How can we get universal healthcare in the United States?

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you know black people owned slaves in this country too right?

And still do in Africa

And white people were/are/can be slaves.

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He wasn’t just a soldier, Lee was a GENERAL. The head general I think

So he not just a soldier. He the confederacy Hitler.

And in AmeriKKKa we got ppl complaining about taking those statues down.

Didn’t we take down the statues of Sodom Hussein ?

Then who was the one that decided the South still needed slaves? And he was LEADING and evil army.

I mean we excuted all of the German generals.

Your lack of knowledge on history is appalling.

Seriously. You have no clue.
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I’m talking about America here.

So am I. There have been both black and white slaves in America, and, despite the fact that slavery has been illegal for many years, there are still human trafficking rings in America selling people (black and white) as sex slaves.
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Call me Tom and play the victim

Everyone gets it, you are black, stop letting that define you
You mocking your own race. That’s shameful.

I didn’t hear about slavery in America still. I gotta look up on that. Ain’t cool. We won the war on it and it’s illegal now
Call me Tom and play the victim

Everyone gets it, you are black, stop letting that define you

I'm sorry, but I don't understand how calling someone Uncle Tom is derogatory. Uncle Tom was the hero of the book, standing up for and taking punishment unto death (a Christ figure) for the people he was trying to protect and is that a negative? Maybe I need to read it again.
You mocking your own race. That’s shameful.

I didn’t hear about slavery in America still. I gotta look up on that. Ain’t cool. We won the war on it and it’s illegal now

Killing people is illegal too and people are murdered every day. Just because something is deemed illegal doesn't mean it isn't happening anymore. It's illegal to speed on the interstate too.
I'm sorry, but I don't understand how calling someone Uncle Tom is derogatory. Uncle Tom was the hero of the book, standing up for and taking punishment unto death (a Christ figure) for the people he was trying to protect and is that a negative? Maybe I need to read it again.
You do. He never killed that slave owner but kept sucking up to him even after he took all his life from him. I did a poster on it in school
Killing people is illegal too and people are murdered every day. Just because something is deemed illegal doesn't mean it isn't happening anymore. It's illegal to speed on the interstate too.
Yeah I know. But it’s SLAVERY
MURDER is illegal too
Yeah but that the action of just one person. Slavery is a big organized thing. And yeah I know organized crime is a thing but man. Slavery?! SMH. We fought a whole damm war on this
You do. He never killed that slave owner but kept sucking up to him even after he took all his life from him. I did a poster on it in school

Ok, so you're taking the stance that he should have stood up to the slave owner and killed him instead of "turning the other cheek", and that somehow diminishes the fact that he took a beating unto death to save others? I can understand the logic in finding that a negative, but you're missing the Christian theme implicit in the work...that's why UT didn't retaliate.

Jesus did the same thing in the Bible...took a beating from the Roman authorities and was put to death to save the world from sin. That's where the UT theme came from.
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The government need to focus on THAT even before healthcare. How does that happen here?!
Ok, so you're taking the stance that he should have stood up to the slave owner and killed him instead of "turning the other cheek", and that somehow diminishes the fact that he took a beating unto death to save others? I can understand the logic in finding that a negative, but you're missing the Christian theme implicit in the work...that's why UT didn't retaliate.
Blacks have been enslaved by Christianity for a long time. But that’s a topic for a different day
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Ok, so you're taking the stance that he should have stood up to the slave owner and killed him instead of "turning the other cheek", and that somehow diminishes the fact that he took a beating unto death to save others? I can understand the logic in finding that a negative, but you're missing the Christian theme implicit in the work...that's why UT didn't retaliate.

Jesus did the same thing in the Bible...took a beating from the Roman authorities and was put to death to save the world from sin. That's where the UT theme came from.
I don’t follow Christianity so I don’t know the ins and outs of it but Uncle Tom was blind to the white mans evil until the end of the story
Blacks have been enslaved by Christianity for a long time. But that’s a topic for a different day

True Christianity doesn't condone slavery, although some organized religions might have in the past, they don't represent all Christians. But I agree that's another topic entirely.
True Christianity doesn't condone slavery, although some organized religions might have in the past, they don't represent all Christians. But I agree that's another topic entirely.
It has parts in it that say the woman is beneath the man and it doesn’t condem slavery.
President Lincoln

""I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so,"

Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

This was Lincoln’s way of trying to keep the Union together. The south didn’t believe honest Abe’s lie though, and went to war anyway, and yes, it was because of slavery.

Why do people believe myths about the Confederacy? Because our textbooks and monuments are wrong.
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Man this human trafficking thing ain’t no joke. We gotta do something about this

Where’s Harriet when you need her
You go to a restaurant and have a nice dinner. At the end, they give you a bill and you pay. Now you can’t say that you are paying cook’s salary, Restaurant’s rent, server’s salary etc, because you just paid for the damn dinner you had. How the restaurant owner spends that money is none of your business.

Tax is like that. It is the bill you pay for getting to live in a safe community. Military, road, and other services. No one is stealing your money or punishing you for making good money . No one can a million dollars out of thin air. You make that kind of money by making use of Human Resources, infrastructure, capital from the bank, a market where you can sell your product or service etc, all provided by the country. The tax is a little price you pay for availing those things. I believe that in Cayman Islands the income tax is zero, now can you make one million there by doing what you do here?

So stop whining and pay your fair share. I pay around $80k in taxes every year , I do that happily and with pride.

I have said this dozen times. America is not on Mars. In every country the people pay progressive tax, if you make more means you consume more resources and you have to pay little more tax. That’s all. Don’t repeat the same tired slogans the politicians and Fox News use to brainwash you.
It’s more like we’re all there eating and 51 % of the room decides me and a couple others need to pay everyone’s bill. Then they say they’ll lock in a clost if I don’t pay and if I resist going in the closet they kill me. Then half of them add deserts to the tab
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Everyone is contributing to the society, not just the rich people and the corporations. If someone doesn’t make good money, doesn’t mean that he is useless but he helps someone else to make good money. So it is the responsibility of the society/government to take care of everyone . You cannot make a million a year, unless you find people who work for minimum wages and to buy your products or service
It is categorically not true that everyone contributes to the good of society
It is categorically not true that everyone contributes to the good of society

Without prisoners there would be no prisons and fewer cops. Without sick people there would be less doctors. Without children there would be no teachers, schools, or future. Without the disabled there wouldn’t be jobs for caregivers. How does everyone in society not in some way not contribute to the “good” of society?
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I see your point. With healthcare, the poor get some assistance in the form of Medicaid. Those older than 65 get Medicare . I am worried about the rest of the people. We can set uniform premium for all if that’s all it takes. Now we are forced to pay three times to some private entities who bribe the politicians and make us helpless. If you take drugs we pay 5 to 10 times more than other countries
But you don’t want a uniform premium because a lot of folks would immediately declare they cannot afford it, and a uniform premium that everyone could afford (which doesn’t exist) would never cover the cost
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Without prisoners there would be no prisons and fewer cops. Without sick people there would be less doctors. Without children there would be no teachers, schools, or future. Without the disabled there wouldn’t be jobs for caregivers. How does everyone in society not in some way not contribute to the “good” of society?
Right. Even ppl that don’t “contribute” help out in some way. You break into someone’s house, and they gotta buy a new window. Helped out the glass maker.
But you don’t want a uniform premium because a lot of folks would immediately declare they cannot afford it, and a uniform premium that everyone could afford (which doesn’t exist) would never cover the cost

The government could help control the costs if the people who ran the government weren’t already bought by lobbyists. And don’t worry, you’ll still be able to afford that lease on your BMW, physicians are well paid in countries with socialized medicine.
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I wish they’d see that too! I love everybody. I just want everyone to be taken care of.
Thinking you have the right to seize my pay because I did better than someone else isn’t love. It is evil
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Only in America the politicians will pass a law against Medicare NEGOTIATE drug prices and let the drug companies charge whatever they want. In other countries, there is tight price control on drugs. Ironically over half the population believes it is free market and government should not control prices. I hope and pray that your children don’t get life threatening allergies and you have to pay $800 for each Epipen . Because then you would want to become a socialist
No. No I would not
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But that means we all have problems that make us sick. We can still share the burden
It’s not sharing a burden if you make the other guy carry yours and you carry nothing, that’s not what that means
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I just don’t understand the line of logic that says just because socialized medicine has worked everywhere it’s been tried we can’t try it here because it can’t possibly work.
Then how other governments make them available for $1 or $2. Now direct question. Like other countries place price control for drugs, will you demand from our politicians that we should also do that instead of making it illegal to even negotiate? Say yes or no. Do not blame the government again bu the politicians
You can’t keep separating the govt as an inherently virtuous entity , the govt is only as good as what it’s doing at any given time
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This is such a nice break from hearing about how midlevels are going to destroy all life on this planet as we know it.
sea turtle, swim away, this guys a troll

The thing is, he’s not. I’ve read some of his other postings on here that aren’t so politically charged and he’s a legitimate pre-med hopeful.

I do believe with this issue (and others in this thread), we’ve spiraled down into two sides shouting at each other.
We all wanna make our country better. That’s why we here
I just think there gotta be some give and take. Can’t have your cake and eat it know what I mean
I just think there gotta be some give and take. Can’t have your cake and eat it know what I mean

The problem is that you want me to bake the cake and then forcefully take it away from me to give it to someone else.
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The problem is that you want me to bake the cake and then forcefully take it away from me to give it to someone else.
Only ppl that need it. We read a passage in school senior year. Said something about providing what you can and only taking what you need to survive, pretty noble way to think about it
Only ppl that need it. We read a passage in school senior year. Said something about providing what you can and only taking what you need to survive, pretty noble way to think about it

No. You don't have the right to take my stuff and then act like you're being all noble.

Lol what you described in the end of your quote is essentially communism.
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I mean it makes sense though. I mean thinking about it, why ppl got nice ass stuff when other ppl can’t even EAT. I ain’t even gonna play like I’m an expert but it’s food for thought