how to pick a program??

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Sep 4, 2003
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I have read some advice about different programs in the North, but, being a Texan, I am more interested in the southern (ie, warmer) states. I know about the Texas programs, but how on earth do I choose which other programs to apply to?? I am very interested in Peds Heme/Onc, would like program that's not too big, not too small and I am probably an average student. Any suggestions???

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I would ask the peds faculty at your school what they think the good programs
in the south are. Depending on your definition of the south, well-regarded
programs outside of TX include:

Hope this helps.

Don't overlook the less academic programs. Many of them have EXCELLENT track records as to fellowship placement. My advice would be to interview at a few large academic places like Vandy, Denver, and UAB and a few of the good smaller programs with stong heme-onc programs (U of Okalhoma comes to mind--I know they've placed several residents at Baylor for HemeOnc over the past few years). U of New Mexico has a resident headed to Portland for HemeOnc next year, and I'm sure the Arizona programs are solid as well. You may love one of the "name" places, or you may love one of the smaller places. Just make sure you interview at a variety and that you choose a place you will be happy.