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Aug 9, 2004
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Hey everyone!

I think I just found my new home on the web! :) It was really nice to find out there are other crazy people like me who start thinking about and planning their applications and researching schools over a year in advance :)

I just thought I'd introduce myself... My name is Deanna, I'm 19 and entering my sophomore year of undergrad (and will be a junior at the end of the fall semester). With AP credits, that the schools I want to go to thankfully accept, Ill have the prereqs done to apply in the spring! yeah! Though Im not planning on getting in on only 3 years of undergrad at least Ill have the application experience and another year to try again. Im from the Philly area in Pennsylvania, so Im hoping to go to Penn, I also plan to apply to Tufts, Colorado State, Western, maybe Cornell... we'll see. I go to school just outside Lexington, Ky, and being a horse nut, I'm an Equine Science major with at least a minor or maybe even a double major with Bio (if Im there 4 years). I work at one of the huge equine clinics in Lexington when Im at school which is great and I love it, its all emergency work, and when Im home, I work at a small animal private practice which is totally different but I enjoy it, too! Ive been riding for 7 years and my family raises German Shepherd puppies for the Seeing Eye so Im always around animals. My ultimate goal is to specialize in equine repro, and genetics fascinate me, so heres to at least 6 more years of school and 2-3 in residency! hehe

'Tis all for now :)

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Hey Deanna,
Welcome to the forum, my name's Starla. I wish I had applied last year just to get the experience of doing it and not do it at the same time as I'm doing all my senior year stuff for undergrad, so good job on doing that earlier even when you don't expect to get in. I go to college at Eastern Kentucky University which is about 40mins South-East of Lexington. That's really cool that you are going into equine reproduction. It sounds fun to raise seeing eye puppies, but how can you stand to see the go when they are ready to go into full training?? Good luck on getting into the vet school you want, maybe even sooner than you expect. I may be a bit strange, but I actually look forward to having at least another 5 years in school, I wouldn't know what to do if I had to enter the 'real world' next year.
Hello :)

I'm new to the boards also... found them about a week ago, I only wish I had found them sooner! I've already been through the whole applying process, graduted in may, etc... and I'll be headed off to U of Glasgow in about 3 weeks to start school! woot! :D

It sounds like you're already on a good game plan... getting *tons* of experience (one area i was lacking in actually - had tons of volunteer - but apparently they like work experience better... humph) Good luck with the applying process, it can be a bit nerve wracking.

I'm also interested in repro... actually almost decided not to go to vet school to get my masters in reproductive endocrinology ;) I think I may go more towards research though, hopefully one day working with the Speicies Survival Plan/exotics.

....just to give you a heads up, I'm not real sure how far you've looked into Western - they came and gave a presentation here for our pre-vet club - I wasn't too impressed with the way that they are planning to teach. The way it was described, you have hardly no lecture time and all of your 'learning' is meant to be hands on/see it first type of experience. I"m not sure about you, but i would have hard time learning that way! I need my notes from lecture to help me truely understand the material.... but, the other way is better for some people *shrug* just thought I'd point it out :)


I go to Midway College, I didnt mention it cuz I didnt think anyone would have heard of it... teeny tiny school, "midway" between lexington and frankfort :)
The puppies are almost impossibly difficult to give up for training, we are on our 3rd puppy right now, and its so hard, but when you see them in action later on, you are so proud of them and you know its for a really amazing cause. Besides, 1/3 of them get dismissed from the program for some reason or another so we statistically should get to keep one soon :)

Thanks for the info on Western, I havent seen too much on them except what they sent me and that fact that they dont look at state residency. I tend to do well with the hands on stuff, but not having lecture at all is a little scary, yikes! But Id have to get in first anyways :)

So nice hearing from everyone!