Lacking in the General Chemistry Department For The DAT. suggestions?

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Aug 17, 2016
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First post here, so please cut me a little break. Long story short, I am currently taking my second semester of organic II with the lab. All my time is focused on this at the moment. I know I need to study for the DAT, and plan to within the upcoming months.

My issue is, it has honestly been a couple years since I took general chemistry. I KNOW this is one of my weaknesses, so I am asking if anyone knows a good place to start. (recommended books, programs, ect.) I tend to score poorly when I take chemistry tests. I plan to sit in on general chemistry 1 at my university to relearn some. Any guidance would be great.


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Definitely look into Chad's videos! I haven't had general chemistry or organic chemistry (which I did poorly in) in over 3 years, and I was able to pull off a score in the 20s. He's good at explaining concepts you'll need to know specifically for the DAT. He has lots of videos in lecture style with quizzes that follow. It costs $50 a month through Coursesaver, but the money is definitely worth it.
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CHAD >: O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think doing destroyer twice and adding DAT genius to my regimen also helped me improve my GC 7 pts xD
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I didn't think Destroyer was going to help me at first because I felt so intimidated by all the material but I would definitely watch Chad's videos first then they and do some Bootcamp problems then attack the destroyer. The Destroyer seems like its too intense but its not so really hone in. Its really hard to study for the exam while taking classes in my opinion and organic is a really important class to do well in.
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If you have a lot of time to study casually in advance then I recommend buying the General Chemistry Destroyer book ( This book is made by the same people of DAT Destroyer but it is a different book completely ).

I would recommend
Coursesaver Gen Chem vids taught by Chad while taking extensive organized notes --> After each complete chapter is done then go to the relevant section in the General Chemistry Destroyer book and do the problems while covering the answers so you dont get tempted to just read the answers. After you do all that then start DAT Destroyer for the Gen Chem Section.
If you have a lot of time to study casually in advance then I recommend buying the General Chemistry Destroyer book ( This book is made by the same people of DAT Destroyer but it is a different book completely ).

I would recommend
Coursesaver Gen Chem vids taught by Chad while taking extensive organized notes --> After each complete chapter is done then go to the relevant section in the General Chemistry Destroyer book and do the problems while covering the answers so you dont get tempted to just read the answers. After you do all that then start DAT Destroyer for the Gen Chem Section.
Would you say the general chemistry book is good on top of regular gen chem in destroyer? I have chad's and regular destroyer and am prepping thoroughly
Would you say the general chemistry book is good on top of regular gen chem in destroyer? I have chad's and regular destroyer and am prepping thoroughly
If you can do the work in the GenChem section of the DAT Destroyer and feel very comfortable with that level of work you will be ok. Raymand Chang's text book is also great, it is easy and straight forward. If you are deficient or been away from GC for a while our you might find our individual book helpful(note, you do not have to complete in it's entirety, it is more for supplement). The problems written in our Generbook are for faster excution and more geared towards the DAT exam than in the Chang book.
Would you say the general chemistry book is good on top of regular gen chem in destroyer? I have chad's and regular destroyer and am prepping thoroughly

I bought both Gen Chem Dest. and the DAT Dest. ( I bought all the books including orgo odyssey in the package they offer) I started causally a little in advanced so I used the odyssey as a tool while I was doing the Orgo 2 lecture course. And then when I had time during the school year, I would review gen chem because i had forgotten gen chem completely since i had taken it years ago. So I used Gen chem dest. The book is huge!!! so i never finished it but i used it as a supplement with coursesavers chads videos for gen chem. I think it was worth it for sure. Even when I started the Gen chem section in DAT dest. afterwards when i started studying for the DAT, I felt like i would have had a much more difficult time if I would never have used the separate Gen Chem Dest. book.
I bought both Gen Chem Dest. and the DAT Dest. ( I bought all the books including orgo odyssey in the package they offer) I started causally a little in advanced so I used the odyssey as a tool while I was doing the Orgo 2 lecture course. And then when I had time during the school year, I would review gen chem because i had forgotten gen chem completely since i had taken it years ago. So I used Gen chem dest. The book is huge!!! so i never finished it but i used it as a supplement with coursesavers chads videos for gen chem. I think it was worth it for sure. Even when I started the Gen chem section in DAT dest. afterwards when i started studying for the DAT, I felt like i would have had a much more difficult time if I would never have used the separate Gen Chem Dest. book.[/QUOT

thanks for your input!

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Side note on chad's videos: he has his own website now where you can buy individual subjects for about 10 dollars a piece. He had a falling out with coursesaver. I'm not sure if his website charges monthly or if he just charges you once for the videos, but you'd be saving money regardless. Best of luck. I recommend using Chad's to set a foundation if you learn best through videos, or finding a book for yourself if you don't like videos. Then do the Destroyer - ideally twice for the chemistries.
If you're confused over the whole "Coursesaver VS Chads Videos" scenario, Coursesaver is the commonly used one. I highly recommend it, especially if your gen chem is rusty. Destroyer is also good, but make sure you use Chads first. (The questions in destroyer are generally harder and more calculation intensive.) I'm certainly no chemistry hotshot, and when I studied I went through Chads twice and destroyer once and it was more than enough.
i was terrible at get chem at first. i took it freshman year and didn't remember one bit. Like others have said before, chads videos, dat destroyer and a lil bit of elbow grease ought to do the trick. The dat destroyer gc questions are really hard but really teach you about each concept and how to manipulate and understand the various formulas used in calculations. you will probably get most of them wrong the first time around, that is okay! understand the solutions and do the book again and a third time if you need to really nail down everything. do or do not, there is no try.