to text back that you are not interested rather than ignore multiple called/texts. Seems immature to just ignore people without a response leaving a lingering doubt if the person is intersted.

Well maybe but you risk the other person being offended and getting into an argument and they will most likely say “ I wasn’t interested!”

Yeah ghosting sucks but I say this as a guy. For some women out right rejecting someone can be a lot more trouble than it’s worth
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