How is your practice doing at this point?

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7+ Year Member
Feb 28, 2017
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I am generally hearing that most practices are back above at least 70% volume pre-COVID at this point but it also seems somewhat regionally dependent. I know that many academic centers are on a hiring freeze but there are also private practices and hospitals continuing to recruit new associates. I'm getting questions from many residents, fellows, and docs considering a move about the market in general so thought it would be good to get feedback from others outside of my usual network.

What area do you practice in?
How's your practice currently?
What do you foresee for the rest of 2020(best guess is probably a better question)?

Overall, from my point, I'm hearing that patient demand for being seen and willingness to sign up for surgery is strong but have come across some practices reporting this not true here and there.

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70% sounds right for mid July, probably higher now most friends80-90 and is regional dependent:

also this was from May but the points still hold true:
Suburban area... clinic is back to 100% volume. Surgery around 80% (not sure why).
My surg rates are 80% because the surgery center is still tiptoing around accepting patients coming from assisted living etc. Also some patients are deferring surgery during the pandemic. Clinic volume 100%.