IMG friendly anesthesiology residencies?

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Dec 20, 2001
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does anyone know of any IMG friendly anesthesiology programs? my cousin is in the process of taking his USMLE liscensing tests, and after that, he will apply for an anesthesiology residency. he is an IMG.

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cpnsider RUSH in chicago, and NY programs.
I am an IMG participating in this years match for anesthesia,keeping into account that I have not matched yet ,and do not know how "freindly "these programs are,here is a list of programs that have given me the opportunity to interview
Univ of pittsburg,Albert einstien montefiore,Drexel univ(MCP Hahneman),Thomas Jefferson,Miamonides,Univ Miami(Jackson Memorial),Cook County,Univ of Ilinios,Wayne state Univ,Henry Ford,UMass,New England Medical centre,SUNY Syracuse,Medical College of Ohio,Pennstate....
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Originally posted by rehabdoc
cpnsider RUSH in chicago, and NY programs.


Just out of curiosity, how amongst all the programs were you able to single out Rush as being IMG friendly? I certainly don't mean to slight any applicants (IMGs or otherwise), but I thought that Rush was one of the top Chicago programs that was rather competitive to get into for US grads, let alone IMGs or FMGs? I'd appreciate if you could please post any other thoughts or comments you might have on this program. :)
Originally posted by Dr. Cuts
I'm Caribbean and Rush rejected me, for what it's worth.

Rush is IMG friendly.. but not carib friendly.
Originally posted by soon2bdoc2003
Rush is IMG friendly.. but not carib friendly.

It's like when a girl disses you...

I never liked her anyway!"


thanks for your input! same question to you, is Rush known to be overly IMG friendly? What are your general thoughts on its program. The only reason I'm really concerned about this issue is b/c IMG friendly programs generally (and this is a big generalization) tend to be sweatshop programs. Residency is supposed to be long hours and hard work, but I certainly want to steer clear of any "cook county"-like programs. thanks again for your input!!
sorry dont know much about rush as i didnt interview there. I am a US-FMG and the only program where i met non ross/sgu fmgs were miami, cook county, and westchester. I would say cook and westchester are classic 'sweatshop programs' while miami is covering its tail this year just in case they get snubbed by all those ivy league brats i met during my interview. I also know that syracuse, albany, and u. arkansas are pretty img friendly although i dont know much about those programs.