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Sep 2, 2003
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Hi, I was wondering if anyone has interviewed yet or is going to interview? I know that schools vary greatly in their interview times/process. How is it going?

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Congrats Herp! So did I. I came home from a weekend of skiing and pulled the thin envelope out of my mailbox. I was floored when I opened it and it wasn't a rejection letter. Since you have friends who are in vet school now, do you know what to expect in this interview?
Did you hear from Purdue? Which is your first choice?
Congrats to you as well! When are you interviewing? I to was shocked when the invite came in that thin envelope. Right now I am trying to find out what types of questions people were asked during their interviews. It may take a bit of time because most of the people I know were either accepted as out-of-state without interviews or accepted as in-state people, but accepted without interviews. I expect to hear from Purdue sometime this week. I may have an envelope in my box today because they were sending out letters last week. However, I usually only check my box twice a week. Are you going to the pre-interview session held by the pre-vet club on the 3rd? I may attend, but am uncertain. The interview is a day before I leave for the East coast to interview at another medical school. Have you heard from anyone else?

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I interview on the 12th. I think there are a couple of current CSU students on the site, so hopefully they can give us some pointers. I want to go to the info session, but it will depend on work. I would need to leave by 4 to get there by 6. I haven't heard from anywhere else, but since none of the other schools interview out-of-state residents, I probably won't hear until after the in-state residents interview. So March some time I am guessing.
What med school are you interviewing at? Congrats on that, that's cool. But it probably doesn't make your decision any easier! What do you think your deciding factors will be?
Wow, good for you.
I applied to Wisconsin, Oregon State, and Iowa State.
What was your top choice med school that placed you on hold? What does that mean exactly? Did you apply to CU med school? Just wondering, because I have some friends there now if you'd like some contacts.

How do your friends at CSU like the vet school?
I was placed on hold at SUNY Upstate in New York. It simply means that they will first offer acceptances to enough people to fill their class. After that people begin declining acceptances because they gained entrance into another school they like. When this happens they begin taking people off the "high priority" waitlist and once they go through all those people they come to my list. I had an interview at CU already and should hear from them in March.

Most of the people I know at CSU like the school and the way the curriculum is set up. Many of the tests are on-line so there is no need to stress in the classroom. Although the hospital is a bit dank because there are no windows. All in all though it would be a great school to attend.

I asked about interview questions on the forum and got some responses if you want to check it out. Sounds like ethics and your standard job interview questions make up the bulk of it. and it sounds like you may want to review your app before heading up there.

Good luck with SUNY. It sounds like you really want to be there. Are you from NY?

K. Astro, have you heard from any schools? Just curious, since you started this thread and have been awfully quiet. :)
I've only heard from WSU, Massey (recently AVMA accred.!), and Cornell. I'm out of state everywhere, and alot of schools don't interview people who are out of state. I applied as a WICHE student to the western schools, and I don't think any of them interview us except for maybe Davis. I'm waiting to hear about interviews from Tufts, Michigan St, Penn, and possibly UC Davis. It is good to hear that schools are getting to the in-staters, though, because hopefully that means I will be hearing more soon!
I'm sure you will. Good Luck!
Where's Massey?
I had one of my friends ask around to other people who were interviewed and she said the interview could cover any number of topics. For instance, you should know your application very well and be prepared to answer questions like what type of drugs would you use to abate pain in an animal if you volunteered at a veterinary clinic. Also, seeing as how the Mad cow disease is now in the U.S. I would know what the pathogenesis of the disease is and its current state. I checked out the questions on and that seems to help a bit too. Hopefully all will go well and we shall receive acceptances in about 3-4 weeks.

Massey is the vet school for new zealand. They started taking american applicants relatively recently. It seems like they have a pretty nice program, and it is now AVMA accred. so it is easy to come back to the states and start practicing. Plus, it is in new zealand. I'm not sure if I will end up there, but I certainly considered it.
I think tuition for Massey as an international student is similar to out of state tuition in the states. Maybe 20,000 a year? They have a website that you can look at for more info.
Originally posted by Herpeto
I wish I would have know about Massey as I would have definitely applied there. It would be great to go to school in New Zealand. What is tuition like there?


Me too! Sounds like a blast!:)
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Yes, I think it is a great opportunity for students looking to do vet school abroad and move back to the states easily. If you get the new VMSAR book from purdue press, Massey is now in there. Best of luck with the applications to all!
Hey Herp,
Did you go to the pre-vet interview workshop at CSU last night?
I didn't make it because I had to work at the clinic. Just wondering how it was.

I was hoping you went to the information session. I wasn't able to make it either due to work. I spoke with someone who both interviewed there and went to the information session. She said that at the session there was mock interview for everyone to watch and they were able to ask questions. From what I can gather, it sounds like the interviews are fairly straight forward. They will ask about your experiences, qualifications, why you are better than another candidate, your weaknesses and strengths, why you want to be a vet, what type of vet and maybe some current issues like Madcow and pet insurance etc.... I wouldn't worry too much about it. Write up a list of questions you believe they will ask and make sure you are able to answer the questions with confidence. I shall make up a list in the next couple of days. The great thing is that I believe they inform you of their decision within about a week.

I did think about going, but I was at work too late to get up to Fort Collins in time (I work in Broomfield), and I also thought my time would be better spent at the clinic chatting with some of the vets, trying to get their feedback, and quell some of my anxiety. Their feedback was to just be heartfelt and honest in my responses. I know that sounds like a no-brainer, but that is really important to remember! If you (meaning "you" in the general sense) try to BS, they're going to see right through you. Anyhow, I just need to relax. Hopefully I'll have a chance to give you feedback before yours, since mine is on Thursday. You're on Friday right?
I think you are right on the heart felt answers. I am going to be as honest as possible and tell them exactly why I am interested in veterinary medicine. I shall be there the day after you. I wish you well on the interview my friend.

Hi guys-- i'm going to be interviewing at Tufts in a couple of weeks. Has anyone interviewed there before? What was it like? How did you like the campus and interview process? Thanks for any info.
Good luck on the interview tomorrow! I'm sure you'll do great. Just remember that if you got this far, they definitely want you. Maybe we'll be classmates next year.

I sent you some info Skibum in your PM.
Thanks Herp. I sent you one in reply. Good luck tomorrow!
Ski-bum-- how did your interview go? I'm sure it was fine. I'm going to be heading out to CSU in a couple of weeks, are there any parts of the school or town that i should definitely check out? I want to make sure I see all the great things that CSU has to offer! Thanks for any info
Hey K.Astro,
Interview went okay, thanks for asking. It was a typical interview, where the interviewers were kind of hard to read, so I'm not sure how well I did. I don't think I wowed them, but I didn't run out of there crying either, which is good. :D

Did you get accepted at CSU or are you just going to check out the school? Definitely get a tour of the teaching hospital, it is amazing. They have a brand new cancer research wing as well. The place blew me away. 1st and 2nd years have the classes on campus in the anatomy and physiology buildings I believe, so you may want to check those out as well. I would also check out Old Town just for fun. It's the shopping/bar/restaurant area. It's pretty cool!

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Have you had your interview at Tufts yet? That is actually were I would most love to end up, but cost kept me from applying this year. Maybe next year if I don't get in to CSU. Let me know how it goes/went!

skibum-- i'll bet you won't have to reapply, if nothing stuck out as terrible, then you probably did just fine!

I was accepted as a WICHE student to the program, and I am very interested in going there. I will definitely check out the areas you mentioned, thanks for the note about where 1 and 2nd years take classes, i will want to see that place for sure! I don't head out to Mass for my interview for another couple of weeks. Hopefully it will be a positive and informative experience.

How long do you have to wait until you hear a yes/no/maybe from CSU? Hopefully not too long...
We should actually hear at the end of next week, amazingly enough. Cross your fingers for Herp and me!

Good luck at Tufts. Let me know how it goes and how you liked North Grafton. Make sure you change your shoes for the tour. I hear they take you through the barns. :D
I got an interview at Michigan State. I think that they conducted 3 days of interview for all in-state residents last week. I think it went pretty well, we dont' find out till the week of march 8th. It was the only school I applied to.
Herp-- how did things end up with CSU and Purdue?