Kaplan Vs. Princeton Review

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May 15, 2023
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I'm a sophomore trying to study for the MCAT, and I was wondering which book I should buy to begin test prep for the MCAT. I am already planning on buying UWorld, but I'm going to wait because you only can have access to it for a year max :( Are there any suggestions on which MCAT prep book I should buy from which company? It's possible there could be a better one than princeton or Kaplan. Let me know. Thanks!

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Check around your campus, starting with your pre health advisor or premed club, and see if anyone has copies of the books you are considering. Read the text for a topic you don't know, and see if it clears it up. Try a question and then read the explanation, and see if it teaches you what YOU need to learn (both test taking strategies and content). Everyone learns differently, so while one book might be better for one person, the other will be better for another. Sorry to have no definitive answer here, but only you can answer that once you analyze both books.

Good Luck!
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