Kirksville, MO

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I posted a similar query in the Osteo pre-med section with unimpressive, now it's you folks turn.

Tell me the good place to live in Kirksville, please? My wife and I would love to have 2~3BR w/ at least is way NOT fun to have to share the bathroom. We've been spoiled to having two. The place must also accept our 3 legged furry 'son' named Satchmo. Shhhhhhhhhh, he doesn't know he's a dog....We'd prefer to be within walking/biking distance...but that's not mandatory.

Thanks in advance for you replies.


'Old Man Dave'
KCOM, Class of '03

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Well Dave one of the other guys going to KCOM, Cliff, mentioned something about the
"I've been accepted!"packet from KCOM.I think that you should be getting it soon. Also ask around at the student affairs office about any pamphlets on housing nearby. I don't think the student housing is a good idea because they don't allow pets and they'll be full of loud people like me.. Search around on the web for Kirksville web page too. You might find something there. Other than that I don't know what to tell you, sorry..
I don't know that much about finding housing in KCOM but I tried to find houses for rent through realtors and had no luck they all told me that didn't do rentals.

I luckily found a place, it is a mobile home, to rent that is three bedroom 2 bath and only a couple of years old for $350/mo. They took my four legged "son" and I start paying on it May 1st and will move there June 2nd.

While I won't be staying in Kirksville the whole summer if there is anything I can do to help you in your searching let me know. I don't know what I could do but I could try maybe even take pictures or videos and e-mail them to you I don't know.

[email protected]
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The student packet only has info on KCOM's student housing. THE rental book is only available in the office (which one I don't know but admissions will) which unfortunately means you will have to go on a weekday. Check out the classifieds at Truman State's web site . Prices sound good but you'll have to see the apartments for yourself. You could always try to find an MS1 to give you advice and maybe one would even be willing to show you around. You can apparently find nicer places than student housing in Kville. "Luxurious" 2-bedrooms only cost around $400, give or take say $50.

[This message has been edited by justwannabadoc (edited April 20, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by justwannabadoc (edited April 20, 1999).]
Century 21 has listings for rental houses and duplexes. 4BR with 2 car garage for 500.00/month as an example. They also had listings for duplexes. I can assure you that I will be looking before renting though. It sounds like there are some bad properties in the area.
I hope you guys realize how luck you are in one respect to have real estate around $500/month for a 4BR 2 car garage. Here in NY that would cost around $5000-6000/month. You should save quite a bit of money that way and be able to enjoy the nightlife in Kirksville!

I talked with the local newspaper in Kirksville and they will send you a week's worth of free newspapers if you request them(at least that is what they told me). The Sunday classifieds from a few weeks ago had a ton of promising looking rental ads for houses. I know that I am looking for something pretty similar to what you mentioned and I think I saw at least 10 possibilities or so.

Here is their address and phone number:

Daily Express
110 East McPherson
Kirksville, MO 63501

Also, I have been talking with a lady from Century 21 about apartments. She seemed to know quite a bit about locating things and has sent me several apartment floor plans etc.

Here is their address and phone number...they are also online:

Century 21 Whitney Agency
2412 A South Business 63
Kirksville, MO 63501

There is supposed to be a really nice new apartment complex opening up on the west side of KCOM (the area across the street and away from town). The lady from Century 21 mentioned that.

Hope that helps.
I have been starting to look into housing as well. One thing I noticed is that many of the ads mention May to May leases. Obviously this isn't the ideal situation since I doubt we will want to try to deal with finding new housing next May. (Not to mention, I dont want to pay a few extra months of rent!) Have other people been running into the same lease dates? Also, do you know if the admissions office is going to be issuing lists of people looking for roomates?

That's a fact Justwannabadoc, I'm headed for Kirksville. I'm still waiting for TCOM and UTSanAntonio to let me know though. If I get a Texas school I'm going to stay in Texas because of the cost difference.
After playing telephone tag with the lady from Heritage Realty...she was FAR less than interested in helping me out. Once I told i was uncomfortable with leasing sight-un-seen and that I have a dog...she informed me that it would next to impossible to find a place. And, that I should reconsider the sight-un-seen thing. sounded to me like she was trying to dump some property that she'd had difficulty moving.

I'll try the Century 21 and the newspaper deals...the thing is useful; but again...i want to see it before I sign on the dotted line.

Another thing, I was warned by the wife of a KCOM med student to bewary of signs of previous flooding in the basements. She knew of someone who asked their landlord why everything in the basement was up on boxes/racks. The landlord gave some fleeting reason...they found out when spring hit. The basement flooded badly.

'Old Man Dave'
KCOM, Class of '03

E-mail me...I lost the phone number you provided. You said you lived near UTD...did you attend there? It would be nice to know someone in advance heading to KCOM

'Old Man Dave'
KCOM, Class of '03
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I'm driving out to Kirksville tomorrow, my SO has a job interview at KCOM. While I'm there I'm to meet with someone from Century 21 to look at apartments and some houses. From what she said, there seems to be some pretty fast movement on housing. The apartments that I had called about a couple of weeks ago are already gone. I also saw that (posted on the kcom-sga site) the student housing is also gone. When I get back I'll try to post any information that I gather while I'm there.
Thanks Rach,

Wendy, my wife, and I are flying to K'Ville this Thurs. Wendy has a job interview at the hospital on Friday...very short notice! TWA wanted a $1014 a piece!! Can you believe that? We got tickets via for $120 a piece, I swear!

I'll be looking for your info before we head that direction.

'Old Man Dave'
KCOM, Class of '03
Well, I made it back from my trip to Kirksville. I can mostly give advice on what not to do to find a place, since I didn't have any luck. I only had Monday to work with to look for something and I would say that you need at least 2 days to get it all accomplished. You need to first set up appointments to meet with the rental people (whether that be one of the real estate offices or with an individual). Most of them had to have time to warn the current occupant that they were going to be showing their place. Ok, with that said then you can use the second day to actually look at stuff. The most useful resource I found was the book of rentals that they keep in the admissions office. You can go in, look through the book and they will photocopy the spec. sheets for you and then they let you use their phone to call people up about the place. I found that almost all of the places for rent were controlled by various random people in the town. Just because there were 2 apartments available in one complex didn't mean that the people controlling it were the same. I also suggest just asking the people in the admissions office for advice about good areas. My personal thought is that most of the places right around the campus are in pretty bad shape with a few exceptions. There seems to be more things available out towards Walmart. Another suggestions that one of the admissions people made was to do a "drive by" before you actually called. We did this and weeded out almost all of the ones that had looked good on paper. The things written about one place had obviously been in the rental persons imagination cause the place looked like it hadn't had any improvements on it since the Civil War.

Also, I was told that if you had a pet it was going to be a lot more difficult. One place that does take pets is the Woodwinds. Century 21 seems to control most of the rentals on that. They are 2 bedroom apartments.

These are some people or agencies I thought would be useful to contact.

Heritage House...they seem to handle quite a bit of stuff.

Century 21 ...has a couple of houses and the Woodwinds apartment complexes.

Gooch...(I think it was Gooch Rentals) they have some apartments and control some other properties.

Sparks Construction ...they control several rental properties in the town.

Sorry I don't have numbers on those, but if you ask in the admissions office they'll help you find them.

Hope that helps and good luck.

Your experience seems very similar to ours. We were in K'Ville from Thurs evening until Sat. We went to the school and got listings copied and to Cent 21. I blew off Heritage for the reasons I stated in an above post.

Our objective was Wendy's job interview...but, we had hoped to slay two birds in one trip. Alas, it was not meant to be.

We were also encouraged to do a drive-by prior to calling the landlord. You can definitly eliminate some prospects that way. I found it common for a house that has only a single window unit to be referred to as 'air-conditioned.' Maybe, coming from Dallas, I'm over-sensitive to that issue...but?

Anyhow, the admissions and real estate people both told me that rental availability will pick up in late-May/early-June.

See y'all there!!

'Old Man Dave'
KCOM, Class of '03
I am envious of all you KCOM'ers who will be living in trailer parks in Kirksville. I only wish my med school experience could be so enticing.
Hey Dogboy,
If you are so high and mighty that you would make fun of people who would consider living in trailer parks I have just one thing to say. I feel sorry for any patients who might get suck with you as their doc. Whether you mean what you are saying or are saying it just to be an ass it doesn't matter.
There is no need to tell me my patients should worry about me being their doctor, I already know that along with the fact that many of you feel bad for those who are unknowingly placed under my care.
There are trailer parks everywhere. I would rather own a trailer than pay rent on an apartment. At least I would own the trailer, and wouldn't have to worry about paying the ridculous amount of cash on rent.(It's a lot cheaper to park your shack.) If I had to live in a trailer to go to school, I would be the first to sign up. I don't give a crap where I would have to live.(It's not like I'm going to be sleeping there much anyway.) Just as long as I got the chance to go to school, especially at a school that I liked.
DOGBOY, All this talk of trailers got me thinking about that song King of the Road. "Trailers for sale or rent, rooms to rent 50 cents, no phone no pool no pets, I ain't got no cigarettes...."
Uh Ok, anyway, who cares where you live in med school. Life will be hell anyway. Whatever floats your boat.
Just don't get blown by tornadoes - trailers are known to be the 1st to take off around here (TN) - we had a little scare last night...

Good luck to all
