How to get away rotations

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Feb 24, 2018
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Hey guys, recently started medical school. I know it is way too early to be thinking about away rotations, but our school pairs us up with a "big" and he told me about the concept of away rotations and just to have some sites in the back of your mind. My question is although Google has a lot of information about away rotations, it doesn't have much on how to get them. Is it an application process? If so, what factors matter the most? Where/who in my school can tell me more about this?

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There is a website called VSLO in which most sites participate. It’s not that hard to get aways but patience is required. I heard from most sites in May.
Not something to worry or think at all about until you know 99% what specialty you’re going into and you’re almost in your 4th year.
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Not something to worry or think at all about until you know 99% what specialty you’re going into and you’re almost in your 4th year.
Okay fantastic. So the whole "have some idea where you would like to go" thing is not really something I should pay attention to just yet?
Okay fantastic. So the whole "have some idea where you would like to go" thing is not really something I should pay attention to just yet?

Not in the slightest. It will depend on so many factors, very few of which you know anything about right now. I say this as a person who has done multiple away rotations.
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Correct. Away rotations are typically designed to (1) give you more experience at different hospital systems in your specialty of choice, and (2) get your foot in the door with residency programs you may be interested in. You won't be able to say what specialty you're going into until third year when you have your step 1 score, some experience on different rotations, and a clearer idea of where you're going with your career (e.g. if you're interested in ortho do you want to do spine or hand? if FM, do you want to do OB, sports medicine?). Some specialties don't even care if you do away rotations, so it may be something that ends up not being worth the time/money you spend on it. That will give you a clue as to what programs you should be looking at, if any.
Okay, thanks so much! For now, I'll just keep my head down and in the books XD
Not in the slightest. It will depend on so many factors, very few of which you know anything about right now. I say this as a person who has done multiple away rotations.
Okay, thanks so much! For now, I'll just keep my head down and in the books XD