I have been a pharamcy technician for Walgreens since August, and I haven't gotten ANY better since?

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Nov 25, 2016
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I have been a pharmacy technician at Walgreens since August. I am a freshmen in college, pre pharmacy, and I am 18 years old. And I feel really discouraged about my future because of my job. I literally feel like I have not gotten any better in the last few MONTHS. I feel so horrible at my job that, most of the time, i feel like I am such an annoying person to work with, a burden, and underqualified. I am something I NEVER thought I would be. I always thought I would be a great person to work with to hold her own weight. But I ask why to many questions, I mess up too many times for the time I've spent there, and I should be fired.
The worst part of this is that I was an intern for almost a YEAR before I was even hired!!!
In short, I was a high school intern at this same Walgreens and hired by a really friendly and professional pharamcist. However, I feel like he just hired me because he wanted to believe that I would be awesome, but now he regrets it because I am not turning out to be any good at all.
And I HATE feeling like that. A dissapointment. I used to work five hours once a week since august, but since the beginning of november, I've been working about 20 hours every two weeks (Some weeks I'd work the entire weekend, somedays only work 5 hours a weekend)
I say this because even one of the pharmacist's have asked me why I ask too many questions. The senior tech, even though she's one of the friendliest people I know, will sometimes accidentally give an annoying look when I ask a STUPID question. I've had a customer yesterday ask me if I was a high school intern, and I'm guessing because of me and how i acted when I was checking her out. It was super embarassing because I know the pharmacist heard it and agreed. My angrier boss will say stuff like "Ugh!" really loud if I mess up, or talk down in a sassy way towards me. I feel like all the other workers there, I mean ALL the workers there look at me and think how unuseful I am. I've even had one of the other techs say "F___ you!" to me and it was really awkward because she was also laughing at me when she said that. I've had another manager laugh in me face when I called the wrong page over the intercom. I just feel super stupid. I know I am underqualified for that job and it makes me feel so much worse because the pharmacist (the nice one) who hired me hired me over ANOTHER INTERN (And he was so much better than me!) I basically just screwed over the store by getting hired here. I hate myself and I will always be stressed a few days before work because I get panicky when thinking about it. I get anxious every time something happens that I don't know what to do. This mostly happened when I'm refilling a prescription or insurance.
And that intern who I was hired over even told me at one point that I am not good at my job. I want to feel like I'm a good technician. I am always smiling because I do enjoy making people happy. I am always making sure that everything is done as fast as possible without mistakes. I am literally the only one who cleans the place. In fact I was the first one to clean their nasty keyboards.
The pharmacist who hired me eventually moved. I am kind of glad because I really don't want him to see how much of a mistake I was. I want to quit, but I know that would be so bad. I rented my own apartment with the other intern and it is actually quite a bit. If I quit my job, and even if I got another one, it would be so hard to pay for the apartment.
I apologize for digressing, those are just the reasons why I hate my pharmacy job. I've heard the pharmacy students who sometimes intern there who are techncians or were techs themselves tell me "it gets easier". But, dang, I've been there for so long and it just feels so much harder. I know I probably will not because a pharmacist and that I'm wasting my time trying. I am actually quit dumb academically. I just have been starting to actually accept that instead of acting like I was smart enough to even become a pharmacist.
What should I even do? Will this get better? Why am I so underqualified? Should I offer to quit my job only if the other intern gets hired? I have to go to work tomorrow and I am already panicking just thinking about it. One of the worst parts is that I CAN NEVER UNDERSTAND PEOPLE. I was being yelled at by this foreign man because I did not understand what he was saying. He was pointing at the stupid medications and saying letters and I was assuming he had a medication ready so I asked for his name for a few times until he finally told me. Then I told him nothing was ready and he got even more mad and then teh pharmacist yelled at me "He wants a refill!" Like, what the heck? Nothing this man did indicated a refill. I feel like this all the time. Like I have no idea what the hell is going on.

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If someone comes into the pharmacy and you dont see anything ready for them, the next thing you should do is check their profile to see if anything is due for a refill because that would have explained what he was trying to tell you.

You have been working for ~4 months doing barely any hours each week so there should be no expectations from you. Also, we dont know if you were even properly trained to handle insurance issues. The only thing that you shouldn't be doing wrong repeatedly is typing scripts incorrectly or filling errors.

I wouldn't be irritated if you were asking me questions because u are practically new. If you add up all your hours, it would be the equivalent to working like 80 hour or 2 weeks. No one learns everything in 2 weeks!

In short- dont give up, cuz its not ur fault!