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10+ Year Member
May 5, 2010
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Hi all,

I'm writing to let this community know that my group is looking to hire.

I am a mid-career anesthesiologist, and during my career I have worked in a number of settings, big/small, academic/private, urban/suburban.

My current practice is a gem. We are private, MD-owned, and relatively small (~10 docs and ~20 crnas). The practice has the contract at a community hospital (Ortho, OB, Bariatrics, General, Vascular, Endo, no hearts, no crani, no pedi, no trauma) near Hartford CT and ~10 outpatient locations (endo, gyn, ophtho, plastics). Our practice does tons of regional and the surgeons we work with are almost always amenable to new nerve blocks.

My practice has several strengths, but the one that stands out is what I would describe as ethics. The founding principles of the group are:
1) to treat people fairly
2) provide excellent cutting-edge care
3) achieve financial success
Many practices will say things like this, but mine is the first I have seen to actually live up to it. We were founded by physician anesthesiologists who continue to operate the practice (no private equity players pulling strings half a country away).

Two examples: I have seen first hand how my practice supports its own when surgeons step out of line. Furthermore, the practice invests in quality support staff who take care of preops, followups, benefits, credentialling, so that the MDs can focus on patient care. What is particularly remarkable is that the practice does this while maintaining a strong financial position. For example, mine is the only practice I know of that weathered COVID without cutting MD pay.

At the risk of sounding too good to be true, there is another feature of the practice that I should mention. We own a beach apartment in Hawaii and use it some fraction of the year to do locums work there, depending on interest and availability of our staff. When the apartment is vacant it is available to our staff, free of charge.

We are growing and always interested in chatting with strong candidates.

Please feel free to message me here on SDN with inquiries. I will respond to all messages within 24 hours.

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Damn. CT is hard up for talents. First the other CT dude and now you.

Will you give a little more specifics for my young friends who may be interested?

Edit: sorry just saw Hartford, CT buried in your post
Members don't see this ad :)
Sounds like a solid group, and a great opportunity for someone who wants to work in that area. I wish you the best of luck.

With that said, I will say this to any possible applicant, especially the new grads out there, and it doesn’t simply apply to THIS job, but to ANY private practice or AMC job that is on a 2-3 year contract schedule:

You are ONE jerk-off CEO/COO away from being out on your ear and looking for another job, or having your current situation shot all to hell. All it takes is for one of those administrators to fall for another anesthesia group’s BS sales pitch, or to demand that your group take on “new business” (bad/slow surgeons, large volume of poor payor mix patients, becoming a “trauma” center, take over the underperforming/poorly scheduled hospital-owned surgery center down the street).

ALWAYS try to find out if the hospital administration are long-term folks, or if they are simply “revolving-door” corporate types, working 2-4 year stints up the corporate ladder (common for hospitals owned by huge corporations).

Again, good luck with hiring, and here’s hoping that this gig stays “golden” for another 10-20 years!!
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I entered seriously thinking about some insights into "GEM". After all, we talked about $, stocks, guns, wine, cars, bags, shoes, etc. Finally it is gem!!!!

Feels like a good group. Thanks for posting!
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Damn. CT is hard up for talents. First the other CT dude and now you.

Will you give a little more specifics for my young friends who may be interested?

Happy to give more details if appropriate. Message me and I will reply.
Sounds like a solid group, and a great opportunity for someone who wants to work in that area. I wish you the best of luck.

With that said, I will say this to any possible applicant, especially the new grads out there, and it doesn’t simply apply to THIS job, but to ANY private practice or AMC job that is on a 2-3 year contract schedule:

You are ONE jerk-off CEO/COO away from being out on your ear and looking for another job, or having your current situation shot all to hell. All it takes is for one of those administrators to fall for another anesthesia group’s BS sales pitch, or to demand that your group take on “new business” (bad/slow surgeons, large volume of poor payor mix patients, becoming a “trauma” center, take over the underperforming/poorly scheduled hospital-owned surgery center down the street).

ALWAYS try to find out if the hospital administration are long-term folks, or if they are simply “revolving-door” corporate types, working 2-4 year stints up the corporate ladder (common for hospitals owned by huge corporations).

Again, good luck with hiring, and here’s hoping that this gig stays “golden” for another 10-20 years!!
A lot of wisdom here, I wish I had this approach early in my career instead of attempting to maximize short term dollars.